Some days never come back again.

Submitted into Contest #32 in response to: Write a story about someone who can pause time or re-live old memories at will.... view prompt



"What are memories if they did not bring back more memories!" she thought as she tried to open her eyes. The night is long if you cannot sleep and only think of the good things that happened to you and realize that it is never going to happen again. She smiled because she knew even the memories make her happy. Some moments are worth a lifetime. She closed her eyes, gently and let her mind float to some smiles back in her college hostel.

She had some beautiful people because they loved truly and laughed; those moments were honest. She remembered that particular night when the three of them were out on their bikes. It was a breezy night, and they had nothing to do. Classes and homework was less prioritized when they wanted to live under the clear sky. All of them had something in common, which made them so right to one another. 

They took their bikes, rode far off from the hostel, and sat on the concrete road somewhere in their vast campus. It was around midnight, and there was no chaos, no hustle for going to class, there was the cold wind soothing their mind and blowing their hair. Somewhere the guard blew his whistle, which disturbed the calm, but the time was pleasant.  They sat there for some time, three of them. They were always together but very different. One of them was funny, smart, and outgoing. She always knew to speak the best thing at the right time. The other was smart and tough. She expressed her mind and spoke to people they do not usually expect to hear. The third one, she was caring and soft and sometimes did not know to talk the best. Either she spoke for the best or the worst. But all of them knew one to laugh together and cry with the other.

Suddenly the funny one tells a joke about a bug peeing on the ground, and they burst out laughing. Their talks wander from one thing to the other; they talk about the weird couple in their class, their probable wedding, they talk about their earlier stupid, funny experiences and laugh again. They get a little dangerous, talk about their future and sigh, and then decide to rely on time. They eat the candies thy had in their bikes and realize that it is time they get back to the room because the same street expects them tomorrow morning to be going to classes, aah! They cycle back, very lazily, and complain about the professors and assignments but little that they can change a thing.

She remembered while returning, they would again prefer to sit on their hostel lawn and waste some more time. After all, time is all they had! It was time; they had to drag themselves into their small cozy room, which they preferred calling as 'Home.' And oh, as usual, the single water bottle did not have water. One of them had to be courageous enough to go to the distant water purifier and some cold water. That was necessary, and they had to do it. While one makes the bed, two others fetch the water because it is scary enough for one to go alone.

Everything seems perfect; the bed is ready, there is water, and they jump in the bed together and guess what, the bright tube light is still shining brilliant right on the top of their heads. Who is going to get up from the bed and switch it off?! The one who sleeps at last and look at them, all pretending to be fast asleep in a minute. Cute little girls! Then one asks the other to get up and switch it off. Finally, it happens; they switch it off. 

The perfect night isn't! The fresh air from the air cooler, the darkness of the night, and the tiredness of the day. They fall asleep. The next day begins in a few hours!

She smiles again and wakes up from the bed. Her day has already been; it was not the time for her to sleep. She wanted to sleep peacefully; she had a bigger bed, more water bottles with fresh water, best temperature, and even more time to sleep neither she had to get up to switch the light off. But somehow she wakes in the middle of the night and turns around to find no-one else. She sighs, the smile fades, and she gets up. There was time when she would turn around and hug her best pal. Her friend would be irritated but not feel alone. The next day they would make fun of the last night snuggles. It was embarrassing but loving. Now she is all by herself. After all, time flew, and she flew very far with time. They do not have the same nights and days as they had. Everything is far and away. All she had was to stop herself for some time and think of the things she never thought would be so important to her.

She had minimal expectations at this time. She did not want to create the same memories with someone else, nor does she want anyone to bring such happiness to her. She is contemptuous. She knows over time, they might create some more happy memories, there might be moments just as important as those, but she knew those moments were theirs. They lived in them. They will always be special. With all these mixed thoughts, she heads off to take a shower. She knew she could not think of the moments and not live the present. But she could never stop thinking of them. Everything brings back memories of her college. The big washroom with the smell of flowers and the big tub, which she always fantasized, did not fancy anymore. She longed to bathe in the dark bathroom, trying out the face wash her roommates bought! Life was different then.

March 13, 2020 02:33

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