Little Sia

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt

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A beautiful sky , in it’s full sunset glory , cool heavenly breeze with a soothing floral fragrance , while Sia paces along the Snow White clouds on her pony ..... when she hears a distant voice calling her , “Siaaaa...... honey ..... Siaaaaa “ the voice keeps getting clearer and boom ..... Sia finds herself on her cozy little bed with her mom gently waking her up for school . 

Not again , why do I have to go to school again ??? The very thought of going to school makes Sia restless . Sia moved to the new place with her family about a month back and since then she has been trying to adjust to the new environment. Sia is a lovely little 6 year old shy and quiet girl who talks very less as compared to an average 6 year old . She understands, comprehends and is able to express almost everything by drawing and occasionally speaking . Sia only talks to her parents , no matter how hard they try to make her speak in front of others , she would just nod or stay quiet . 

Sia finally gets ready for school. She has her favourite art class today , so that gives her the little push to go to school . Ms Smith the art teacher is taking the kids out in the garden for the class. “Draw anything you feel like “ , says Ms Smith . Sia picks up her crayons and starts drawing , enthusiastically , a pony that she saw in her dream last night . A beautiful white pony with curly pink and purple locks reaching to its toes and white wings. Sia mostly draws animals and loves giving them different shades. “ Surprise !!!!” exclaims Ms Smith , “ Guess what class! We have a field trip coming up this Friday !!!! And we are going to the zoo!!!!” An unusually quiet Sia brightens up and joins the class in the excitement. Ms .Smith is pleasantly surprised to see Sia finally joining the cheer . 

Sia excitedly shares the news with her mom after she comes home . “ wow Sia I am so happy to see you excited for the trip l”. “ I am soooo excited mommy ! “ , Sia speaks ever so softly .  This is the first time her parents have seen Sia so happy and cheerful after they moved . 

Finally it’s Friday and Sia is all geared up for the trip . Sia looks cute in her red and white polka dot outfit with a red hat . It’s a beautiful sunny day , a perfect day for outdoors. “ yayyy !!”, the kids cheer when they see the magnificent chimpanzees . Sia is the only one who looks quietly in amazement, when the chimp slowly approaches her and they look at each other . Sia’s eyes sparkle with excitement as if she heard something . “ I am Sia “, she says and the chimp grins happily . Raina ,Sia’s classmate notices and whispers in Sia’s ears , “ what are you doing ?” Sia looks at her realising they need to move ahead to the next area . “ look it’s the lion !!!!!”  , the trip supervisor announces . The lion growls hearing all the excitement, and doesn’t look too happy. Sia stares at the giant and says , “ shhhhh the lion’s cubs are sleeping “ “ Indeed ! “ says the zookeeper . “ You guessed it right ! “ the zookeeper replies . Sia knows it isn’t a guess as she can sense the vibrations very clearly now , she knows she can understand what the lion was indicating , but she keeps quiet . Sia whispers in Raina’s ears , “ I can hear what the lion was saying “. Raina looks back with a question mark on her face . 

“ yes ! I can , I can understand what  the animals are trying to say ! “ says Sia. Before they could discuss further it was time to move forward and wherever Sia went she could feel a strange but positive vibe from all the animals . She could feel the joy the pelicans were having , she could understand what the mama elephant was lovingly saying to her calves , she could laugh with the monkeys . 

Soon it was time to go back home .

Sia comes home tired , but beaming with confidence . She hugs her mom and dad , but she is unsure of sharing her excitement , as she was not sure of what was happening . She had her dinner quietly , when her mom asks about the trip . She replies happily that it was great , and she even made a friend Raina . Her mom feels relieved on hearing her small achievement. 

“ Sleep well sweetheart ! , I am happy you have a friend now “ says Sia’s mom while tucking her in . Sia holds her mom’s hand to stop her from leaving . “ mom , there is something I want to tell you ! “ Sia speaks softly . “ What is it sweetie ? “ mom says , confusingly whether she should be happy that her Sia is finally opening up or is there something serious ?  “ Tell me ‘ “ mom gets in bed with Sia . “ mom , today at the zoo I could actually hear the animals talking “ Sia shares excitedly . Mom looks at Sia surprisingly, “ Really ? Well that’s awesome ! What did you hear ? “ Sia told everything about the lion’s caring attitude towards his cubs , elephant’s affection for her calves , monkeys having fun . 

Mom lovingly kisses Sia’s forehead and tells her that she is proud of her . Sia falls asleep with a smile on her face . 

The next day Sia wakes up ever so fresh , as she realises she has a gift. She spends the day drawing her experience at the zoo . Today she agrees to go out for a walk in the park for the first time . Mom and Sia find a place to sit under a tree on a bench . A small little sparrow comes flying by and sits on the bench next to Sia . Mom notices but keeps quiet as she can’t believe what she was observing . The bird slowly hopped onto Sia’s lap and both of them look at each other briefly . Sia says , “ Mom , the bird says she is hungry “, and offers her a tiny scrap of the cookie she was eating . The bird willingly took the piece from her hand and flew away . Sia’s face lit up with joy and her mom couldn’t believe what she just saw . Her little bundle of joy has a gift , a gift to hear the conversations that no one else can . 

While the mother and daughter were sharing the excitement, Mr Brown happened to cross with his golden retriever Max . They exchange greetings and Max lovingly comes neat Sia and they share a moment of happiness together .Sia lovingly pets Max and realises all isn’t well with Max . She whispers in her mom’s ears that Max is not well . Mom doesn’t know how to react but she asks Mr Brown , if Max is alright . “ Yes , why do you ask ? “ asks Mr Brown . “ uh .... Sia is very fond of animals you see , she just asked me as she’s a bit shy “ mom replied. “ Mr Brown , please take him to the doctor , it seems there is something wrong with him. “ tells Sia . Mr Brown looks surprised , but being a decent neighbour he says he will and thanks Sia for the concern . 

Mr Brown incidentally had an appointment with the vet that very day for Max’s vaccination. The vet examines Max and finds that Max was actually suffering from a heart condition and needed immediate attention . He prescribed some medicines and some tests and asks Mr Brown to keep a check . Mr Brown comes back and immediately calls up Sia’s parents . “ You don’t know how grateful I am to your daughter “ , says Mr Brown . He tells the entire conversation he had with the vet . 

Mom puts the phone down and looks at Sia with pride . She hugs her tightly and tells her that Max is going to be fine . 

A quiet little girl has realised her power today , she can feel the unsaid words of the god’s wonderful creation and she is going to do whatever it takes to help give them a better life . 

July 03, 2020 20:22

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1 comment

Sia S
04:53 Oct 15, 2020

Hi Monica! Aww I loved the concept! Lol my name is Sia too! And I am pretty shy lol.!


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