Submitted to: Contest #62

Field trips when your name is Beatrice

Written in response to: "Write about a character preparing to go into stasis for decades (or centuries)."

Kids Fiction

โ€œCome on, people! If weโ€™re gonna finish touring this museum today, weโ€™re gonna have to hustle!โ€ Mrs. Harui shouted over our excited voices. Mrs. Harui is my science teacher, and today we were going to the science center. Iโ€™m ok with science, but it's not my favourite subject ever. My name is Beatrice, and my friends and I are the exact same (kind of). Rea likes art, just like I do. Jumi loves hummus, just like me, and Mary likes to practice skateboard tricks, even if she gets hurt in the process, JUST LIKE ME. So we basically did everything together, and I was devastated when we were all  separated into different groups for the scavenger hunt. Rea was whisked off into an all-girl group, Jumi was in the group with the teacher, and Mary went with her friends that she played with when we weren't around. I looked around at my group members: boys, boys, and more boys. Oof, I thought. Today was going to be a long day.

 I was with a group of boys that hung out with each other every single day. Their leader, Marcus, was who wore the same leather jacket for 2 years straight, and who will keep doing that until heโ€™s 16. Marcusโ€™s โ€œhenchmenโ€ were Joshua and Harry. Joshua and Harry were like their own mini group, because they stuck to each other like E6000 glue. They did whatever Marcus asked them to do; go throw something in the garbage, or buy something for him from the vending machine WITH THEIR OWN MONEY. The last member of their group was Fio. He just hung out with them just so he could tell his mom that he had friends at school to talk to. So he was like the back-cast part of their group that never, ever talks. So they were chatting about the new Doritos flavour, was when I walked over. They froze and Marcus asked me, โ€œWhat are you doing here, Beatrice?โ€ I just held up the index card with our names circled in a group, putting on a smug and disappointed face at the same time. Marcus looked up at me and said, โ€œReally? Who would think of grouping us together?โ€ Joshua and Harry nodded their heads and echoed Marcus. โ€œYes, yeah, who would think of that?โ€ they said in almost-unison. Fio just nodded his head solemnly. โ€œSoโ€, I started. โ€œWhat do we do?โ€ Marcus responded, โ€œWell, I guess we just start the scavenger hunt.โ€ I nodded and asked, โ€œSo, whereโ€™s the list?โ€ Marcus gestured to Joshua and Harry, and then they both scrambled around, finally giving Marcus a pink index card that had 5 different things listed on it. An artifact that is at least 1000 years old, a prehistoric sea object, something that is red, an artifact that means love, and something that shows the span of time. โ€œWhat should we find first?โ€ I asked. โ€œLetโ€™s just find the closest exhibit and find stuff in there.โ€ Marcus said. Joshua and Harry nodded, and Marcus led us to the nearest exhibit, which turned out to be the dinosaur exhibit. โ€œI think we can find a prehistoric sea creature hereโ€ Marcus said, observing the room. There were glass cases throughout the whole room, with plaques on them explaining the life and death of the animals, complete with a huge skeleton of a sea dinosaur on the ceiling. โ€œLetโ€™s start looking!โ€ I said, trying to sound excited. We drifted off to different parts of the room to try and find something that was prehistoric and lived in the sea. While I was looking at a mini model of a Megalodon, Joshua called our, โ€œGuys! Come over here! Me and Harry found something!โ€ I rushed over to Joshua, who had something in his hands. โ€œArenโ€™t you not allowed to touch anything in this exhibit?โ€ I asked. Marcus and Harry came closer to our almost-huddle circle, looking at the thing in Joshuaโ€™s hands. โ€œWhat is that?โ€ Marcus asked Joshua, with a little disgust mixed in with his question. โ€œI think it's a Thresher shark toothโ€ Joshua whispered. I gave him a questioning look at how he knew that and what that is. โ€œHe reads a lot of shark books,โ€ Marcus answered. Then Harry asked him, โ€œWhy are you suddenly whispering?โ€ Joshua looked at Harry. โ€œThe Thresher shark tooth is the most valuable shark tooth in the whole world. It's even more rare than a Megalodon tooth,โ€ he said. We all looked at each other, not knowing what to do with a 12 million dollar shark tooth in Joshuaโ€™s palm. โ€œWhat about when Mrs. Harui asks us what it is, lets just say it's a Great White tooth?โ€ Marcus said, whispering so low that it was hard to hear him. We all nodded, and we stepped back from our huddle circle, Joshua slipping the Thresher tooth back into his back pocket. โ€œUmm, where should we go next?โ€ I asked, breaking the tense silence in the air. Marcus brought out the index card, and crossed off the prehistoric sea object off the list. โ€œLet's find the something that is red thing,โ€ Marcus said. He led us out of the dinosaur exhibit, while us feeling very awkward with Joshua having a rare shark tooth in his pocket. He brought us to the Middle Eastern part of the science center. It was filled with draped clothing on mannequins, and the things they brought on their long desert journeys. At the back of the exhibit, there was a life sized model of a person on the back of a camel, looking out to the right side of the room. Most of the things here are brownish, I thought. How are we supposed to find something RED? I looked around, and my eyes immediately spotted a red gem at the very corner of the room. I walked quickly over to the stand, and picked the gem up. The plaque said that the gem wasnโ€™t the real thing, it was just a replica. It also said that the red gem belonged to one of the noble people in ancient Saudi Arabia. I walked over to Marcus, showing him the gem. โ€œOk, wait, is that an actual ruby?โ€ I shook my head. โ€œOk, guys, Beatrice got the red thing, so let's go find something else!โ€ Marcus called to Joshua, Harry and Fio. Fio was so quiet this whole time, I almost forgot he was here. Marcus brought out the index card, and crossed the something that is red off the card. โ€œI wanna do something that shows the span of time thing, โ€˜cause that sounds really cool.โ€ Joshua said, looking at Marcus for reassurance. It looked like Marcus didnโ€™t say yes to many things that Joshua and Harry asked, because when Marcus nodded his head, Joshuaโ€™s eyebrows shot up in surprise. Joshua took a step forward reluctantly, but when Marcus didnโ€™t say anything, Joshua started walking more confidently and led us to the Science Fiction part of the science center. We reached this exhibit, and it was very interesting. There were aliens, UFOโ€™s, unrealistic spaceships everywhere in the room. Even the room was a bit wack. It was shaped like a dodecagon(which is basically just a 3-D octagon that has a big belly in the middle). We didnโ€™t even have time to look around when Fio said something. Fio NEVER says anything, so we ran over to him quickly. He said, โ€œ Time Machine.โ€ Fio pointed at a big cylinder, about 3 meters high, wide enough to fit a person in it just standing at the side of the wack-shaped room. Then all of a sudden, two people dressed like lab scientists jumped out from behind the cylinder. โ€œAAAAHH!โ€ we all shouted, jumping back. โ€œOh, sorry about that,โ€ said a tall scientist with pale skin and an Australian accent. โ€œWe had just realized, the girl is the one!โ€ the second scientist said. He had light olive skin, with a bright blonde hairdo, also with an Australian accent. โ€œWhat do you mean Iโ€™m the one?โ€ I asked, getting up from where we got ambushed. โ€œSorry, you donโ€™t know about that,โ€ said the first scientist. โ€œDavid, shall we tell them?โ€ said the second scientist. David nodded his head. โ€œSo one day, our boss told us that we couldnโ€™t go in this time machine we built cause weโ€™re adults and all that nonsense,โ€ started the second scientist. โ€œAnd then my boss said,โ€™ Orel, if you want to conduct this experiment, you need a child to do it for you!โ€™โ€ โ€œHeโ€™s Orel, by the way,โ€ said David. We all nodded and Marcus said,โ€ Okโ€ฆโ€ Then Orel continued. โ€Then he said that it has to be a girl. Why? No idea. AND he says her name needs to start with a B, and need to end with an E. Why this specific? I do not know. But my boss said that only a girl with those requirements can go into the time machine, so thatโ€™s that,โ€ Orel ended, crossing his arms in frustration. โ€œUmm.. so when is Beatrice supposed to go into that time machine thingy?โ€ Marcus asked. โ€œSheโ€™s not going into a time machine,โ€ said David. โ€œSheโ€™s going to go into a stasis, which is basically being frozen in time.โ€ My eyes widened in panic. โ€œWhat if I die of hypothermia, or frostbite, or--โ€ David held up his hand, and Orel told me, "You wonโ€™t actually be frozen. Youโ€™ll just like, stop moving for a while.โ€  โ€œOk,โ€ I said. โ€œWait, what about my parents, will they know Iโ€™m going into this thing?โ€ Orel replied,โ€ I wish, but if your parents interfere, it will affect the results of the experiment greatly. So just pretend that everything is normal, and you will not be going into a time stasis chamber in two days.โ€ I panicked again. โ€œTwo days! How am I even supposed to prepare?โ€ โ€œYou donโ€™t,โ€ said David. โ€œLike Orel said, pretend everything is normal.โ€ I nodded, kinda confused but getting what Iโ€™m supposed to do. Marcus crossed something that shows the span of time of the list, said bye to Orel and David, and then they walked behind the stasis chamber, disappearing out of sight. We walked back to the place where Mrs. Harui said to meet up at 2:00pm, and we arrived just in time, because Mrs. Harui was taking attendance. She saw us and nodded, like she understood what just happened. All throughout the day, I was wondering what being frozen in time would be like, but before I knew it, two days passed, and I was back at the science center. I walked over to the science fiction exhibit, alone this time. I walked over to the stasis chamber, which David and Orel were hiding behind magically. David said,โ€ Step inside, and close your eyes.โ€ โ€œThatโ€™s it?โ€ I asked, surprised at how easy this was. Orel nodded his head. I stepped inside, and looked around. It was basically a scaled-up can of frosting when all the frosting was eaten. I turned around, and laid down in the huge frosting can, facing up. I closed my eyes, and Davidโ€™s voice asked,โ€ You ready?โ€ I nodded my head, bracing for impact. A pause of silence. Orel then said,โ€ See you.โ€ I heard the door of the chamber close, and I was shaken, like a bottle of orange juice. Colourful lights flashed in front of my eyes, so bright that it almost blinded me. Then the door of the chamber opened. As I stepped out, I looked around in awe. The land was a bright purple, with a silver skyline in the distance. The sky was a soft pink, and little tiny UFOs were flying around the sky, with little green blobs placed inside of them. I realized just then, I was in the future.

Posted Oct 08, 2020

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63 likes 37 comments

17:25 Oct 19, 2020

Hey Amethyst!

Soooo l'm gonna start off with the good stuff then move on to the crtitical stuff.

Amazing idea! I love the setting in the science center and I feel like you've probably experienced some parts of this story yourself! I love how you incorporated some humor into your story too! (your're a really funny oerson in real life so I'm not surprised)

Ok so now the critical stuff....

Near the start of the story, you wrote this sentnece...

"Joshua called our, โ€œGuys! Come over here! Me and Harry....."

You probably meant "Joshua called us over" :)

I also agree with Pearcey, I think you sohuld've broken it into paragraphs to make it easier to read.

This was a very fast paced story and I think the ending was aewsome! I would've loved if you adding in some things like what happens to her, and if she comes back. But other than that, great story!

- Sapphire


Thanks, yea I think I missed that little error. I forgot to break the story up, so thats how that happened. Thanks for your comment!
- Amethyst


18:55 Oct 19, 2020



H Pearcey
00:15 Oct 17, 2020

I thought your story was very interesting! I loved how you described the science center. The details made it easy to image the place. I think it would be easier to read if the story was broken into different paragraphs instead of one big one. I was also waiting for an explanation as to why Beatrice was chosen to go into stasis, why she went along with it so easily, and what the stasis was for. I think it's a good story, I was just hoping for these explanations!


Thanks for commenting, H Pearcey! I forgot to break it up into paragraphs before submitting it, because I usually write a big block, and then break it up before I submit it. I agree with you for why Beatrice had to go with the stasis, and what is was for, so thanks for pointing that out! I will try to get those details in my next stories!
- Amethyst


TJ Squared
02:53 Apr 11, 2021

ooh the future eh? somehow Orel really reminds me of Oreo probably because the names are so similar. once more, the mushed up paragraphs were the only thing I could concentrate on.
it's like...why are girls whose name start with a b and end with an e only allowed? that limits the options sure, but there are still names like Bee, Brooke, Bonnie, Belle, and so on.
I think that's it :)


Lol yeah
Yeah ok :< Iโ€™m sorry
Lol yeah I didnโ€™t think clearly ;p Iโ€™m not good at planning stories
Shanks :D


TJ Squared
19:51 Apr 11, 2021

no need to be sorry, you have definitely improved :)
don't say that, everyone has some trouble planning stories (like me right now 'cause you can't just say he has a magic sword if you get what I mean lol).
np :)


TJ Squared
22:06 Apr 11, 2021



02:30 Mar 05, 2021

Seriously, Amuh, how do you write such great stories? This was totally mys-terioussssss, and tremendous fun! (By the way are those green blobs future humans or something? Yuck!)

This Was So GREAT!

Happy today!


:D awwww thank you!!!!!!
:D they're actually aliens lol YES


you too!


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