Tusks and Dagger Part Thirty: Feathers to My Shadow

Written in response to: Start your story with someone entering a taxi and saying ‘follow that car.’... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Romance


A beautiful face stared down at me, her left black eye somehow going with her golden right eye. Her colorful hair hung like waves, the azure tips tickling my face. Her black lips curled into a smile, my body aching as I struggled to sit up. My breath hitched at her beauty, the way her scarlet waves faded to a yellow stunned me. Playing with her waves, my fingers traced the yellow that melted into her azure tips. A tender blush rose to her cheeks, the black underneath her hair capturing my attention.

“I am Avianna but you can call me Avy if you want.” Her sweet voice causing me to flutter, her black leather corset contrasting the many colors of her hair. “I have a proposition for you. If you become my mate, we can escape out of here. If you claim me as yours right now, you can remove the slave mark on my chest. So please mark me.” Confusion dawned on my face, the reality of her words hitting me.

“We just met and you don’t know my name.” I stammered nervously, my lips pressing into a thin line. "Are you sure? I am kind of old.” My heart skipped a beat the moment her fingers ruffled my hair, her laughter twinkling away. Her crooked grin stole my breath away, every part of me wanting to deny my desire to mate her.

“I am old too. I have been alive since the first queen. We were friends.” She sang angelically, her bangs almost covering her eyes. “I am the last Macaw demon, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.” Her words stunned me, the corner of my lips twitching nervously. Sitting on my lap, the scent of an ocean breeze sent my nerves into frenzy. Her hand cupped my face, her lips kissing mine sensually. Time stopped, my arms wrapping around her shoulders. All of my troubles melted away, my pride swelling the moment her fangs sank into her lips. Pausing for a moment, shame dimmed her eyes. Shaking my head, she was my mate. Pressing my lips against her hungrily, a small gasp left her lips as my fangs bit her lips. Drinking a bit of her blood, it tasted like the pound cake. Refusing to let my lips go, my hands slid down to her hips. Why did I just do that? Scarlet burned our cheeks, a sly grin brightening her face. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, the strange black mark faded away. The shape of a shadowed parrot appeared on her chest, her fingers tracing the nape of my neck. An itchy sensation burned on my neck, the reflection of the same tattoo reflecting back up at me.

“How do we get out of here?” I asked, realizing that I forgot to tell this gorgeous maiden my name. “I am Lord Somata, your mate. I guess I am now. So what’s next?” Her lips parted to speak, alarm twisting her face. Tossing me into the shadows, a cloaked figure dragged her to a shiny wagon. The odd thing was that it ran on it’s own, the square body reminding me of a carriage. Her lips mouthed skyscraper, her eyes averting to the tallest building in the distance. What was this place? Shiny buildings towered over me, the cracked black road feeling stiff under my touch. What kind of road was this? Her screams shattered the still air, a bolt of electricity silencing her. My heart died at her limp body, the carriage peeling away. A yellow version of the carriage pulled up, my brows rising at the sight of a skeleton drumming on the wheel.

“I am Taxi Tom, and my taxi is your way to your destination.” He announced, yanking me onto the bench. “Where to now?” Not sure what to say, my finger pointed to the black version of this horseless wagon.

“Follow that thing?” I ordered in a questionable tone, a fit of laughter clattering his teeth. A wicked grin danced across his lips, his foot pressing down on a gray pedal. Fury seethed in my eyes, my silver gloved hand smoothing out my scarlet velvet suit. I didn’t enter in this suit, my usual white wool shirt and cotton pants now gone.

“That thing is a car.” He informed me, cocking his head over to me. “I am so tired. He trapped me here centuries ago. At this point my soul is keeping my bones going. Follow that car? I need you to say it for the spell to go through.” Sighing deeply, these damn rules didn’t make any sense.

“Please follow that car.” I growled through gritted teeth, the word sounding foreign on my tongue. A blue light hummed around the taxi, the blue arrow lighting up the empty streets. Whipping around the corner, my fingers gripped the lap. His lack of eyeballs must have prevented him from seeing because I had nearly fallen a couple of times, her screams still haunting me. Concern filled Taxi Tom’s eyes, my stomach to sick to watch the buildings flash by. Skidding to halt, every muscle in my body protested the moment I crashed into the tallest building. Gray rock crumbled over my head, my sword slid onto my lap. My shadow towered behind me, her scent of the ocean danced in the breeze.

“You need to find her wings, tail and rainbow sword.” My shadow grumbled, pointing to the basement. “Then you need to get to the top floor. I will grant you my powers for today. It will hurt but you need to help your mate. Why did you agree to that anyway?” Struggling to my feet, it wasn’t any of his business. Scrunching my nose up in disgust, the suit was ruined. Turning to yell at Taxi Tom, he was gone.

“I don’t know.” I snapped, running my hand through my hair. “She marked me first and I didn’t have a damn choice at that point. Besides, I kind of like her. What would you know?” Chortling to himself, his hand curled around my neck. Ripping my head back, a snarl curled on my lips.

“I thought you loved the queen.” He pointed out, yanking on my hair. “Do you think this girl loves you. I mean as a shadow god myself, I know those parrot demons were always a bit flaky.” Ripping over my head, my heel pinned him to the ground. A wicked sneer darkened my lips, his form twitching underneath my boots.

“She’s dead!” I barked, slamming my heel into the side of his head. “I watched her die and put her in the fucking gem! Just get into my blade like a good boy. I own you!” Placing the tip of my blade on the ground, a steady stream of curse words left his lips as he got sucked into my blade. He was a freaking dick! Faceless demons of all colors guarded all of the entrances, my eyes falling on weakened windows into the basement. Kicking one in, the weakened glass shattered upon the first kick. Sliding in, a jagged piece of glass tore a piece of my jacket off. The glass crunched underneath my feet, a light fluttering caught my attention. Following the sound, beautiful wings stole my breath away. My eyes fell to the long tail of luscious feathers, a curved rainbow sword glinted in the yellow light. Upon closer inspection, the wings and tail matched her hypnotizing hair. Kicking the case, a force knocked me back. Pressing the tip of the blade to the glass, cracks snaked across the glass. Red lights flashed, a shrill alarm blared. Kicking the glass one last time, the glass shattered into tiny pieces. Grabbing the fleeing wings in time, my quaking fingers wrapped around the beautiful tail. Tearing off the bottom of my jacket, the sound of guards rushing my way caused sweat to bead on my forehead. Tying them together, the wings protested wildly. Petting them, a few feathers floated around the moment they calmed down. It is almost as if they recognized me, the leather hilt zapping me Taking off my jacket, her items protested as I wrapped them up. Grasping the rope tickling my nose, the beam groaned while I ripped it down. Tying her items, my blade spun in my hand.

“Shadow of Darkness! Swallow thy enemies whole.” I commanded boldly, a sea of inky blackness swallowing the room. Swinging my blade at lightning speed, the edge of the blade cut them down with ease. Snapping my fingers, the darkness lightened back to the basement. One of them had armor on and just happened to be my height, my nose wrinkled at the dusty smell. Familiar screams perked my ears, my boots pounding towards the screams. Skidding in front of a birdcage, a sinking feeling mixed with regret. Shock rounded my eyes, a flaming sword slid through my stomach. A howl of pain burst from my lips, Avianna crying out. Untying her things, her wings avoided everyone with grace. Blood dripped onto my boots, a rainbow of light blinding us. Using the opportunity, my wrist slammed into the blunt part of the blade. Searching in my boots, my fingers wrapped around the pill Lottie had made for us all in case of an emergency. Ignoring the blood pouring from my wound, the violet pill struggled to go down. Swallowing it down, a blue light blinded her former owner. Relief washed over me as the wound sealed shut, a wondrous sigh pouring from my lips. Wonder turned to horror, my powers dwindled to nothing. Cursing to myself, my blade faded away.

“No!” I panicked audibly, looking for something else to take him out with. Metal clanging to the ground snapped me back to reality, Avianna flying out of her cage. Her head cocked to the right, a devilish grin frightening me. Spinning her blade in her palm, dread bubbled in my stomach. Metallic feathers floated behind her, the demon who stabbed me sauntering into view. My face paled, the lack of features proving to be unsettling.

“Get back in your cage, Little Avianna.” He growled, raising his blade into the attack position. “It was so much fun to burn the last of your family, but when I saw you I just couldn’t bring myself to kill you. You were such an adorable little four year old.” Snapping his other finger, a wall of white flame arrows spun behind him. A white dragon roared behind him, my powers slowing coming back. They may not be strong enough to kill him but I could protect her if I needed to, the right moment had to happen. Sitting on my haunches, my eyes couldn’t leave the battle. Launching up at her, the arrows collided violently with her feathers. Colorful explosions dotted the ceiling, the two of them looking like flashes of light. Rolling to my knees, her bruised up face gazed warmly at my face. Leaping to her feet, she attempted to fly back into the sky. Grasping her wrist, daggers shot from her eyes the moment she turned around.

“I understand you want your revenge. There is a better way to go about this.” I interjected, surprise rounding out my eyes the moment my blade appeared in my other hand. “Now we can work together. I will distract him while you chant your most powerful spell.” Her brows rose in suspicion, a sigh pouring from her lips. Scarlet burned my cheeks at her beauty in that powerful moment, the corner of her lip twitching into a frown.

“It’s your funeral.” She retorted sarcastically, slapping my hand away. “I am not a damsel in distress!” Her words stung. Jumping to my feet, my vision blurred. The side effects were beginning to show themselves, the pill coming with many downfalls. Raising my blade in his direction, a shadowy ribbon curled up my arm.

“Leave my girl alone.” I teased cruelly, getting the desired effects. “You can’t get a girl by kidnapping her and forcing her to like you.” Those weren’t my best insults, regret dimming my eyes once more at his feet barely touching the odd looking floor. Raising my blade in defense, the chalk was moving a mile a minute in her fingers. The ancient magic matched what I was taught, only the strongest would be able to complete it. His blade smashed into mine, the two of us locked in place. The surface of his skin was disturbing, black molecules shifting around. Leaning into his attack, my ribs shattered upon the impact of his foot. Crashing into the wall, Avianna dragged me behind her. A defiant smile burned on her determined face, fright visible in his action for the first time. Raising her blade in the air, the ground began to quake.

“Ancestors of the feather! I call upon you to grant me the wind to destroy this world!” She chanted, her smile never leaving her face. Slamming the tip into the floor, a tornado of harsh wind and feathers swirled around us. My hair blew around my face, her feathers fluttering wildly. Her eyes glowed like the sun, evil laughter erupting from her lips. The sound of metal and glass breaking mixed with the howling winds, her loving gaze meeting mine for a moment. The wind died down, her kidnapper inches from our face. Bewilderment twisted my face, her blade stabbing him in the heart. Blue clay slid down her blade, her hand cupping mine. Shadows devoured the rubble, the guardian of my sword devouring every inch of him. Swinging me underneath her, her lips pressed against mine passionately. Time stopped once more, the only sound was our hearts beating out of our chests. Dancing around, her hourglass figure transformed into a parrot. Scooping me onto her neck, my blade faded away. Her blade dangled off of a golden ribbon around her neck, the softness of her feathers entertained me. Shame filled eyes glanced back at me, arms curling around her neck.

“I love you no matter what.” I chirped, her feathers ruffling for the prep of flight. Her black clothes rested at her feet, a hole opening up in the ceiling. Launching through the hole, my hair danced in the warm air bathing my face. Freedom glittered in her eyes, large tears looking like rain. Grazing the clouds, her black beak tossed a piece of cloud into the sky. Spinning around, it took everything for me to hold on. Seeing her so free melted my heart, her beak kissing the top of my hand. Grass turned into an endless ocean. Various sea creatures jumped out of the water. Wonder brightened my eyes, the magic never ceasing.

“What does it feel like to fly?” She inquired, the pale moonlight glistened on the ocean’s surface. “I have something to show you.” Gliding to a burnt island, she landed on the island. Bowing her head, my lips pressed against the feathers on top of her head. Her parrot form matched her hair, the myriad of colors never boring me. Twirling around her wing, she shrank back down to her five foot seven frame. A beautiful kimono splashed with tropical flowers of all kinds graced her curves, my heart skipping a beat. Adjusting emerald ribbon, she spun around. Hooking her elbow in mine, the silk felt like the kind I had when I was born. Guiding me down a sandy path, her posture stiffened at the sight of a burnt village. Tears welled up in her eyes, her palm pressing against the loose ashy sand. A tortured wail burst from her lips, my arms clutching her close to my chest. Her tears soaked my shoulder, the sense of loss seemed great enough for me to feel all the sadness.

“I bet this place was full of life.” I commented in an attempt to comfort her. “Nothing is as beautiful as you.” Her watery eyes met mine, her hands cupping my face. The corner of her lips quivered, her long sleeves dancing in the breeze.

“Why did you agree to become my mate?” She queried softly, resting her head against my chest. “I am a total stranger and now you are stuck with me. I am just going to be a burden to you.” Biting my lips, she was wrong. My inner demon chose her as my mate, and boy did I understand. The only problem was wording it so it made more sense than the endless reasons coursing through my head.

“I chose you because we belong together. I can’t tell you why, but it just feels right.” I professed honestly, lifting up her chin with a finger. “If I am being honest, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. I didn’t even feel that with the former queen. Maybe if things were different we would have met sooner. All I can say is that it feels like we are starting off where we left off. I would prefer to call you Arianna. I know that this was your home, but would you do me the honor of you allowing me to be your home.” Pinning me to the sand, her gentle smile stealing my heart.

“Do you think you can handle this craziness?” She joked, walking her fingers up to my face. “I would do you the honor of allowing you to be my home. Let’s camp here for tonight.” Pressing her palms together, her big puppy dog eyes made it impossible to deny her.

January 25, 2023 19:26

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