Honor of the Ghost

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt


Horror Indigenous Teens & Young Adult

Trigger warning: mention of suicide, death, and cutting.

I'm a lonely ghost. No one will play music with me, honor me by all my hard work, remember me, and worse of all, no one cared about me. You see, I was an outsider. I mean who would care about an outsider. An outsider that even the outsiders at my high school would let me in their groups. Back when I was alive, everyone would make fun of me. Call me names. Saying how bad and lame my life is. And how I should die by hanging myself or slice my neck. Just like how I would slice my wrist due to the bullying. Well, was. Now I see them smiling and laughing as if nothing ever happened. They don't care that I'm dead. It seems like no one even mentions me being dead. Not to mention my first Halloween dead as a ghost. I wish I never died from that stupid cancer. As I linger in the hallway, I couldn't help but see the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on. She had long, beautiful, crows feathers, black hair. So long it's almost to the middle of her back. You can tell it's not box dyed. In fact, hah, it's not even dyed at all. All natural. Every guy want her. Every girl want to be her. She was that beautiful.

She was crying with her head down, eyes closed. Probability to hide her eyes so no one can see the tears flowing down from her face. I can tell she's been crying all day. Her eyes were puffy and probability red too. For some reason, I really wish I can wipe the tears away from her beautiful dark brown face and hug her as tight as I can. Even though I'll just go right through her. She raised her head, wiping the tears off of her face, then turned her head to see my direction. She has beautiful black, and when I mean black I mean like the crow's feathers black, eyes. She looked like she could see me. Like actually see me. The real me. Maybe even look right through me. She stepped closer and almost finish her question.

"Are yo-"

Then the schools not so pretty, both inside and out, bully who likes to hurt the girl. Mainly because she's a jealous, evil, little girl. Even though this is a high school, she still acts like a child.

"Hey, apple." A girl said as she was walking to the girl she's about to bully.

(Apple is a racist term for Native Americans. Red on the outside, white on the inside. Along with engines. )

The girl turned her head where the bully was coming to get her.

What is she going to do to her this time? The bully saw tears coming down her eyes.

The Native American girl walked away as fast as she can.

"Oh, no you don't." The mean girl said.

I know her. At least I KNEW her now. The girl had a black, obviously, boxed dyed hair, with heavy make up on. Like REALLY heavy make up on. I think she tried to look like the Native American girl but failed miserably.

"Hey, loser! I'm talking to you." She started raising her voice.

Then the bully grabbed the Native American girl by her shoulder and turned her around with an evil smile on her face as if she had something already planned for the Native American girl.

"Yo, leave her alone." One guy said who stopped walking to past by them in the hall.

"Yeah. She didn't do anything to you. Why are you always mean to her? What did she do to you?" Said another girl in disgust.

"Because this girl, this loser, keeps taking all the guys. She may look shy but really she is just trying to use you!" The bully raised her voice.

The bully saw everybody looking at her in disgust. Saying how ugly she is. Both her make up and her personality. so, basically both inside and out.

The bully's crush started to walk down the hall with his friends, when all of a sudden, one of his friends put his hand on the bully's chest and said.

"That freak is bullying the beautiful Native American girl again."

The man (The bully's crush.) was also beautiful. He has a short, red hair. But he's different than the other guys. His eyes are only for the Native American girl. Yes they are both beautiful, but the only difference between the Native American girl and him is that he has friends. Just like me, she doesn't.

"Okay. Here's my chance. Play it cool." The bully thought.

The bully put her shoulder fried, length hair in between her fingers as if she is trying to flirt. Well, she's about to. She walked up to him. She want to talk to him.

"Man. She needs to shave her head. Her hair is not suppose to look like that." Some people, mainly girls, gossiped.

You can tell that the man finally had enough. You can see the anger in his green eyes.

He looked around to see how to embarrassed the bully. Then a light bulb lite up on top of his head. The reason why I know this is because I can now see and hear people's mind. Well some. I don't care about them now, since no one cared about me. Only if it involves her. He saw the prom sign. And she's finally old enough to go. Even if she is going by herself.(Not that she'd ever do that. She is shy after all.) He went up to the poor bullied girl, who was crying from being called a mean, offensive name. He walked past the bully and the man asked.

"Hey. Will you go to the prom with me?"

The Native American girl looked around, shocked. Then she saw people's smile across their faces. All except the bully. She only had a pouting look on her face. You can even see tears starting to come down. Good.


The Native American girl answered. Everyone clapped for them. But not the bully of course.

The bully just went hemp and walked away.

The Native American girl turned her head and mouthed.

"Thank you, Jack. Thank you for supporting me the whole time. You were the only friend I had."

I just looked at her, smiling with tears coming down from my eyes.

"Happy Halloween, Jake. I miss you." The Native American girl said.

I feel happy now that I'm remembered. Remembered by my beautiful best friend. My little sister. Redbird.

"Happy Halloween, sis"

October 27, 2020 06:04

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