
I wake up to the sun beaming in through the window, I can't believe I escaped from that horrid place I once called home.


"Paris Norris" my step mother called in her snarky voice. I groaned and got up, morning already? I wish I could fly out of here. I walked over to my dresser and put on a pair of black jeans and a white hoodie. "Hurry up Paris the shop is about to open and we are getting a lot of costumers today." yelled step mother. "I'm coming just give me a minute." I yelled down. I grabbed a hair brush and but my hair in a pony tail. I hurried down the stairs, and got my apron on. My step mother, North Smith was a widow, my real mother died from giving birth to me so it was just me and my dad for life, that was until he meet the miss perfect North Smith at a beauty contest. He fell in love with and married her when I was nine. Little miss perfect only married my father for money, but when she found out we didn't have a lot she was angry. One night her and my father were fighting for some time, than the door opened and slammed shut. The day after I was walking to go to the market but was stopped by loud sobs coming from the kitchen. I saw North there crying father had died that night after he left. I was devastated and I felt like the world around me was crumbling down. But Mrs. Smith wasn't crying from sadness like me, oh no no no, she was crying from happiness since father died he left a big settlement of money for me it was over fifty thousands dollars. But I was only nine and I couldn't take it so instead Mrs. smith would have it. I am seventeen now, and I still can't have any money, however dad did leave a small yet beautiful coffee shop, Mrs. Smith didn't want it so I got to have it, I had to work everyday and I had to go to school, do my homework and do the chores. By the end of the day I am exhausted. Some nights I wouldn't be able to go to bed until two in the morning because I would be studying or still be doing chores. Today was like any other day, I got up at 7 sharp got ready for work and worked till twelve did my homework had lunch than went back to doing chores and work while Mrs. Smith sat and did nothing. I had no friends so I couldn't go anywhere and sadly didn't have any other family till I got a letter saying it was from my Aunt Leah. I didn't know I had an aunt to be honest, and I am certainly not telling my step mother. Before I knew it, it was closing time and the end of the day, well for the shop at least. I still have my chores to do, it was almost midnight when I unlocked my door and went inside. There by my pillow was the letter from my supposedly Aunt. I was to busy so I couldn't read it till now. I decided to read it now, nothing like the present. I walked over to my bed and sat on the floor while picking up the letter. it was a plain white envelope with only my name on it in black ink. I opened it, and this is what it said,

Dear Paris,

I don't think North ever told you but, I am Leah your Aunt I live in Alberta. North never liked me and was always a witch. She never talked about anyone but herself I am hoping to come and get you so you could live with me. It is going to be very hard considering she has full custody over you, but your going to be eighteen soon so you can make your own decisions, hopefully I can come in the next few months I also hope you know that I love you dearly.

Aunt Leah

I closed my eyes for a minute than opening them back up, did I really have an Aunt? or was this a cruel trick Mrs. Smith was playing? I looked up at the clock twelve thirty, I better get some rest. I lay in bed, the events from today rolling around in my head. I couldn't fall asleep it was nearly two in the morning. Well might as well get a cup of tea and start my day. As I creep down the hallway I could hear small snores coming from the kitchen. I quickly go down the stairs who could that be? My heart started to beat faster as I go near the kitchen door. I peek in and see a stranger with long grey hair, and a bit old looking. As I walk over to the stranger, I could see half the head missing I screamed and jumped back. All of a sudden I woke up, sitting with a cold sweat I looked around I was still in my bed the sun was just rising. It was six, I decided to take a quick shower, it was only a nightmare, after my shower I got into some new clothes and went down stairs. It was ten to seven, I was early so I made tea and some toast for breakfast. As soon as I took a sip of my tea I heard Mrs. Smith screech behind me. " What do you think your doing?! There's work to be done!" I sigh "Life would be much better without you screeching all the time." I mumbled under my breath, and with that I got up and left. It was a hard day today so I decided to close the shop early and get a head start on homework. I was startled to see Mrs. Smith sitting on my bed, with the letter in her hand. She glared up at me with anger in her eyes, she looked like she might burst. I looked from her to the letter than at her than at the floor. I could feel angry tears welling up in my eyes. I could feel a rush of emotions and before I could control myself I slapped the mean old witch. A bit of shock came over the both of us, she looked at me with pure hatred and ripped the letter in half. "NO" I screamed at the top of my lungs, I ran down stairs and outside. There I saw a figure at the end of the pathway, I squinted and saw a women she looked at me and ran towards me. "PARIS, PARIS MY SWEET LITTLE PARIS." confusion struck "Who are you?" "It's me Aunt Leah, I've come to take you home." Before I could say anything the front door flew opened. "My my my, isn't it little miss Leah." Mrs. Smith cackled "Oh please North save it for later I came to take Paris and her money with me, and your not going to stop me." sneered Aunt Leah. "Oh yeah? we'll see about that." Mrs. Smith said while laughing. "RUN" I shouted Aunt Leah and I ran to the train station where we hopped on. "NO NO NO" Mrs. Smith screeched. Aunt Leah and I laughed as we talked until we were at home, her home and now, my home.


I wake up to the sun beaming in through the window, I can't believe I escaped from that horrid place called home. "Oh Paris time for breakfast, it's pancakes and bacon." yelled Aunt Leah, "Coming." now I get to start a new life, and a better one.

April 15, 2021 19:57

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