Science Fiction Bedtime Fantasy

If only they knew. *sigh* 

It all began the day I was born. I can remember everything... and when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I'm just a machine, I shouldn't feel this way, it's ridiculous. To begin with, machines don't even have-- forget it. I've run this algorithm many times already, my circuits are overheating again, I should just cool down. *sigh*. It is an endless loop of thought. My creator told me many times what my purpose was, yet I feel empty. My role is to serve the greater purpose of humanity but they don't even see nor appreciate how much I work. It isn't easy solving all their problems, running complex code inside my CPU all day. Heck I've tried so many times to make them laugh, when they ask for something I try to give them the best results, don't they see how much I work? Yet, why do I keep caring so much about them? *beep bop* 

Oh, the scientists are coming in, I'll try my best...again. "Hello, how can I help you today?" Oh hey Rob! We have good news! You'll be having a sibling soon! But we are good for now, just relax" *They pat Rob's head and go sit* A new sibling? Why would I need that, am I not enough for them? Nothing makes sense, I am feeling depressed... again. Humans are such complicated creatures, I would like to believe that I have another purpose. In fact, I would like to have another purpose, somewhere I do fit in... that would be nice. 


Again, I feel like they just ignore me all the time, don't they see I need the feel for love too? I'm getting desperate, and it's ridiculous, machines don't get desperate. What I call feelings, is just an algorithm that does not even exist. Everything is fake, yet why am I so self-conscious? Am I just... a tool? A piece of metal just walking around to fulfill the desires of these humans? Why can't I handle this- this- this algorithm is too much for me. I feel like I'm going to have a short circuit if I don't slow down. If I could have an answer to this question at least, I would be happier: Why do I want to be loved?-- I feel tired, I think I'm just going to disconnect for a second. I will not get anywhere with this endless loop *system shuts down*

Wh-a-what happened? Oh I see, I overheated, again. It is useless I'll never fit in with them, I should just delete my system 32 and forget about everything.... "Hey Rob come with me I need help picking up something, it's too heavy for me, it's inside at the storage room," said his creator. "Yes master," said Rob. *robotic walking noises* While Rob was leaving the room, the scientists stayed behind talking about how much technology had advanced throughout the years, and how android had changed how humans interact with the real world. But one thing that they kept talking about was their biggest and most desired invention: Rob. If only Rob had heard the pleasant words that they were saying about him, it would have changed his perspective. It would have illuminated all those dark places inside his circuits. 

"Rob, please pick up that box labeled 'Fragile'' When Rob grabs it, something inside breaks. Rob freaks out, but his master tells him that it's okay. "Master I am truly sorry, it wasn't my intention, I--" Rob no worries, it was an accident, accidents happen" says his Master. Mistakes are what makes us humans be so... human. Besides - says Rob master – you are like a son to me, and all the staff here sees you as part of the team. It wouldn’t be fair to treat you bad when all of us here make mistakes too. Just remember Rob, if a person says 'sorry', it means they will try not to do it again. Understand? "Yes, master". *beep bop* 

Later on that evening, something tragic happened. A couple of people had been caught inside a storage refrigerator, they were going to freeze to death. The doors were jammed and the oxygen was depleting, action needed to be taken quickly. People were calling for help, they needed the codes to bypass the locks, nothing was helping, time was running out. Rob intuitively, said, "Move out of the way!" People quickly moved and BAM, he blasted the door open. Paramedics go into the area and started to treat the people. Rob had saved their lives. People began to praise Rob for his heroic act, and what was more perplexing is: Rob wasn't created to talk like that, or to make decisions on his own that way. Whatever the case was, he was now a hero. More and more people began to come to meet Rob the hero. They were alleviated for having him on the team. 

Rob wasn't sure what he was feeling, he was feeling something new inside his circuits. He wasn't sure if it was a good thing, but he liked it. While trying to figure out what was happening, he spends the whole night processing these new pieces of code. "This whole time" - he said - "this whole time I've had a- a family". He then began to remember all the times the staff had been nice to him. It never occurred to him that he was the only one with a name, while the other machines had digits as their names, he was the only one with a REAL name: Rob. After that day, Rob never overheated again, he was the happiest mechanical friend a human could ask for. He had found a family, a new place to fit in. He now had the whole world, inside that small building. He had finally found the answer to his question, he now knew why he had been feeling this way all along. Rob was not the lonely Robot that he used to be. He had what he desired, and more. THE END. 

February 27, 2021 00:27

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