Drama Fantasy Mystery

Chapter 1-My friends and corrivals

One day, my friends invited me  for a house party. There were some people who were my friends, and some who were my corrivals.It was a bang of celebration and the house was beaming with energy. Craig, my friend, was the host of this house party.

My foes were vociferous ,however what I liked about the  whole was  that I was successful on masking my identity.Whails,Sofia,Ryuga,Mr Mime and Pidgeotto are definitely not my favorite people.Ginka,Madoka,Masumune,Subasa and Youi these people are my friend.Ginka and Madoka are so bond that we both are there for each other.In the meanwhile, Sofia and Ryuga (as always)figured a triggered for each and everything, but I think that they are still good friends if we understand each other.Whails and pidgeotto are also good with Ryuga and Mr mime.Masumune,Subasa and Youi are one of my best friends when we do team work and my rivals are also very good when it comes to the team work, but poor Craig does not have any friends or a team. 

After the party,we all were exhausted and I almost passed out. Thereafter, my friends and I decided to meet over video call, so we all talked for a long time.Thereafter, Craig said that "we will have a house  again  the next week.We all were so hyped at that moment about the house party he said next week.From that day onwards we have been waiting until the next week comes.In the meantime Ryuga  challenged me and my friends for a swimming competition.It was a hard match, however we won.They apologized for being a corrival and we became friends.

                                              Chapter 2-A haunted doll 

There was a mysterious house where a person who goes in can never come back,so there was a girl named Sudeshna she tried to peak in the house and then she was wandering in the house searching for some mysteries about the house.

After a few minutes later , she realized that someone locked her in the house.She started shivering, and started for the ghost who locked her in the house.Then she found a chest in which there was a portal which leads to the island of dolls.She  built the portal wondering where it leads her.The moment she jumped in that she found herself in the island of dolls.She was terrified and she suddenly saw a doll moving right in front of her eyes.She ran as fast as she could.In the meanwhile,all your friends and me decided to go to Mexico to celebrate your friendship.We searched "places in Mexico to visit" in the internet and the top result that showed up is island of dolls, so we decided to go there as we all want like ghosts and wanted to meet one.We could not handle our excitement and the trip almost took like forever.The moment we reached there we went to La Isla de las Muñecas.Finally, after 2 hours we reached their but our personal driver warned us about the island.I was unable to  handle my curiosity and asked him why shouldn't we go there.He then told me a story that We "there was girl who liked to play with dolls.Once,she died in an accident and her father was dissapointed, and he built many dolls in   her memory.After, Many years the dolls were still there in a haunted and creepy way. We did not even bother about his story but still we were a bit scared.After we went inside the island we took a lot of photos and suddenly we realized a girl crying.We went up to her and asked "what are you doing"she said that she is trapped in the island and it is haunted.she told that her name was Sudeshna.We also asked he how she got trapped and she replied that she went in a mysterious to peak in the house and then she was wandering in the house searching for some mysteries about the house.

After a few minutes later , she realized that someone locked her in the house.She started shivering, and started for the ghost who locked her in the house.Then she found a chest in which there was a portal which leads to the island of dolls.She  built the portal wondering where it would  lead her.The moment she jumped into that she found herself in the island of dolls.We immediately told our driver to take her home.We observed that a doll suddenly stood up and walking towards us.We were so scared at the doll and climbed a bus.From that day onwards, we never came to the island of dolls, and Sudeshna was not afraid of ghost anymore and I and my friends were afraid of ghost from the moment we entered island of dolls.

                                                     Chapter 3-Ginka's secret.

There was a man named Ginka.He always acts fishy.One day,Subasa was playing with Masumune.He saw that there was a explosion in Ginka's house.Subasa and Masumune rushed towards his house and found out that there was a secret room in his basement.Subasa and Masumune tried to sneak in his basement but Ginka did not allow it.

Ginka hated Subasa and Masumune, because he did not wanted to anyone see his basement.Finally when they reached the basement door they realized that they were some locks.They also realized that in order to unlock them they need a crowbar,a lock pick and a red key.In order to get the things they need to complete parkour,mazes and puzzles.They first entered the room of parkour.They managed to complete the parkour after 286 tries, and they finally got the lock pick.After a while, Ginka caught them however they still got their crowbar.They even managed to get lockpick and the red key.

After they found all the things, they somehow managed to open the basement door.They found a Ginka's dairy in which it is written that Ginka's children died in a car accident, and the Ginka was hiding his diary in his basement.When Ginka realised that they knew his secret he became so angry, so  Subasa and Masumune escaped, but Ginka kept revenge on them.He is still searching for Subasa and Masumune till now.

September 01, 2020 13:56

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