Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: End your story with somebody stepping out into the sunshine.... view prompt


Fiction Fantasy Crime

(This story is set in earth’s twin planet GAIA2 which is about 800 years younger and is evolving.)

Vex was a very rich man on the island and he dealt in jewellery and precious stones. He was elderly and had a very young and very good-looking wife Sigma, but he was a miser and denied his bijoux to her. Sigma was very popular and knew a lot of people in the island. One of them was the notorious burglar Zig. Zig was a young man slim and tall and had his eyes and even more on Sigma.

Vex kept his stock in trade in a building alongside his own where he stored the priceless Maze diamond. He had locked the valuable pieces in iron boxes and always kept the keys with himself. Ever since hearing of Vex having the Maze, Zig planned to somehow get it. Zig drew up an elaborate plan for the purpose. Since Vex’s place was well guarded, he decided to tunnel into the room where the diamond was stored. The tunnel was to be run from a building almost next door. It took several weeks to build the tunnel with very narrow passages until it came directly under Vex’s jewel chamber.

Through an old woman Zig sent a message to Sigma that the tunnel was ready. He suggested that they could go ahead with gaining their objective the following day which was a new Moon day. She sent a message back agreeing. Accordingly, very late the following night Sigma went in the dark to the house almost next door.  Zig was waiting for her and he asked “Have you brought the duplicate keys I had made?”

She said “They’re here in this bag round my neck.” She showed the bag which she had slung over her pareyou – the island’s dress which covered both men and women waist down.

He said “I hope you had no difficulty leaving home.”

“No. Vex is ill and is sleeping alone. So I could come away.”

He said “I suppose you induced the sleep.”

She said “The illness and the sleep as well.”.

He said “Good. Let us start. It is now past midnight.” He opened a wooden covering on the floor of a room and said “So far we have had light but inside the tunnel we would’ve to move in total darkness. It’s only a short distance.”

She said “What about poisonous insects underneath?”

He said “I have fumigated the tunnel several times. There should be no problems with insects. I’ll go down these steps first leading the way with this stick. You should latch on to it and follow me kneeling or lying flat as appropriate.”

She whispered “Now I’m frightened. Please go very slowly.”

They moved forward and he whispered “Now there’s a small stretch which is very narrow.”

She went very carefully behind him and when they emerged she said “You’re slim and have gone through without problems. That portion of the tunnel isn’t made for women. See the bruises I’ve suffered.”

“Remember I can’t see anything in this darkness. You’ve to put up with it.”

“I wonder how we’ll manage to return.”

“The very same way!”

“I’m getting scared.”

“Remember no risk no gain.”

“Suppose the tunnel collapses?”

“I’ve made it such that it won’t, but you can never tell.”

“My knees are hurting as we’ve been almost crawling.”

“Can’t be helped. It’s due to space restriction.”

“It is summer and I’m sweating and can’t breathe. Let me rest a few moments.”

“Okay but don’t lose hold of my stick or we’ll be separated. Shall I start moving?”

“Not yet. I’ve to do something natural. Look away.”

“What nonsense! We’re in total darkness. Go ahead and signal me when you’ve finished.”

“I’ve been able to squat. And don’t listen! You’re so close!”

“I can’t shut my ears. Go on and finish what you have to do.”

Moments later she said “Let’s go.”

They covered more distance and he said “I had made a notch here and had planted a peg to show our location. We’ve almost reached. Here we can sit up.”

She said “I’m a bit tired. Let us rest a few moments. What will we do after we return from this tunnel?”

He said “We’ll walk to the shore. Our ship will be waiting there for us.”

“Okay. Now proceed. You do your part.”

He straightened up and using an already provided crow bar, hit the roof. She moved back to avoid the falling pieces of the flooring above. When he had finished he said “Sigma I’m ready to go into the room.  Give me the keys.”

She handed them over and said “Okay.”

It took some time for Zig to come down. He whispered “I’ve the Maze! It’s in the bag I’ve tied round my waist.”

She said “Good job!”

He said “Now for the return. Lie on your stomach. I’ll squeeze beside you and take the lead.”

She did it but shouted in great pain as he pressed her against the wall. He went ahead and held the stick to guide her. She latched on to it and they started to return. They came to the spot where the tunnel was very narrow. After going through it she said “Again I say this tunnel is unsuitable for women. My knees, my elbows, my bum, my hips have all been bruised. Some of the marks are going to be permanent.”

“Wait a little. After we are home I’ll myself anoint you with flower extracts which will ease the pain and clear the traces of injury. I’m impatient to begin.”

“I know, but let’s rest a while after we reach the room which was our starting point.”

They soon got out of the tunnel with Zig helping her out using a rope. He closed the top of the tunnel.

She asked “To whom does this house belong?”

He said “A fish monger owns this place. I rented it from him almost 6 months ago. This was the nearest point from where I could start tunnelling to your place. Now that we’re in a safe place allow me to start with you.”

She said “You’ve no sympathy for a woman who is largely bruised!  Only intent on invading her! You know we’re going to keep doing it a lot once we reach home. For now let me rest.” Then she said “Show me the Maze.”

He pulled out the bag from his waist and showed her the diamond. She said “This is untold wealth! Let me have it with me for a while.”

She tied the bag containing Maze to her waist and said “This was a successful operation.”

After an hour or so he said “Sigma wake up. We’ve to catch the ship.”

“Okay. With all the sweat and dirt I’ve faced, I only wish I could’ve a bath but that can only be done sometime later.”

They got ready and had to walk some distance to reach the shore when he said “There! Our ship is ready with the sails unfurled. ”

The boatman, a tall handsome man, received Zig with a respectful bow. As Zig was climbing to his seat, the boatman hit him on the back of his head with a stout piece of wood he had. He confirmed that Zig was dead and tossed his body into the water. He said “Good job Sigma.”

As the boat left the shore the boatman said “I know you’ve the diamond.” She nodded. He added “And you also have your lover, that is me!” He kissed her and said “We’re stepping out into sunshine which has started, to go into a radiant future.”


June 22, 2021 23:32

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Harlow Jones
03:00 Jul 01, 2021

Hi, Sivaram! This story was fun to read! To start, you have a great strength for imagining new and unique worlds. However, I would've liked if you did less telling and more showing. This means that you use different details and senses to describe what is happening in the story, rather than explicitly telling the reader what the characters do or feel. Lastly, I really enjoyed the plot twist at the end and am very intrigued by Sigma's character. Great work, and keep it up! Best, Harlow


04:45 Jul 01, 2021

Thanks. Regards.


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04:45 Jul 01, 2021

Thanks. Regards.


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04:46 Jul 01, 2021

Thanks. Regards.


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