Beneath Sheets

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about someone’s first Halloween as a ghost.... view prompt

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Romance LGBTQ+ People of Color

I had never celebrated Halloween before. All I knew of it were the costumes, candy, and the chill in the air. It was crazy, really, being a teenager on the verge of 18 who had never experienced the festivity that was Halloween on full throttle. I was new in the neighborhood--new to America as a whole. It was overwhelming.

As you could imagine, I had yet to really make any friends. I mostly felt invisible. All I had for company was my mother, but she had to work no matter the holiday. While my whole scenery changed, it seemed that I was still by myself.

Still, I couldn't just sit at my house like a rock. So, I took the initiative to grab myself the simplest costume I could muster: a ghost. In reality, my costume was just a white sheet with holes. Nobody would be able to tell who I was, so it felt comforting that way. I truly had no imagination. That was most likely the reason why I had no company beyond myself at the moment, but it was also something I wished to change.

Soon enough, the time came to wrap myself up in the paper white sheet and explore the mysterious scene of Halloween. As expected, the air was crisp and cool, every breeze a challenge to keep from shivering like mad. Other kids roamed the streets, being rather close to what was the center of the door-to-door begging of candy. Although, I was more interested in exploring the quiet spots. If it wasn't the most obvious thing about me, I was highly anti-social.

It took a bit of wandering, some dodging of little children, and ducking branches from swaying trees until I found the perfect spot. It was quiet, nearly cleared out. There was a bench surrounded by similar areas to just lay back and look up at the moon and stars. There was another kid there wearing a costume that I couldn't make out, most likely my age, who seemed to simply stare up at the sky. They had the right idea.

I approached a specific spot that was a bit of ways away from the other person. The last thing I wanted was to have an awkward situation with some stranger who was probably from my school. I wasn't about to risk getting on someone's bad side, possibly a very social and popular person's. Of course, they noticed me as well, but I didn't notice that until I caught them staring at me instead of the sky before them.

It was just my luck to attract unwanted attention. I didn't speak and just looked up, trying to get them to lose interest. However, they shuffled around and got up. Then they moved towards me. It was also just then that I noticed just what costume they wore as well.

It was a sheet like mine, except better quality. They were most likely well off for wearing something simple yet so seemingly made of the stars themselves. Next to them, I looked as though I was a spot upon the dark night, and they were the whole galaxy that we see as mere glimmers that twinkle. It was a bit amusing, though, how we picked the same type of costume and picked the same spot.

I didn't want to ignore them, seemed like a step in the wrong direction. At the same time, I didn't want to assume they wanted to talk to me and annoy them. Perhaps they were simply adjusting or wanted me to shove off their "spot" that every person seemed to claim, as though their names were plastered onto the floor and walls.

Thankfully, they began the conversation. At first, we simply laid side by side, and it wasn't wholly awkward. Though to be fair, it was nice and quiet, and they didn't disturb the scene. A few minutes after, however, they spoke up. Their voice was steady and calm, as though they did this everyday.

"You're new," they stated. I was surprised. They didn't even know what I looked like, but they said it like they saw me coming.

"Uh, yes, how did you know?" My voice was obviously shaky, but they didn't acknowledge it.

"This is the one place that nobody seems to ever come to." They laughed to themself. "It's like a ghost spot. Invisible to everyone but, well, us now."

"Really? Do you believe in ghosts?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Well sure. Why not? Perhaps we're two lost souls who were made to find this place and find each other, right?"

I blushed a bit--a lot. I didn't respond, too flustered and wrapped in my mind.

"So new kid, what's your name?"

I shook myself out of my small episode of embarrassment. "It's Bai."

"A foreigner?"


"Don't worry, I'm not like that."

"Like what?"

"You stutter as though I'm going to make fun of you for not being from around here." I could imagine them rolling their eyes. "I'm sorry you've gone through that."

I didn't respond once more, only for a minute. This person was stunning.

"You don't have to say anything about it. I'm Corbin, not a foreigner, but we're all one in a way."

They went quiet after that, and I did the same. It was nice to feel the wind, gentle yet somehow bitter. As I looked around, I really did see how right Corbin was. Nearly nobody was around, and those that passed us seemed to not even notice we existed.

"I see it," I finally said. "They don't."

Corbin laughed. "I like you, Bai." They turned their head and looked over at me.

I felt flustered once more. "You don't even know me, Corbin."

"I can change that," they replied, almost passionately. "You go to our school, but I don't know who you are. Have I passed you before? How many times? It's a wondrous thing to think about."

I shook my head and lifted myself up. "I don't think I'm the type of friend you would want."

"Why's that?"

"I'm not from here, definitely not of the binary, and I'm just... not society's definition of 'normal.'" My head started to spin with thoughts. For the first few weeks of school that I managed to get into, I remained unseen, and I was slowly becoming preyed upon for the ones that were at the top of the social construct's pyramid.

Corbin shook their head and stood up. They offered their hand, and I felt myself smile beneath my sheet. They didn't speak, simply lifting me up, hands just as steady as their voice was. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like this was a romance novel. The world wasn't spinning around us like we were the only people in the world for just a moment. We were dressed in white sheets, one simple and pale, another simple yet glimmering.

"After today, we will be strangers," Corbin said, simply. "We're two ghosts, both not following society's gender construct. I live among the stars, and you are the night. Neither of us are normal, and I think that's beautiful."

My smile never faltered as I stared into their deep, amber eyes. It was already dark, so I couldn't see beyond the orbs before me, but I happily intertwined our fingers. "This is really quick. It's been two hours, and I'm a flustered mess."

"Time doesn't stop."

"Reality sets in."

Reality did set in. I felt a vibration in my pocket. While I didn't want to break this unreal moment, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and sighed.

"You have to go, yes?" they said.

I nodded and put it back into my pocket. "You'll see me around. You might not know it for some time, but I want us to be drawn to each other naturally."

"This has been quite unnatural." Corbin paused and took a breath. "I will find you, or rather, my soul will reconnect with yours once more."

I felt myself nod. My feet felt heavy as I walked away, away from that secluded, serene spot. This was the wildest yet most magical time I had ever had. Tomorrow would be another, but I felt so much lighter than when I first stepped into this unfamiliar territory.

My breaths were slow and steady, and I didn't look back, feeling as though I would run back if I did. I sounded like a cheap character from that same romance novel. How could I not?

My trek home seemed to last forever. My mom was already back, her shift cut short like a wondrous surprise. We watched movies for the remainder of the night, and when she asked me about my day, I simply smiled and shook my head.

"Almost like it never happened."

October 30, 2020 13:49

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1 comment

Luna Martin
03:19 Nov 17, 2020

Thank you.


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