Today, at 12, was the day that I would find what was behind the door on the librarians' desk, in the gigantic, with eighty thousand books, library in our two hundred and fifty people town, even though most of them were empty, with several areas dedicated to the books that would be written, or that was Peter, the librarian that actually left the desk told me when he caught me sneaking in one of the empty areas.
My friends would say it was probably dark magic books, banned for their contents, and the proof was that you needed to sign with blood the book of immortals to enter. I doubt it since, among those empty books, I found some pretty graphic descriptions of magic that involved the imprisonment gods to make it.
I stayed in the library until the near time of closing, studying the properties of a good fire spell. Gods, it was boring. I get it to avoid it going wrong and setting everything on fire, but it didn't make this any more fun. When the library was about 5 minutes to closing, I went to the restroom and cast several delusion spells on me and my things.
After a while, Mark, the other librarian, came. He made some movements with his hands. I recognized them since my teacher would do them to stop any spell to keep on acting. I ran into the last stall. The bathroom inundated, and I felt every spell being washed. While still under that liquid, he started opening the stalls' doors. That's when Peter came to help me unwittingly.
"We don't have time for that, we need to seal it quickly before Andre comes." He was in a rush. Mark and he left quickly after mark dismantled the spell. Who is Andre? Is he from The Tower? I thought the gods forbid us going there and they come here.
I slowly redid all the spells and left. I got to the librarians' desk, got a needle that I had saved, and signed the immortals' book. I then opened the door, and all I saw was darkness. I created a small fire in the palm of my hand. I controlled the amount of energy so it wouldn't blow up. The book was still boring. I saw stairs and very closed walls on the side and went in the door.
After I passed the door, the fire went out. I tried to restart it, but it didn’t go. Great, an anti-magic area. There was a light down, so I went in that direction. I slowly closed the door behind me, and went down, propping on the walls.
When I got down, I saw what appeared to be cells, with steel bars in front of them. They were about 10, and they were empty, except for one. The man in it was in his mid-20s, with black hair, and despite looking pretty, had some ophidian characteristics. A small rectangle on the top of the lock said his name was Tom something Riddle. He looked at me and smile. I kept walking. What he has done to be trapped in a library? Stole a book? Didn’t return the book? Whatever.
I got to an ample room with several bookcases. I hid behind one of them when 9 people came from the other side. It was Mayor Summerton, Mamma Jane, Granny, Peter and Mark, and 4 people I didn’t know. Then I recognized two of them.
The girl about my age with red hair, and a white dress was Diana, the goddess of hunting. She normally was a ball of light. The guy with small eyes, black hair in three spikes, and a jacket with many multicolored straps were Frank, the God of critters and nature. He normally looked like a 7ft hedgehog with multicolored thorns and tree spiky tails. They barely could stand each other.
But the other two, I had no idea. One looked like his late-20s early 30s, with a plain black denim jacket and pants, while the other, that looked in his early 20s, was wearing a kind of olive formal wear, without a jacket on. All the 9 went toward a table with a map open on it and started talking. Mama Jane started:
"So who is taking the body? And for how long?" Wait, body? Whose body? Someone was killed?
"I think Kai should take the body, despite him being here for only for a couple of days.” The dude in the formal wear said, and despite looking the youngest, was apparently who was taking care of here. So the other dude that was gonna dispose of the body had the name Kai.
“Agreed.” They all said in unison. Probably because of being new in whatever this is, he was the one to dispose of the body.
“So how do we seal, we burn the book or what?” Asked Mayor Summerton, and everybody looked shocked at such a suggestion.
“Just bring the book inside, every name of people who aren’t inside will be deleted, thus, stopping anyone but who is incoming.” Granny said to the guy named Kai.
“So just me and the v guy? And why doesn’t everyone know the truth?” He responded, pointing in the direction of the cells.
“Yes, and every adult knows, and we let the littles be informed by their guardian or parent. Also, make sure that you are always nearer to the front.” Responded the young guy. Front? Front of what? They started moving in my direction, so moved to the side of the shelf, where they couldn't see me.
They all left, so I went to the other side to see where they had come from. It was a dimly lit hallway, and in there were a few bedrooms, so I kept walking. On the left was a kitchen, looking way more modern and bright. It ended in stairs, with some columns and arches showing a gigantic space on the right, that was flooded with water right up the ceiling, that dint exists, which was weird since there were no structures like this in the library. It also had a weird red light coming in, like the one you see when your eyes are closed in a lit area. The ceiling was about 170 feet up from where I was standing, with another 90 feet down. The room was circular, about 80 feet in diameter, having a pedestal with a globe in the middle.
I kept walking, going downstairs, and stopped at the end. After that, there was no wall, just a non-inundated room. when I got closer, I heard a scream.
“Kid, who are you? What are you doing there? Come back now.” Kai was mad. He started coming down, and I went up as quickly as possible. When he got near me, he grabbed me by and got me up in the wall opposite the arches.
"Stay near the wall, and keep going up." He kept pushing me on the wall and was one step down. We got to the kitchen, and he said for me to sit on a stool near the opposite side from the opening.
"Now again, who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked me, with an angry look.
"I'm Jack, I'm 12, and I did a bet with my friends to prove that you aren’t hiding dark magic books here. But you are hiding a body. And what is that downstairs? Where you sacrifice people?" I said with a conviction that I didn't know I had.
"Gods, I knew that hiding it was a dumb idea." he put his hand on his face, and then sat and explained: "We are in a headspace, this means that we are inside the head of a body. We have DID. All of us only exist here, in the head of the said body. This doesn't mean we are not real, just that the body has a lot of alters, which are people like us, inside it"
"So we are inside someone's head" I was confused. I saw in a book about it, but I never gave attention. Why my parents didn't tell me?
"Yes and no. The body is ours, but not everyone has access to control it, normally because they don't want it." The way he explained kinda made sense. "We are now locked in here, otherwise a persecutor could try and get access to the body. We will be here for about 2 months from the outside, that is about 4 months here."
He then explained to me a few things on how this would work. I would always need to be further from the front, the place where the body was "controlled". That door that I came in was locked until the situation got calmer, and just after 4 months we should right Peter's name on the book, with a vase of his blood that was on the fridge.
After a while, he made me a sandwich and went to the front area. I waited a minute, then I went in the direction of the front. I looked up and saw what appeared to be the vision of somebody's eyes. Down there, Kai was with his hands on the globe. I left and found an empty bedroom. This is going to be 4 long months.
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