The Land Lost in Time: The Age of War

Written in response to: Start your story with a character in despair.... view prompt

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Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction

Long ago… There was a time on earth where we roamed free beside the other creations. We weren’t judged, we didn’t judge each other for how we looked, or our colors. We loved one another and lived in peace. That was until time went by as fast as lightning in the sky and the human race settled the ends of the earth. Not even the oceans are safe anymore. Mankind feared us, chased us, killed us… many of us managed to escape and hid deep in the oceans and forests but others…

The Dodos.

Dire Wolves.

Tasmanian Tigers.

The beautiful Passenger Dove.

Now man may have not killed them off but by taking over their habitats and food… they still technically did.

Cherī, you don’t need to explain so much..

Right sorry, mother.

Anyways, did you know that America had her own cheetah? Even they’re gone too. For you they are at least. Here in our land. A land faraway, castaway forgotten in time.


They live on. But even our land lives in conflict. There was a time of peace here, all animals lived in harmony, the Aurorian animals lived in peace with the Snowies. The Water World and The Volcanic Island.

The Winged Horses and The Wendigos. Did you know they were just born like that? The Wendigo? But people on earth blamed the witches and evil ones and the witches blamed themselves. Stupid.

Unintelligent beings!

Right! Sorry…

But now… times changed. The conflict is back, and only the five chosen ones and their closest companions can help.. to end this…

Age of War…

My heart breaks with each battle that rages on. In deep despair, we must leave the village now….

Haunting howls are heard outside. Cherī’s mother grabs the kits with her tails. “CHERĪ, WE MUST GO NOW.” They all run away, away to the castle. The Palace of Jade, the only place of safety left.


“Marieanne, I can’t be here! I don’t belong here I-” She cuts him off by signaling for him to stop with her hand. “No, you do need to be here. You belong..” She continues walking down the trail. I shrug. From the 1980s to here. Isn’t that crazy? Hey, I did help my new pals realize they… belong together. I start humming the song as I think to myself. Would this still be considered thinking to myself? No, I’m writing it down aren’t I? While in this world I’d escape to when I was five years old and now it’s real! Can today get any crazier?! “We’re here!” We all pause. “This castle…. Is huge. Are you sure this is the place?” She turns to him as if he’s dumb. “Of course it is!” Still not crazy yet. Why? I know this place, it’s from my daydreams… I know this place is for-

“The Queen! The Queen has returned!”


Okay, this did get a lot crazier..

“Queen? Me?” I laugh. “You’ve got the wrong girl…”

Every leader form every part of the island is here… it’s…


“Oh but you are.” Sunrise, the leader of the griffins tells me with a smile. She’s even more beautiful than I imagined.

“We wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for you!” Flaming Heart, leader of The Volcanic Island Herds adds. It’s a long name some people call them ‘The Horses In Flames’ which is also long so… ‘Volcano Equine’. “Now that you’re here, we have something very important to discuss.” Aoi Akio, The Ruler of The Kitsunes, tells me as she walks toward two giant doors that open and reveal this huge hallway. Just like I imagined. She turns to me. “Come.” She says as she continues walking. Her original name’s Water Color but if the luck dragon’s leader gets a name in Chinese, Water Color gets a name in Japanese. As we walk down the hallway, Jacob looks around in awe. “Is this even real?” He asks me. I smile. “As real as you and me.” I reply. “It was no coincidence that you arrived here in a time like this, you’ve ruled here before, but then you left. The throne was taken over by a descendant of yours. But she fell in love… She left.” I have a feeling I know who she’s talking about… “She’s here because she’s the queen. But… why am I here?! I’ve got— ” Jacob shouts. “You’ve been chosen.” She replies. “Chosen for what?” “You’ve been chosen to join the Queen’s team, it’s a legend old as time. Her heart has broken into a thousand pieces…”

Hey, I have a song with lyrics like that..

“It’s up to you and a few others to find them.” She tells him. This is all kind of new to me too. I thought my heart was alright after I sought after God and read the Bible more but… I… I don’t know. “One hundred?!” Jacob shouts, very loud this time. “Remain calm. It’s just the song telling the legend. There should at least be…..” She pauses and stares at the ground, as if she’s trying to remember something. “I…. I’ve forgotten..” Fear enters her face and she sprints down the hall back into the main room. I run after her holding my bag tightly, Jacob follows. He stops me and my shoes make that squeaking sound. You know that weird sound your shoes make on smooth floors when you suddenly stop? No? I….. never mind. “Do you have any idea what we’re even supposed to do?” He asks me. I.. “I..” I sigh. “I haven’t even thought of coming back since I guess stopped imagining myself come here. I haven’t touched this idea for the longest time…” He looks down in disappointment. “I’m sorry…” He sighs. “I need to find, Henry.” He starts walking out. “Wait! Henry?” He stops, turning to me. “Yes… Henry, why? Do you know him?” I start doing that laugh of shock and awe. Like I’m so excited and can’t believe it. “Yes! Yes I do actually! He was the same guy that DIDN’T believe your great grandfather about this place, until he ventured here and never returned!” Yes, he is currently staring at me like I’m insane. “You really are the queen aren’t you? You created all of us…” I correct him. “Correction, I IMAGINED you I didn’t create you.” He still looks flabbergasted. “But my whole life…. Marieanne…. It’s all happened. Thanks to you!” I smile awkwardly. “Yeah!”. So, Cherī is running down the hall towards us. Which probably means bad new- “THEY’RE ATTACKING THE KITSUNES! THEY’VE BURNED THE VILLAGES NEAR THE CRYSTAL CAVERN!” She screams. “Who?!” Jacob asks her. “Your….. friends….” She says tearfully.

“They’re not my friends.” Jacob tells her.

I sigh.

“And they won’t be burning things down here anymore.”

I begin walking down the hall. I know exactly what to do…

Catch and Release, we’re throwing them back in the trash…

June 18, 2024 01:18

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Arianna Casillas
20:43 Jul 19, 2024

Finally, I am able to release this idea into the world


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