A Day Of Dishonor

Submitted into Contest #57 in response to: Write a story about someone breaking a long family tradition.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction Drama Fantasy

The bells sounded in the distance, the loud metal clang echoed through the town like a bomb on a battlefield. Those bells were not played as they usually were, normally it is to signify the beginning of a time of worship to the Gods, to give thanks for their blessings. I always adored the sound of the bells, they were beautiful and always brought such joy to my ears as I listened to that sweet music, now I wanted to rip them out of the high tower they play from and silence them for good. Instead of the joy, they have always preached, it’s echo leaves only the tune of fear as it fades away into the unknown along with my fate. Today was supposed to be the best day of a 16-year-olds life, unfortunately, that was not the case for me. Today is the day I find out if I'm able to still be looked in the eye by my father if I am still worthy enough to hold the Westra name.

The ceremony is a breath of fresh air for most, a way to elevate in society or to become the person they've always wanted to become, knowing there is something more for them than just the walls that they live within. Today I didn't want to know any of that, I just needed to be told that I was allowed to come home. "Clara" my mother spoke softly. I turned to face her in my bedroom doorway, she wore a bright smile, I forced myself to match hers, if they knew that there was a doubt in my mind I might as well be out the door.

"Is my dresser here?" she nodded her head, clearly overly excited.

"Just arrived! Your father is speaking with her at the moment, but from what I've seen it is designed perfectly to show your mark when it's received" my heart dropped. The mark, that's what today was all about. The mark which is bestowed to those the Gods deem worthy. Being recognized by the Gods is already a huge honor, those who have been blessed have gone on to do extraordinary things. Each mark represents status and the role they will play in the Kingdom. “Are you not excited? Today is the day you finally take your place in our family history” she continued, “you’ll finally be a proper Westra!”

“I know mother, I could not be more thrilled” I spoke through gritted teeth, of course, she was too focused in the moment to notice

“I’ll leave you to it, long live the Unicorn” 

“Long live the Unicorn” she was beaming from ear to ear as she closed her door. I immediately threw myself on my bed and was engulfed by the massive pillows, ‘how could this day be so difficult?’  I thought to myself. It was supposed to be the most straightforward thing for us Westras, walk up, do the thing, get the Unicorn, and enjoy being rich. There is nothing complicated about that, and yet, it felt like the most challenging obstacle I would ever have to face. The room around me was huge, lined with gold and filled with broad windows that allowed me to look down in our garden. I rolled my eyes as I saw a Unicorn frolicking around, I immediately recognized it as my Grandmother. Some of my fondest memories are with her, I remember constantly asking to ride around on her back, fascinated by her horn twisted with beauty and magic. I always wanted to be like her, to be like them and today was my chance to finally be able to do that, if I were to get marked as a Unicorn everything will be as perfect as ever.

“What’s with the staring out the window like you might jump out?” I spun around at the sudden voice when seeing the face of my dresser, Aria, I let out the breath I was holding in.

“Shut up” I muttered as she made her way into my room, she gazed around at the golden trim on her way over to me, each artifact and painting seeming to spark her interest. 

“You Unicorns and your possessions, I’ll never understand” I laughed a little bit, Aria has been very close with my parents for I don’t know how long, she’s been my dresser ever since I was a little girl. 

“You know us and beauty” she scoffed and held up the bag that contained my dress.

“Trust me I know, and here your parents spared no expense” for the first time I cracked a real smile. It was a stressful day already, I’m glad I could have a moment to breathe. “Now let’s get this thing on you, yeah?” I started taking off the clothes I had on, even though they were pajamas they had to be one of the most expensive things in the room, my parents always told me to take pride in how I look no matter the time of day, as Westra is a very important name to uphold. Aria had the dress undone so I could step into it, I held my breath knowing if it was anything like the last 800 then I would have to squeeze into the thing because she always made them too small. She started to do up the dress and just as I had thought, it was too small.

“Come on too small again?” she said in disbelief 

“Wow almost as if it’s never happened before” she smacked the back of my head “okay ow” 

“You’re skinny enough to make it fit just suck in and you’ll be fine”

“Right, just suck in, don’t sit down, cross your legs, walk to fast-”

“I’ll smack you again don’t think I won’t” she threatened as she slid the dress up over my hips and did up the back. “Take a look, oh mighty Unicorn” I traced my eyes over to the mirror that lay only a few feet in front of me. It was the family colour, of course, royal blue with spaghetti straps and a sheer back for my mark to be seen. As I swished the dress around in my hands, a slit in the leg was revealed which made me smile as the dress was at least able to be walked in. 

“I have to say Aria, you really outdid yourself, this one looks like I can breathe in it” as soon as the words left my mouth my head was met with that oh so familiar sting of her slap.

“Let’s go, we have no time to spare and you still look like you crawled out of bed” she yanked my hand before I could even react, forcing me to break eye contact with myself in the mirror. Aria was a great girl but didn’t have the gentlest touch, before she could even make it across my room at least three new people rushed in, each one muttering some sort of excuse as to why they were late. “I don’t want to hear any of it” Aria snapped “did you hear those bells? Because I did and we have no time to waste so hurry up and make her look pretty because I am not dealing with an angry Lazorus Westra” and with that, I was thrown into a chair and had my hair being pulled in about eight different directions.

All the women went to work as quickly as they could, clearly taking Aria’s words to heart “My how you look like your mother, such beauty, amazing bone structure.” one commented as she was applying some foundation.

“Ah, her father’s hair, as rich a brown as there is, very full and thick, no one could compare,” said the other.

“But eyes of her own” the third chimed in, as she was helping speed up the makeup process. “Eyes this dark haven’t been seen since-” she trailed off, never finishing her sentence. From the corner of my eye, I could see the other two women giving her sharp glances. At that moment the tugging of my hair stopped, along with the glide of the gentle brushes on my face.

“Haven’t been seen since when” I pressed, now wanting more information.

“Nothing dear, she was just carried away-”

“No,tell me. Eyes this dark haven’t been seen since when?”I interjected. Silence now filled the room, all the warmth that Aria had been able to place had left, replaced with the chill of secrets and cold shoulders. She laughed nervously looking to the others for help, but all eyes were now on the women. She was older, kind eyes and a wrinkled face which was now full of worry. 

“It is too long of a story we have work to be done if we could just-”

“So talk while you work.” I interrupted for the second time, they all returned to work, with less enthusiasm as before, shakily she began. 

“Eyes that dark have been written about for centuries dear, the darker the eye the darker the soul. The last time anyone had eyes nearly as dark as yours they” she paused, focusing her attention to the eyeshadow pallet in front of her “they nearly destroyed everything we know.” My heart dropped, I tried to find the words but they simply wouldn’t form, she continued. “They belonged to the foulest creature created by the Gods, Sarroov.” The name alone sent shivers down my spine. 

“What did he do?” I pressed.

“Sarroov was one of the first to be made by the Gods, he was not a man but a beast and wanted to kill everything that the light could touch and so he did. He wreaked havoc on mankind, flying over villages and burning them to the ground until all that remained was ash, and his eyes were as black as the night could get, just as black as yours.”

“Sarroov is the reason men started to be blessed by God’s, they needed a way to fight back and protect them. So the God’s gave man the ability to change into an animal to be able to hide from him or fight back if they wished. Eventually, the Gods gave a man by the name of Zachova the mark of a Griffin, half eagle, half lion. Zachova then spent the next three years in hiding, gaining his strength until he was ready to fight back and save his people.”

“Did he?” I asked I was met with a sigh and a hard pull on my hair. 

“He stalked Sarroov to his cave and attacked at nightfall. The battle was of grand proportions and lasted for days, each one unable to pin the other but then Zachova was able to have an upper hand. He scratched out his eyes, blinding the Dragon so he was unable to pinpoint where our hero was. Zachova as silent as a mouse fluttered around the Dragon, wanting to make his next attack swiftly and end the fight once and for all. The Griffin was able to find a point on Sarroovs neck where his scales had been ripped and exposed skin, he dove for it, digging his claws in deep and ripping out the throat of the monster, killing him once and for all.”

“Legend has it that the next who bears his eyes will bear the mark of the Dragon, and so it is known he is the one in control of the soul, another mark will appear on the body...the claws of Zachova.” I was in awe, not knowing what to do with any of this information.

“So you think, I’m going to get it?” she could see the fear in my eyes and was quick to put the finishing touches on my face. 

“Of course not my dear. You are the kindest soul, nothing as dark as that could ever live in you. It’s just a silly wives tale, it’s been centuries and no one has ever received the mark of a Dragon.”

“On a happier note” The lady doing my hair cut in “you are all done, now take a look, but be quick the ceremony will begin very shortly.” I nervously glanced at the mirror the other lady was holding up. So much was racing through my head I couldn’t tell you what my face looked like, all I saw was blue eyeshadow with some sparkles and my hair in a tight updo with some strands hanging out.

“Great.” I was then rushed out of my chair and out of my room and down in the grand entrance of my home. ‘Why have I never been told that story before about Sarroov? Does everyone think I’m going to be him?’ 

“Look at how gorgeous you are” the sound of my father’s voice knocked me back to reality, I opened my mouth to thank him but I was quickly cut off by the sound of the bells ringing again. “Nope don’t speak we’re going to be late so just get in the carriage” he dismissed me with a wave of his hand. I was then grabbed by my mother who rushed me into the carriage outside.

“Step on it, we can’t be late.” She spoke with a tone of urgency as if her life depended on it. Can everything just slow down?the pace at which everything was moving sent my head spinning. We quickly arrived, and as soon as the door opened I was flung out by my parents, we marched our way into the church and took our seats just in time for the bells to ring for the last time. “Thank the God’s” my mother muttered as the High Priest began talking.

As much as I wanted to listen and actively take part in this, I just couldn’t. My mind traveled all around the room taking in every factor of it, the people who were lined in seats making a semi-circle around the altar, the marble floors which the priest was standing, and the veil of smoke that lay behind him. That smoke was the key to everyone’s fate, good or not it was the only direct form of communication to the God’s and was very sacred. Stain glass panels were sporadically around the room and the high ceilings carried all the sunlight in, it was a beautiful place, sad how it held so many bad omens today.

“Clara Westra '' I froze, there was no way they were already at W, ‘how long was I out for, oh God’s have mercy” I stood up shaky, hoping my prayer had made it to the high powers and stepped forward out of my seat. I held my head up high and walked with as much grace as I could. I bowed my head to the High Priest and kneeled in front of the veil of smoke, awaiting the bright light that would bless me with my family’s heirloom. Minutes go by and nothing was happening which worried me more than any story about a Dragon. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me as I kept my head down and slowly started to panic.’ Why is nothing happening? Am I not worthy of anything?’ thoughts like those kept playing in my mind over and over. Eventually, the High Priest spoke, “Well, as there has been no movement I suspect the God’s-” a loud gust of wind came from the veil I relaxed and felt I was finally able to put this Dragon nonsense behind me.

The flames of the candles around the church grew higher as a sudden burst of flames propelled out of the veil surrounding me. A thin line of fire circled my neck, but it didn’t burn, it was warm and inviting. I dared myself to look up and I was in awe of the sight. The fire has destroyed many things but at this moment I saw no destruction, but beauty different shades of red and orange danced around me as I felt whole, and unafraid for the first time today. The flames slowly died down and I was left cold and without a feeling in the world.

Hello, my child, a voice boomed in my head, not menacing or scary, but light and caring

‘Hello,’ I replied, relieved I have been marked a Unicorn. I stood up and faced all those in attendance. It was silent, a droplet of sweat could hit the floor and the world would be able to hear it. My confidence started to falter, if I were to have the mark of a Dragon its voice would surely not be what it was, it would be mean to me and growl at me. I looked among the crowd, the people I’ve always known, now watch me with fear and eyes of judgment. ‘Something’s not right’ I turned to the High Priest who shared the look of fear.

“It can’t be” he whispered, I looked all around hoping an answer would reveal itself. My eyes caught my leg, I audibly gasped. A long red body wrapped itself around my thigh ‘no’ I then caught my reflection in the marble flooring, around my neck was a pair of golden claws enclosing it. I had the mark of Zachova which could only mean one thing. The Dragon on my leg was Sarroov.

Well aren’t you a smart one It spoke again. I shuddered at the sound of its voice, no longer wanting the warm sensation it gave me. I looked at my parents who were shocked and hurt, I made eye contact with my father pleading him to help me, instead, he looked away. I knew at that moment not only had I broken the most sacred family tradition, but all hope of a normal life.      

September 04, 2020 01:55

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