Mystery Suspense Thriller

What has been seen cannot be unseen also in this case what has been heard most certainly cannot be unheard and what has been felt will never be unfelt.

Blood curdling shrills the sound of death leaving blood vessels frozen solid your heart forgets it beats a chest strangled with Satans own vile hand with his other encased around your head every pulse is thumping and pumping racing for its life ...sandpaper lubricates your mouth your throat blocked with fears own gumball swallow if you dare acid swirls from your stomach you want to release but the chilling sweats make you want to vacate the surreal reality you are being held captive in.

Eyes bulging transfixed as if pinned by hells glue your aware so aware more than ever in your life your hearing is shattering you could hear dust drop.

Crawling with absolute terror your soul is begging you just breath your mind is like a carousel no idea when this ride is going to stop. Managing somehow to hit the ground your heart tightens Satans hungry he's wanting to bite out your heart palpitations consume you screaming would be an option but no ...wait ...you mustn't deaths door is also calling you laughing so arrogantly as it looms closer and closer. Are you tripping ? Tears slip like silk down your snowy cheeks only to make little puddles of sadness you want to caress to take the pain away.

Your hands start to throb at that point you realise they are entwined in thick rusty silver vine shimmered with scarlett paint your trapped fast your nerves feel every tear as you fight to be free.

Your head suddenly feels encrusted in hundreds of migraines your hair swirled damply across your face you desperately try to blow bite it off your face to no avail your taste buds pick up on earth pie with a metallic gravy, drips of gravy now meld with the puddles of sadness making them bigger and bigger and at quite a rate. You confusingly stare at them the reflection chills, who could that be staring back ? Familiar but you just cannot process, the pain...its making you glitch you must look harder the horror of what you then see those green eyes I know those eyes so scared so broken so wired empty and lost mascara smeared as if it had been slapped on with a wet flannel. Your squinting now everything is blurry. Excruciating pain has just hit your back and chest you take one sharp breath its to be your last big breath from now you can only shallow breath you want to pass out but the pain is dragging you back again and again. Face planted into wet sharp leaves and twirly twigs with a stench of decay earthy and rich with only the forests insects for company they are curious and inquisitive so they start to crawl your cheek excited by the warm flesh exposed to them they scurry around with no actual direction they want to taste you so they nip and bite. Your mouth is ajar and they start to explore teasing your mouth unsure how far to go in unexplored territory. No other choice but to clench your teeth together with the weakness you have left but this leaves you unable to shallow breath so you must retract. You look up the sun beckons you through the high branches above for just a moment just a brief moment as you feel its angelic rays kiss your broken head and face this unstable position you find yourself in just vanishes, you long to be closer with it wrapped all around you hugging you melting the madness you are engulfed in as you dare to daydream for a few seconds another blow to your back then another your mouth fills with foul tasting liquid  you feel like your choking it trickles and trickles swamping the ground around you your best bet is to try and blow the soil and liquid away but you are too weak it just pitifully coats your lips. As you start to fade numb from the pain depleted from lack of breath confusion overload as to what to why all this even is happening you smell cigar and whiskey in the air you cant place it you know it but where from? Your screaming in your head darkness surrounds you the load gust of wind rushes the trees its cold dark noisy you scream for it to stop you cry you scream you focus shapes appear , within the darkness is slight light but its eary and oppressive never felt such fear confusion the wind races all around you. Then silence just silence all of a sudden through the crack opening of my eyes theres a bright warming light i struggle to focus but what appears before me is a beautiful young girl with locks of amber hair and stunning green eyes the grass would be jealous she looked about 16:years old. She looked sad but hopeful, iam able to sit up my hands are free my hair in place iam dry not damp and warm in my bed with the sun kissing me like we had been apart for eternity. Eagerly and dubious i take a massive deep breath for which i was so grateful for i begin to concentrate on the girl before me. Who are you ? With such sorrow in her voice she answered iam katie katie meadow i was murdered 67 years ago nobody ever knew who took my young life ive been trapped in limbo floating through decades reliving what happened on a suffocating loop when you walked through the woods i felt a connection only kindred spirits could feel. I needed someone to witness and feel my murder everything i felt. I need to move on as decades have passed noone but you has any idea of what happend no evidence no hint of where or how or who all i have is the stale smell of cigar and whiskey. I was grabbed from behind whilst picking flowers for my mother all the rest you know. Iam sorry i had to subject you to such pain and suffering but you will be ok i can become an angel now and watch over you always and your children to be, eternal love our souls entwined always.

November 07, 2020 04:08

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Natasha Blewett
18:36 Nov 14, 2020

Thankyou so much Monica for your comment it is refreshing to hear other peoples opinion and it means alot thankyou 😁


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Monica D
15:49 Nov 14, 2020

Wow, that was Amazing! my heart was racing the whole time I read it, Nice work :)


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