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I had just got a call from my friends telling me they wanted me to go out. I obviously wasn’t going to say no. I went to my closet to find some clothes to get dressed. As I was searching for something to wear I saw a mirror behind all of my t-shirts. I was confused because I did not remember putting any mirror inside my closet. I got a better look and moved the shirts that were covering it. As I looked closer, there was no reflection. It was as though it was a magical mirror.  I tried to touch this mirror but my finger went straight through. It scared me because I didn’t know what would happen if I fully went into this mystical mirror. I went to go tell my older brother about this mirror and see if the same effect would happen when he did it. I called him into my room. I opened my closet to show him but when I opened it there was nothing there. The mirror was gone. He told me I was crazy and left the room. I was so confused. I went into the closet to see if it was really gone. As I walked in, there it was the shiny mirror with no reflection. It was a full body mirror with gold borders with designs all over it. I was going to pick up the mirror and take it to my brothers room to prove to him that it was real and that I was not crazy. I approached the mirror and attempted to pick it up. I couldn’t pick it up, I figured it was too heavy but no. This mirror was not to move anywhere. It would stay in the same spot. I wanted to know what was inside this mirror and see if I could go all the way in. I was nervous because what if I were to get stuck inside and never be able to leave whatever was behind this mirror that was actually a magical portal. I thought it through and decided I was going to go through it. I prepared myself mentally for what was going to be in there. I went through and I landed in an all black room with just a single light. In this room there were 5 doors all around the room. The first door was a red, the second door was a blue, the third door was a green and finally the fifth door was a mix of purple and pink. I had to choose one door. I went off of institc and picked my favorite color red. I reached for the door knob and opened the door. There was a bright flash and suddenly there was a whole change in the scene. I was in black shiny armor. I was a dark knight. I was on a rocky mountain and on top of the mountain was a humongous fire breathing dragon. It had red scales all over it and sharp fangs. It was spitting out red and blue flames and screeching at the top of its lungs. I had to slay this dragon. I began to go up this mountain. It was as if I had unlimited stamina. I was not getting tired going up this big mountain. I had a sword in my left hand and in the other hand was my metal shield. I began to sprint as fast I could to go and kill this dragon. I finally reached the top and was going to face the fire breathing dragon. It screeched at me and spit out flames trying to burn me to death. I leaped over and dogged it. It felt like I could do anything, like I was capable of doing whatever came to my mind. I leaped onto the back on the dragon and stabbed it. It screeched so loud in pain that it made my armor shake and my ears ring. I turned its neck and snapped its mouth at me trying to bite me. I ran up its back and got onto its head. I stabbed its eye and this is when it began to fly. We battled in the sky. It tried to fling me off its back but I held on tight. I ran back up to its head and with one strike to its neck, I chopped off the dragons head. The body began to fly down very fast but I was able to move at my own speed. I had the power to do anything. Oncle I landed, there was a flash again and I was back inside the dark room with all the doors. This time it was different. There were only four doors this time. I was tempted to pick another door. Scary thoughts came into my head. What if I chose the wrong door? What if the next door I pick is a bad one? What if I die choosing one of the doors? I chose the blue door. I walked in and again the flashing light came and changed the whole scene. I was at a Los Angeles Lakers basketball game. I was sitting courtside. Next to me was my mom and to my other side was Kobe Bryant. On the court playing were all my favorite current players. It was a dream of mine to go and it was happening. The game ended and yet again I was back in the dark room. I wanted to try another door but I was getting worried thinking that my parents must think I’ve left somewhere. It felt as if I had been gone for days. I turned around and behind me was the mirror. I had to go back. I stepped into it. I was back into my closet. Back to reality. I checked the time and it was the same time as when I stepped into the magic portal. I now had a place to go visit my wildest dreams and make them a reality.

April 22, 2020 20:14

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Ashley L
19:26 May 01, 2020

Hi! You're one of my critique partners for this week, so I thought I'd give your story a read and tell you my thoughts on it. I thought it was good, but I feel like you could've done a lot more with your idea. I thought it would've been cool to read some dialogue between him and his brother. I also think that his reaction doesn't make much sense to finding a magical mirror, if I were in his shoes, I would be trying to figure out why it was there and where it came from, especially if this was his first time ever seeing it. It kind of seemed l...


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