Memories in stardust

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



Once there was a goddess named Lisuga she was kind, loving, the savior of the world, the reason the stars and humans are alive and energy is flowing in the space but here the story is incomplete because on earth people of every continent experienced massive shock researchers are finding the cause of it and next day it was revealed that the two biggest stars know by humankind collided and produced a huge impact in space which was experienced even by the earth. Meanwhile, in space there is a huge blue aura dragon roaming around the sea of the meteoroid and a woman covered in the golden glitter aura is riding on the dragon with long shiny silver hair and she is Lisuga absorbing the stardust she got curious about this planet she didn’t know the reason why she was attracted towards it but she wanted to know the reason and without knowingly she was on the earth looking at the humankind but there was one who made her heart energy pop out of her aura a man who looked so different to her he was wearing a dark blue well fitted suit and a golden watch and the face for which women will die to touch or talk. Then he went inside his black stunning car and went towards another direction. Lisuga was shocked she never felt that way her light blue aura spread everywhere and because of this feeling, the snow started to fall even though it was the beginning of summer. She left earth and went to her home in space with all those fluttery feelings she discussed this incident with her sisters but the suggestion was futile and finally, she decided to visit earth again to find the answers to her questions but now she was not alone her younger sister Clara insisted on coming to see the earth and protect Lisuga because among her siblings Lisuga was the only one she admired and respected the most. therefore they both went to earth after landing on earth and taking a form similar to humans.

Now it was time to get mixed with their culture so for clothes Clara pointing towards a girl who was wearing a red color one piece of knee-length both the sisters came in front of her and then with their powers Lisuga started collecting aura and changed it into the same dress as the girl was wearing but it was blue with the millions of stars shining. She looked the most pretty women and Clara changed the dress in a golden color. Both were looking like a goddess to the people passing by. Now they had to learn the language to communicate with this creature of earth. Hence Clara took the aura of information from the same red dress girl and she understood everything and every detail about the culture and living lifestyle of the creature living on earth. At last, Lisuga was ready to meet the man as she was talking she saw a poster of him on a tall building and told Clara about it.

Clara told her that this man is a famous well-known writer everybody on earth loves this man and people of the earth call him Sylas Brodley she even knew his address. After hearing this Lisuga got excited and both went to his house which was like a palace from fairy tales with the garden of roses and every flower you would dream of and the crystal clear water fountain in front of the house. But at that time Clara was excited about the earth so she went to explore it. On the other hand, Lisuga was not interested in the adventure she was in deep thinking. She pressed the doorbell the door opened, and guess who was there Sylas Brodley Lisuga forgot everything the only thing she can think of was him she was looking at him in his eyes with so much passion but Sylas snapped on her face. “Thank you so much for coming I know it’s very early in the morning for an interview but I have an important meeting so I hope you will cooperate” “Please be seated I will be back in fifteen minutes,” said Sylas and rushed to the stairs with a cup of coffee in his hand. Lisuga was confused but did what he said after fifteen minutes Sylas came downstairs in a maroon color well-fitted suit and that look again made her heart race like a comet, “your dress is gorgeous I think it will make me look dull” “just kidding” “shall we start,” he said She was confused and said I don’t know what you are talking about’ “Are you for the interview,” asked Sylas “No I am here to meet you,” said Lisuga softly “Sorry, but I can’t give you an autograph” “I am in hurry,” said Sylas he made her leave and she did but had a feeling of disappointment after coming out of his house she was worried and anxious about her questions as she was walking on the street her feeling again made the weather change now it started to rain heavily and every second lightning was flashing in the sky people got afraid and took shelter in their car and in buildings. The roads were empty and she started to walk in the middle of it looking up in the sky. She felt helpless but then Clara noticed that something changed on earth as soon as possible she came towards her and comfort her. She never in her life saw Lisuga this much helpless she was worried about it because if she never recovers her dark aura then the universe might get destroyed she was afraid to even think it's possibility.

Hence she assured her sister that she will help her to find the answers and both started to discuss the matter then after understanding the situation Clara dressed like a reporter and went to his house at evening now he was wearing a long-necked grey t-shirt and knee-length red trousers at that time she noticed the red stone called ‘clas’ which was the rarest one in the universe and only the goddess of the star has it now she was in shocked that how a mere human being has the potential to keep the stone near his body without getting affected by it as much as Clara knows about the stone it can be given to another creature and it will increase their life aura but only if the goddess Lisuga approves of it now there were all new questions in front of Clara

Why a human has it? How did he get that? How he is able to keep it? And the most important when did he meet Lisuga? With these questions in mind she started taking the interview she interviewed him as a professional but at last, she asked “you have such a pretty stone with you” “where did you get that?” “I would love to have one” and Sylas answered “that’s rare to hear I am not wearing any necklace but you know what just like you even my grandfather used to tell me about the stone, might be a coincidence” “Let it be" “well it was nice meeting you,” and with this, the interview ended and she went towards Lisuga and told her about the stone and the Lisuga remembered that she had that stone with her during childhood but after that, she knows that father kept with him that sounded suspicious to Clara then after hearing it she went to her home and asked the most trusted friend his brother Nicolas about it and he told her that “when Lisuga was little she had a best friend Clove whom with she played and always went to the stardust zone where all the energy is revolving and nobody is allowed to see because if the unworthy sees it then they get consumed by the dark aura little by little” that incident was heard by father and he punished him to be kept wandering in this universe till all the energy of the world approves of him and the last test to him was to became a creature and spread the aura he had if he is successful he might come back to the land of heaven. “but why sister doesn’t remember it,” asked Clara He replied sadly” because father stored the memory of Clove inside the deepest corner of her aura where she will never try to find it”. But there was another condition which only father knows. So with this information Clara went back to earth she told Lisuga about everything and at that point, she remembered every detail of childhood then she released a light blue aura of satisfaction which covered the earth and with this aura, the memories of Sylas eventually recovered at that point Lisuga and Sylas both were in the deepest feeling of love. They were the ones who desperately wanted to meet one another and share their memories. They wanted to apologize to each other for their mistakes which lead them here. They wanted to hold hands and go near the crystal tree of their childhood which both of them planted with their auras with these feeling changes happened around the world snow started falling, the oceans had vast waves, winds were blowing strongly, thus she went towards Sylas. He with the sweetest voice said her name Lisuga.On the other hand, she in sorrow and happiness said Sylas but the universe wanted something else both raised their hands to hold each other forever but as soon as their aura and fingertip of Lisuga touched he vanished the aura faded slowly and went into the universe at that moment everything got in silent, not even a single sound she was able to hear. The moment when her life ended in front of her she stopped and after a moment of silence she started to get covered in the black aura it is said that the pain of black aura is unbearable but she was calm and slowly started to fade just like Sylas. On the white pure snow, there was no sign of them but they both knew that they meet for a second and were able to exchange their feelings. Now when they became stardust their memories are there. They are alive in the memories of stardust.

July 03, 2020 20:49

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