Romance Adventure Happy

The wind rushes through my red hair. “You’re all set here, miss.” he says with an outreaching hand. It felt nice and warm compared to my shaky hand. Maybe that was because my anxiety is through the roof. Anyhow, I hop out of the car with my purse in tow. “Will you be back in time?” I ask the limo driver as the car door was slammed shut. He nods “Of course. At 10 pm as promised.”

With that, the driver tips his hat before the limo speeds way into the night. I pulled out my phone from my pocket. The screen flashes with the time on the lock screen. 8:00 pm. It says. I sigh in relief. I made it with minutes to spare. I hurriedly walked inside the new restaurant as a young gentleman was waiting at the entrance. He couldn’t be more than seventeen at most. With a tall build and black side-swept hair.

His brown eyes were amused by something on his phone. When I tapped in front of him, I must have startled the guy because he tripped over himself. “Sorry about that. Are you Adrianna Ari-Amazona?” he said sheepishly. I shook my head up and down. “Yes, I am. Is my date there already?” I asked nervously. The gentleman looked through the guestbook and pointed at a name. Alexander De Leone. 7: 55 pm.

My heart dropped to my stomach. I grabbed my pen and hurriedly sign my name. “The room is 255. The last door on the right.” he said as I followed him. With each step closer, I could feel butterflies in my stomach. After a few minutes, I finally made it to the door as the young gentleman bid me farewell. Calmly, I pushed the door and headed inside.

When I walked inside, there was soft jazz music playing as a black coat and hat were hanged one side. I closed the door silently to make sure my date did not hear. Quickly, I took off my coat and placed it on the other hook on the other side. Then I fluffed my red dress until it had no wrinkles. With motivation in mind, I walked softly to the table.

Sitting there was another gentleman with dark wavy hair and midnight blue eyes. His brows were kitted in anger. I knew that look anywhere. It meant one thing and one thing only. Disappointment. I just hoped that was not because of me. The male sighed angrily as he placed his phone on the table.

Then he looked up as I took my seat. I wanted to flee but I knew I had to stay. “So, you’re Adrianna, I presume?” he said bluntly. With a slight smile, I replied “Yes, I am. You must be Alexander.” Alexander scoffed. “Of course I am. Who else would it be?” he replied bitterly. At that moment I felt hurt. This wasn’t how I wanted the date to go.

A tear fell down my face as Alexander looked on with guilt. He placed a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” he said gently. Alexander sighed. “It’s my father. He is always pressuring me to get married before 30. And in doing so, he likes to compare me to my brother.” I wiped my tears away.

So I was overreacting. I held my date’s hand. “Believe me I understand. My little sister set this date up for me after my parents complained about me not having children.” I said quietly. Alexander raised a brow. “Really? So you didn’t match with me?” he questioned. Sensing that I was offending a little, I tried to ease the conversation.

“Um, no not like that. When she asked what I wanted in a man, I gave her some traits. Then after she did everything with me, I picked who I wanted. And it was you.” I said sweetly hoping that Alexander would be okay. Picking up the menu, Alexander replied nonchalantly “Oh, okay. Anyway, are you hungry? Because the menu is here.”

I also picked up the menu. “Your sister has good taste if she picked the restaurant. ” Alexander replied. “Oh, that was me. I picked it because it has my favorite type of cuisine. Plus, it is one of my favorite restaurants to travel to.” I replied causally. There was silence for a little which worried me. Then it was followed by laughter. “Wait, so you mean to tell me that you planned everything? From the time to the place.” Alexander said amazed.

I nodded happily to tell him more. “Yep, I did everything. I even paid the bill months in advance because everything was expensive here in New York.” I stated. After that, the rest of the night went beautifully as Alexander and I chatted some more. We ate and dine some of the finest jazz music New York has the best to offer. And when the date was over, Alexander and I went to Central Park to view a meteor shower as the night went on.

“So, you want to head to my house? I have a better view than this. Alexander said while glancing at me. I wasn’t sure if that was his cue for something. But my heart felt a little elated. “Sure. I would like to.” I said with a smile. Later that night, Alexander showed me some of his jazz works that he made. As the meteors began passing by, we laughed, made some jokes and drank some nice hot chocolate.

I pointed to a random one in the sky “Look, that meteor looks like a star.” Alexander smiled as he held me. “Make a wish.” he said teasingly. I closed my eyes and wished for him and me to stay together as a couple. When I opened them, the meteor was gone. Suddenly the wind began to get colder, I held my jacket closer. Alexander noticing held me tighter “Are you cold? We can go inside.” he asked. I nodded quickly. With that, Alexander and I went inside.

I sighed in relief as the heat from the fireplace warmed my body. “So, do you plan to stay the night? I have some spare clothes you can wear.” Alexander said from the kitchen. My eyes widened. “Oh, crap. What time is it?” I said quickly grabbing my phone. “Ten-thirty. Why?” he said as he became concerned.

I placed my hand on my forehead “Oh, god. I was supposed to meet my driver thirty minutes ago.” I explained. Within seconds, I finally opened the messages to see my limo driver Sam sent a heartwarming text. I guess you are having a good time with your date. So be careful, okay? And stay warm! I will pick you up in the morning at the address. See you soon.

After reading the message, I felt happy. Sam always looks out for me. After that little scare, nothing else happened as my date and I got ready to go to bed. The next morning, I grabbed my things and thanked Alexander for the amazing time. “So, the next date is in two weeks.” he said curiously. Giving him a small kiss on the cheek, I smiled. “Yes, in two weeks.” I said happily. Sam greeted Alexander as he took my hand. I waved goodbye with a little pang in my heart. As the car drove, I couldn’t help but hope that New York had more surprises in store. 

March 23, 2023 23:52

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David Sweet
22:30 Mar 29, 2023

Kind of a heartbreak at the end. Not exactly where I expected it to go. Good job thanks for sharing. I have two things I would like for you to consider if you decide to go back and look at this story again: 1) You started your story in present tense, then switched to past tense a few paragraphs into your story. Seek consistency throughout in verb tense. 2) Consider that when you are writing dialogue that you don't always have to say 'he said,' 'she replied,' etc. when writing dialogue and explaining every nuance of facial expression. You...


Kalecia Apple
23:17 Mar 29, 2023

Thank you for reading the story! I apologize if it is a little hard to do because it is my first time writing and submitting a short story. I will update it once I get the hang of writing.


David Sweet
00:34 Mar 30, 2023

Don't feel bad! It's okay. It's like working out--you're only going to improve as you work those writing muscles. I try to read across a number of different genres and try to pay attention to form, structure, plot devices, how dialogue is handled, etc. Just keep it up. Reedsy is a wonderful way to flex every week.


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