My best birthday present ever.

Submitted into Contest #78 in response to: Write about someone who keeps an unusual animal as a pet.... view prompt


Happy Adventure Friendship

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! I can’t believe this is happening! I hope this isn’t a dream. Let me pinch myself. Ouch. Ok this is totally not a dream. You won’t believe what I got for my birthday present! I just got a Vulpes ferrilata a.k.a sand fox! It’s super tiny and has a hint of black on the tail too. I have to keep looking at her because she’s so tiny and can fit anywhere. That’s why I need a cage or something so I can keep her, and I can do some other stuff without worrying. I have no idea what to do when I’m going to sleep. I guess I’ll have to put her in the box where she came from. It’s like three in the morning. I am so going to miss school tomorrow. I better sleep. Something was shuffling where my little foxy was. Oh No! Boom! The box dropped to the floor. I got up like I saw a ghost. “Oh no oh no.” I turned the lights on like one tenth of a second. I opened the box and there she was. She looked pretty scared, so I picked her up and carried it to my bed. “You stay here till I get back, OK?” Of course, she couldn’t talk but I could feel her saying yes in her head. The sun was coming up and I dressed and washed. When I looked the clock, the time was five twenty-seven in the morning. “Really? Two and a half hours of sleep. Ugh.” I needed to think of its name! How could I not give it a name! I was horrified at myself. I sat next to Foxy (temporary name) thinking what kind of name I should give it. I looked Foxy as she slept so peacefully. I looked at the color of the fur and it reminded me of the color scarlet. “Do you like Scarlett? Scarlett?” She cocked her head and blinked her black button eyes. That was going to be her name forever and ever. Until seven thirty, I gazed at her. I got hungry so I went down and got some cereal. I made a post-it note saying that I was going to get Scarlett her small cage. I pulled on my favorite hoodie and put Scarlett in the middle pocket. I got my bike and got to the closest animal store. Dang it! The school bully was here. I pulled my hoodie too down. “Well, well. Look who’s here. I thought you didn’t have a pet.” He spotted me. How the heck did he know it was me. I ignored him and minded my own business. Well, I tried too at least. Then at the perfect timing Scarlett peeked her head out. “What the heck is that thing.” He asked very rudely. I had enough of him (although it was only the morning.) “Shut up and mind your own business!” I yelled at him. He was stunned I said that. I bet nobody else in the school did that. People stared at me like a maniac and I could feel my cheeks growing hotter. I kept my head down and went for a cage. I looked for a glass cage so Scarlett couldn’t escape. I found the perfect one. Surprisingly, it was meant for sand foxes. Everything was perfect until I saw the price tag. One hundred fifty dollars! That would be the same as a year’s allowance! But I had to buy it. I would tell my parents. I also had another problem! How could I ride my bike with that cage? I also have to go to school! Aaaaaahhh!!! There’re so many things I have to do! I’m almost late for school, so I have to take Scarlett to school! This is the biggest risk I am taking. I have straight As like perfect white teeth. I have to take her with me. So, I guess I’ll have to pedal to school. It’s pretty hard to go to school with a bike because it’s uphill and I’m sweating bullets right now. I feel like I can’t make it to school. Ok. I going to push my bike to school now. I finally made it to school. Ugh. I put Scarlett in my hoodie pocket. Good thing she’s small. After I get to my class, I put her inside my desk. “You stay quiet and don’t get out of that desk. OK?” She sleeps for like two hours but after that. She wakes up and squeaks at me. Good thing my class is pretty loud because we’re playing a game. I quietly give her some water. “Emily? What’s the answer for the problem we just did?” My teacher asked. Why me Why at this time? “Umm I dunno.” I replied back to her honestly. “Weren’t you taking no-peep! What was that? Umm my hiccups.” My eyes were literally going to pop out of my eye socket. By now, everybody in the room was looking at me. “Get to work everybody. We’ll talk outside.” She said as she winked at me. We went outside. “So, what really happened? Umm.” Then I told her from the morning. “Aah. So where is that fox now? She’s in my desk. Then can you bring her to me?” She asked “Yes.” Once I entered the classroom, I had the worst feeling ever. When rapidly went to my desk and checked. She wasn’t there. “No No No NO!” Everybody stared at me like crazy, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was my little Scarlett. The teacher came in. “She’s gone.” I was on my knees and cried. Then a small tongue licked my face. At first, I thought it was a dog. I opened my eyes and I couldn’t believe it! “Scar?” I picked her up and put her in front of my face. “Scar!” My teacher just let me go to my home early. “Thank you.” I got picked up and bought the cage for Scarlett. 

January 29, 2021 23:42

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Tristan Willis
22:05 Feb 03, 2021

What a fun story :) It would definitely help if you broke it up a bit. Try to use paragraphs for each section that is talking about a different thing or is set in a different location or time. As Angelina said, it's also helpful to isolate dialogue with a line before and after. My only other comment is that the end felt a little rushed. The moment of getting the cage should be more of an event. I had fun reading it though. Keep it up!


Somegenius Kid
04:21 Feb 06, 2021

Thank you! I will do that.


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Angelina Jeong
05:28 Jan 30, 2021

Just a tip is that you should space out your story. It looks a little too packed. And skip a line after each dialogue as well.


Somegenius Kid
05:29 Jan 30, 2021

Ok I'll try that Thanks for the tip


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Somegenius Kid
03:03 Feb 07, 2021

Here is the link to my profile! Please like and follow for more stories! :)


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