Thou shalt not kill

Submitted into Contest #94 in response to: Start your story with someone accepting a dare.... view prompt


Mystery Thriller

Trigger warning, violence and cursing

“Ryley truth or dare?” Max Whibley said slouching on a torn bean bag. 

I sat in silence twiddling with my thumbs. I picked my head up and looked around.

the rest of the group started jeering on me. Ooooo she’s gonna pick truth, oooohhh she’s not so tough is she?

”Dare.” I replied with a glim smile on my face.

”I dare you to steal from Mr. Rzykruski.”

My eyes widened. “Like, from his classroom?” 

“Rob him now.” Now?! 

There was a group of us huddled around a smoking fire trapped in a rusty old tin. we were surrounded by dripping ceilings and cold cement floors and asbestos lined walls that haven’t been touched or redid since the early 1940s. The stench of weed violated my nose as everyone passed around the joint.

I looked around the group in hope of someone taking a stand but they all just woefully glared at me. I felt uncomfortable. 

“Maybe choose something else Max.”

Whibley rolled his eyes.

”Come on loser I’m bored. Fine. Make out with Josh, right here, right now.” Joshes girlfriend Danielle pierced her eyes through mine. Max was looking for trouble. And it wasn’t good.

I sighed and stood up. I took one look at Josh and started heading for the door. To Mr. Rzykruski i go. 

“Wait up nerd. Going without us?” The whole group rose and started following behind me. Danielle witch off the boom box blasting AC/DC.

Mr. Rzykruski was always polite to me. I’m guessing he doesn’t have any family. I wonder what happened to them. He always got particularly upset when teaching us about the Second World War. He has a thick European accent, a tuft of white hair like paper and he was fairly short and tubby for an elder man, maybe about 5’5 no more. I always towered over him. A year ago in 1987 I remembered he gave me extra credit for my essay. I sure hope he’s not home now. The last thing I’d want is to walk out with charges.

We arrived to his small isolated cabin surrounded by thick glossy trees. The lights were off. I had hope. I could probably take a pen or a piece of fruit and get on with it. Whibley wrapped a piece of cloth around his fist and rammed it into the glass infused door. The screaming shatters of glass clinking made me jump a little. Max gestured me to go inside and proceeded to follow. The glass crunched beneath my feet and I felt around for a light switch and bumped into some sort of side table. A jolt of pain simmered up my body and the following of a clank on the table continued. Whibley found the living room light and flicked it.

“Let there be light. Take your pick Smith. But don’t be sloppy about it. Entertain me.”

I wanted to punch him. It was supposed to be truth or dare not rob people and endanger yourself. Max was always some messed up kid everyone was afraid to hate. He’d throw tantrums when we were in first and second grade but those evolved into violent fistful fights and threats. And a lot of court rulings. Whibley always had some sort of smite against me. I never knew why. There was only this one incident when I bumped into him and spilled his coffee all over his varsity jacket. Let’s just say I came home winded and in pain.

I approached some old dated photos on a fireplace. I recognised Mr, Rzykruski in a strange flat cap standing next to four children, and a very attractive women he had his arm around. The muted chatter of the group outside the cabin distracted me. And I zoned out for a few. The funnelling feeling of guilt washed over me like a storm.

“Your too shallow Smith. Here, try this.” I thought he just picked up some boring book. But I took a closer look and it appeared to be some sort of sacred bible. But not like the ones we read at church. It was scripted with weird glyphs.

“Max that might be important to him.” I warned.

“Do I look like I care? It’s shiny and I like it. Take it and run.” Whibley must’ve made too much noise. The hardwood floors started creaking and then the silhouette of Mr. Rzykruski appeared in the door. 

“Stop, who goes there?” The man shuddered. Oh shit. I have to get out of here. If he finds out I’m the one in his house in the dead of night, I’m in big trouble. 

Whibley was getting impatient. He grabbed a near by cup and aimed it towards him.

“Come near me you sloppy old man and I’m going to bash your fucking head.” He growled.

“Get out of my house!” Mr. Rzykruski grabbed an umbrella and raised it behind his head. His petite figure lacking balance was wobbling in place.

Whibley yelled furiously and jumped onto the man. He held him in position in the floor and struck him several times with the ceramic mug, shattering and exploding shards of clear everywhere. After the man went deathly silent, Max then dropped beside him. I curled into a ball and scream. The terrorising sounds of impact enough to scar my sanity. 

“What the fuck did you do Max? You murdered an innocent man!” I yelled.  

“Well, looks like no more extra credit for you then huh. Should’ve done what I asked you to.” He stood up, wiped some blood off his face and walked back out. The crunching of glass following him.

”So that’s what this is about? Your fragile small ego?!” I divulged.

”Don’t make me kill you too Smith.” His god awful voice echoed and bounced off the wooden walls.

I was too stunned to move. The mutilated body just inches away from me made me want to vomit. Tears were matting my thick curly hair. I suddenly hear the sirens of police not too far away and I mustered up the energy to run. I pressed myself up against the wall, trying not to touch the body or inhale the stench of quaking death and I scampered out the front door and sprinted. I ran and I ran and I ran and I ran. I closed up to a rushing waterfall and halted. 

Holy shit. 

May 17, 2021 14:27

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