Adventure Inspirational Teens & Young Adult

Do Listen to your intuition

By Bankit Damian

The sound of the tickling of the clock in his room woke him up from his deep slumber. "Oh... My God... It's already 7:00 o'clock" cried Doff as he kiced off the blankets and jumped out of the bed. It was a Summer day and the weather was hot and scorching. By that time everyone were seen busy and preparing for the picnic. "Come on Doff, give a helping hand.. " shouted Jessila, his eldest sister. Doff still in his slumber mood and was yourning at the same time, came forward to help Jesiila. By this time everything was ready and the picnic was about to start. But young Doff, was reluctant to go. He could feel that there was something inside of him blocking him to go. It was a surprised to see him reluctant to go for a picnic as he himself was fond of picnic. But this time he was reluctant and decided not to go. "What's the matter my boy... " cried Silvia his Mother. "I don't want to go for a picnic mom" said Doff. By this time half of the family had already occupied the car and the music too was blasting and jaring for the picnic. "Leave him alone mom... Let him stay back and look after the cattle at home.. " shouted Joshua his eldest brother. Silvia approached Doff and wiped bis eyes as tears began to run down his cheeks. "I just don't want to go Mom... I'll stay back, please go ahead. " Replied Doff in his sobely voice. "Stupid Doff come fast yeahhh, we have no time, we have so many sites to visit. " Shouted Joshua who was packed with gadgets and ready to blast off with the music. But Doff would not go and no one could persue him to go. Silvia thought that the family picnic would be incomplete without all participating. So Silvia announced a strong announcement declaring that the picnic would be called off. At this Joshua and the rest reacted greatly and infact shouted bad words at Doff. For they knew the reason for the cancelled picnic. Infact Joshua came out of the vehicle with a sudden thud and grasped the neck of Doff thinking of beating him. He was so angry at Doff for he was the cause of the disaster. But Silvia calmed all of them and promised that the picnic would be postponed to another day.

Lately in the evening when everyone was getting ready for the dinner, a news was shown in their TV where the picnic site where they supposed to go was bomblasted by some terrorists. Those who went for the picnic that day were killed and blasted by the bomb. It was indeed a shocked incident where no one expected it. There was a sudden shock in the family of Doff at seeing this news. Had the famy gone for the picnic they would have killed and lost heir lives. At this the mother hugged Doff and kissed him continously. "You save our lives Doff... You are our Hero. Thanks Doff" said the Mother. Then at this one by one came to embrace Doff and thanked him. Thus the whole family was saved from the disaster.cried As the family sat down for the dinner there was a complete silence and no one dared to talk anything. joshuwa'shead was down and he dared not to look at Doff for he was very sorry for his gesture towards his brother Doff.

Even Doff himself was shedding tears for the intuition was indeed true. For he would always have like this kind of intuition and most of them happened to be true. Whenever a Doff recalled back this incident he would always she'd tears and cried. Every now and then Doff would always have this kined of intuition.

Another time there was a similar incident regarding Doff himself. One fine day Doff was digging the field getting ready for the plantation. As he ws working, there was something disturbing him and kept on pricking at the back. It would not release him and let him go. Then Doff stopped from his work and investigated the matter. Later he found out that his neck was bledding. It so happened that when he was born, his sister Jessila had a cut on her neck. Then Doff remembered this and thought that something must be wrong with his sister Jessila. For it was indeed a strange incident where he had never have like this before. And besides that there was no sign of getting cut on his neck except that the blood just ouzed out from his neck randomly. So Doff realised that this was another indication that something must be happening in hi s family. His first memory was his sister Jessila. So he left everything in the field and ran towards home. Before reaching home, he could sense that really something mus have gone wrong due to the ambience itself. Just before he enterd the door he heard the srceam of his sister as if gasping for oxygen. Doff rushed towards her room and yo his surprised he found her laying on the floor and there was blood all around her. Doff inquired Jessila regarding the matter of hers. But poor Jessila was no where to answer as her hlaf of her blood was already gushed out. Also on that day the whole family had gone for a funeral to one of the neighbours villages. So only Jessila and Doff wre left at home. Doff with all his abilities took Jessila to the nearby pharmacy. Later with the help of his neighbours Jessila wa taken to the hospital and she was saved. Thus Jessila's life was saved by Doff. Jessila wa very thankful to Doff and later embraced and kissed him affectionately. She knew that Doff was a very peculiar hold in their family even though he might look absent mindedness.

From then on Doff became very popar in their family as well as in the village as a whole. This is all because Doff followed his intuition and persevere it. Thesetso memories happening both during the summer would always pumped in his mind now and then. Doff would never stop crying when ever he recalled back this incident.

June 25, 2021 07:10

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