Thriller Suspense Romance

"Geoff, we can't continue to do this! You have kids and a wife! Not to mention my kids or husband." Angelica cried out to the man standing at the foot of the bed in the small motel room. 

The man, Geoff, responded calmly but thoughtfully, "I know, Angelica. But I love you! Don't you love me too?" 

Angelica took a second to look at Geoff before sighing, "Of course I do, Geoff." 

"Then be with me." Geoff pleaded, getting on the bed and taking Angelica into his arms. 

"I would do anything, and I mean anything, to be with you, Angelica Sawyer. Please, can we try to make this work?" Geoff Questioned while moving hair out of her face and kissing her. 

Angelica pushed off Geoff and started to mumble about her kids and Husband. In a second, Angelica was off the bed and picking up the clothes littered on the ground. Geoff watched Angelica get dressed in less than a minute and start to walk out the door. 

Geoff rushes out of bed only to call out to her, "Angelica, please! We can make this work!" 

Snapping her head towards Geoff and pushing him off when he got close, Angelica said the final argument, "No, we can not! We need to stop seeing each. Completely." 

Geoff watched as Angelica made her way outside. He left the room in enough time to see her car leaving the motel parking lot. This was it... He was all alone. 

Geoff's phone rang nonstop while he was getting dressed, luckily, he caught it at the last ring, and he answered the phone with "Angelica?" 

"Who the hell is Angelica?" The woman's horse voice screamed back at Geoff. In the background, he could hear children calling, "Hi, daddy!" and "Can I talk to him?" 

Geoff knew then and there that he had fucked up. It was his wife, Margaret. With a sigh, Geoff regained his composure and said, in a fake happy tone, "Hey honey!" 

"Who is Angelica?" Margaret growled before yelling at their three children in the background. 

"Angelica... Angelica Moore? You remember her, don't you? She got moved to HR a month back." Geoff tried to pass off the lie but swore his voice was shaking. 

There was silence on the other end for Margaret before she snapped at Geoff, "You sure it wasn't Angelica Sawyer?" 

"No, No! It wasn't her." Geoff immediately responds. Thankfully they move off the subject with a "huh" from Margaret. In a few minutes, the phone call ended, and Geoff was checking out of the motel. 

 The car ride home was silent. Well, Geoff's mind was racing with thoughts. His thoughts were absurd, mostly about how he and Angelica could stay together by any means possible. 

In half an hour, Geoff was back home, being invited by his children screaming. 

"Shouldn't you guys be in school?" Geoff laughs as he takes his children in his arms. 

You took her into your arms just like that...

He looks down at his kids and kisses them goodbye before they rush to their bus. Walking into the kitchen, Geoff saw Margret cleaning the children's mess. He reached out and pulled her into a kiss. 

When the kiss ended, Margret looked angry and quickly slapped him. 

"You had the balls to sleep with another woman behind my back? I'm very impressed." Margret says with a laugh. 

Confused, more impressed that she had figured it out, Geoff stammers out, "What-? I-?" then takes a second for a breath and continues to go on, "I never have. And with who? No one is as..." 

"Is as what, Geoff?" Margret questions, getting pissed off at this point.

"No one is better than you! That's what I'm trying to say!" Geoff yells out. 

Margret looked at him in disgust before stating that he was late for work and then walking away. 

Looking at her in astonishment, he takes a few steps towards her. 

"I'll call in sick." 

Turning her head and body towards Geoff, Margret snaped. "What do you mean you'll 'call out sick'?" 

"I want to work through this with you." 

"I don't want to work through anything at all. Leave. Now!" Margret screams at Geoff. 

Finally, Geoff lets off and walks out the door to the car. 

She won't allow it. There is only one way...

Geoff made his way to work. It was a pretty normal day in the office. Halfway through the day, he gets an urge to call her. 

The phone picks up after a few rings, and the voice on the other end says his name annoyedly. 

"Angelica, I need to see you. Please?"

"No, Geoff, I already told you. We need to stop seeing each other." 

"Okay, okay..." Geoff pauses. When he hears her say she will hang up, he suddenly yells, "Wait!" 


"I have a question..." 

There was a pause on the other end before Angelica considered answering the question. 

"If there were another universe where we weren't married and with kids, would you be with me?" 

Angelica's end had silence before a little laugh was heard by Geoff, "Yes. Goodbye, Geoff." 

Silence. She hung up. But Geoff knew what to do now. 

Coming home from work early, Geoff stops at the hardware store. After picking up what he needed, he grabbed his kids from school. When the kids asked what they would do, he just said, "We are going to surprise mommy!" 

The kids were bursting with happiness by the time they reached the house. 

The kids ran inside first, but Geoff had to get his tools. As he walked inside, Margret stared at him. 

"What is that for?" she looked at the bags in Geoff's hands. 

"Just some tools I needed," Geoff said as he walked to her and placed a kiss on her lips. Geoff went on to say, "I'm making lunch today. Go, relax with the kids." 

Margret looked at Geoff with a quizzed look on her face. Margret broke into a smile and kissed him once more. "Thanks, Love!" she mumbles near his lips. Margret pushed her kids towards the living room, to go watch the children's favorite TV show. 

Geoff was making dinner when suddenly, a thought louder than anything he had ever thought. 

Put it in. 

Geoff looked confused for a second before he looked at what he was holding. Rat poison. He hesitated for a moment but then thought back to what Angelica had said. 

"Dinner's ready!" Geoff yells out towards the commotion in the other room. In a minute, the children and Margret appeared at the overly decorated table. 

Margret laughs, and the children giggle as they sit down at the table. 

"What's this?" Margret questions as she looks at the decorations and delicious-looking food. 

"Wanted to do something good for all of you," Geoff answered, almost robotically, in a cheerful tone.

The kids started to eat, and soon they were exclaiming about how good it tasted. The wife couldn't help but question her husband's cooking but soon dug in to taste what the kids were tasting. 

Geoff watched as his kids started to struggle to breathe. He knew his wife had eaten enough to be affected too. 

There was screaming, but Geoff got his way out of there. Geoff knew where he wanted to go. 

The entire car ride, Geoff could feel that thing in his pocket. Just where he put it. 

Arriving at Angelica's, Geoff takes a second to look over all his tools...

He was ready. 

After pounding on the door, Angelica's Husband came out. In a second, the husband dropped dead. 

Geoff continued to walk in until he found Angelica. 

Angelica was terrified. You could tell so by her face and the way she was shaking. 

"Honey..." Geoff looked at her. 

"Geoff! What-" Angelica cried out.  

Geoff grabbed Angelica, and with no resistance offered from her, Geoff told her the plan. 

Angelica looked at him with a worried expression, "How do I do it?" she asked Geoff.

"You don't need to unless you want to." 

Angelica smiled at him and then softly said, "You can do it if you don't mind." 

Geoff kissed her, sealing the deal. 

Angelica asked for two things, a quick death for the kids and to wish them goodbye. 

Geoff stood and watched as Angelica said her goodbyes and gave them kisses. Soon, she was back by the door, and she gave him a hug before leaving the room. 

Geoff closed the door looking at the children. He watched as they both dropped dead in a flash of light. 

Coming out of the room, Angelica says to Geoff, "I've called the cops. We got to go." 

Geoff looked over her thoroughly before grabbing her and rushing out the door towards his car. 

Driving down I-75, Angelica explains herself to Geoff, and soon they come to an understanding. Within the next few hours, there was worry between the two whenever they saw another car. 

 They stopped that night at a roadside motel in the middle of nowhere. 

"I missed you today," Geoff says while cuddling into Angelica. She laughs, and they continue to talk and kiss. They soon fall asleep in each other's arms. 

March 10, 2023 04:39

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