Fiction Lesbian Romance

Why? Why did I do it, I ruined everything with two words. Two words and all of my friendships could blow up. "My girlfriend." I had just come out to everyone I loved, would they accept me? To understand everything we have to go back about three hours.

About three hours ago, at 14:56 to be exact, my best friend and adoptive father knocked on my door. Of course, I opened the door and him in, John Roler. He was tall and full of muscle, I guess that is what made him a good agent. He had jet black hair that you could only describe as unruly, he had nice tan skin that looked like he spent lots of time in the sun but in reality, it was just because we did many missions in the midwest.  He had a chiseled chin that no girl could resist the only thing that was off about him was his eyes. Like everyone else on my team he had the look in them as if he had seen horrible things; which he had. John wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up.

"Hello to you too," I commented laughing, a delicate smile laced his lips. "What brings you to my humble home?" I asked when he put me down and started walking in.

"Oh, you know the normal. I brought a movie, and before you say no you should probably know; I already invited the team." He responded then sat down on the corner of my couch, "Also just saying it's an apartment, not a home." I rolled my eyes at his unnecessary comment about my grammar. I left the door open knowing that the rest of the team would be here soon.

"Ok, but call Robert and tell him to get food because I'm hungry and if the team is coming I do not have enough food for everyone. Hold on I'm going to change into something more comfortable." I called as I walked into my bedroom and slammed the door behind me.

About two and a half hours later, I heard a knock. My team was already here and I was wondering who was at my door.  I looked at the others and they just shrugged. I threw a glance at my Chinese food that I was in the middle of and then walked to the door. I ripped open the door, my hand on the gun resting just below my waistband. As soon as I took a look at the person waiting outside my jaw hit the ground and I removed my hand from the butt of the weapon.

In the doorway stood a short girl, curly black hair and olive-brown skin. Mascara was streaming down her face with thick sheets of tears. She launched herself onto me and clung to my neck, her face buried into my soft shirt. Her fingers pulled my head to her hair and I inhaled the familiar scent that I had gotten so used to. She was shaking and sobbing in my arms and I led her to the couch nudging the door shut with my foot. I ran my fingers through her hair and tried to calm her down. Her breathing started to slow down about five minutes later and she drifted into a thin sleep.

I pulled her off of me and tried to put a blanket on her, but she grabbed my wrist and opened her eyes. Those ocean orbs begged me not to leave her so I picked her up like a baby, and sat back down with my friends at the table. I knew that a couple of my friends would recognize her from the college that they worked at as a cover; even if her face was hidden on my chest. She fell into a light sleep and she had a relaxed look on her face as she turned it to her cheek was all that was resting on my collar bone.

"Sorry, I don't know what's wrong," I murmured quietly to my colleagues, as my eyes drifted down to her perfect features.

"Don't worry about it Mia, how do you know Ariadna. I didn't know you two were friends..." Rihana responded, her voice trailed off on the last word. I felt a blush of crimson grace my cheeks. Her mouth shaped into an oh, as she realized she already knew the answer to the question she didn't ask.

"I suppose now is the time you're going to tell us who she is to you?" Someone asked after a few moments of uncomfortable silence. I didn't even register who said it, my face was in her hair, and my heart was pounding. I opened my mouth and said,

"My girlfriend." Ariadna shifted in my arms and they tightened around her. There was more uncomfortable silence as they all exchanged looks around the table, I kept my eyes focused on the half-finished food. I no longer felt hungry. I just about shot Sar when he put a hand on my shoulder, and just like that, I knew that he was fine with it. There were really only two people whose opinion I cared about, Rihana and John. The others I could easily kick off of the team but John was my father and Rihana was my best friend. They meant the world to me, if they didn't approve I don't know what I would do.

"Why didn't you tell us?" John asked, the hurt in his voice was clear. I let out a sob I didn't know I was holding in and allowed the tears to run down my cheeks onto the silky hair I used as a pillow. I felt so ashamed and started balling my eyes out. This of course woke up Ariadna and she pulled me into a soft kiss. John and Rihana got up and walked over to where I sat. "We would have supported you, Mia. You can trust us, we love you." Rihana nodded in agreement and started asking about when we met and how long we had been together. For the rest of the night, we laughed and talked about friends and family.

When my friends left I shut the door and sighed quietly. Ariadna came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist, she tried to put her head on my shoulder but quickly found out she was not tall enough. I spun around and picked her up. "I'm am tired, want to go to sleep?" I asked quietly, she nodded mutely and I carried her to my bedroom. I was glad that my friends knew but I wish there was a better way of telling them. As I drifted into sleep those two words kept playing over in my head along with a thousand other thoughts, I silently vowed to figure out why she was crying. But that could wait till the morning, right now I focused my thoughts back on the two words; my girlfriend.

April 14, 2021 23:07

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Echo Sundar
17:02 May 11, 2021

Great story!


K. Andrews
17:45 May 12, 2021

Thank you so much!


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