Fiction Funny Inspirational

Want to know what a crappy life means? You asked the right person!

For me, it's... this! What you're asking is basically the definition of my life.

Force to get out of bed with an annoying phone alarm that I set my self to just basically continue my sleep in the end until the tenth alarm destroys the only dream that puts a grin on my lips. And the first things I had in my hands the moment I fully wake up in the late morning isn't a spoon for a hearty breakfast nor a heavy dumbbell to get back into shape but a phone where the only thing I can do is tap, scroll, and envy every people that had accomplished a lot of things in life and posted it on social media, instead of cleaning up the mess I made in my own room.

To clearly picture the beloved room of mine, it's like a forest of mess and trash. My little garbage bin had been filled and overflowed with... you know, garbage that used to be inside my bag. The clothes I wear yesterday are mopping the floor on its own, piling up and being reused for the later tomorrow. And the carpet under my bed stained with red liquid that I don't want to talk about.

It was always like this ever since luck left my life, and then after that, motivation abandoned me. I could barely go out from this comfortable prison of mine, and the things I needed are being delivered outside my doorstep. Nothing outside of his four walls could give me an interest.

But as I woke up one day in the middle of the day, a rustle sounded underneath the mountain of clothing delivered into this appartment, and from under, a beast pounced at me that made me scream in a terrifying way.

It was a four legged creature, a golden puppy that licked my entire face with its filthy mouth that I had to run and rinse my face inside the bathroom. But even there, the beast had followed me. It kept on tailing me wherever I go in this small chamber, and the only safe zone I had was above my study table. 

"Back off, evil creature!" I warned, pointing the scale I had yet what the beast only did was wag its tail, looking curiously and excited at the ruler I had in my hand.

A brilliant idea suddenly rushed inside my head, that a smirk drew in my face. I threw scale into the bathroom that the little fool had followed, and as it got inside, I rushed to lock the bathroom door but failed as I tripped over the pile of clothes lying on the floor, then saliva of the beast once again invaded my face.

It was frustrating that the origin of this four legged creature was still unknown until a mail was sent to me from my parent, reminding me to go back home.

But even if I wanted to, I can't. Guilt had already succumbed me for getting kicked out of the university I've been attending. It was like the tallest and strongest wall I had faced that crippled me, leaving me with nothing to go back into surface. I didn't only failed as a child of my parent but failed as a person as well. I wasn't able to accomplish anything in my life.

Tears began running from my eyes as I watch their message yet couldn't reply. It was suffocating until an annoying tongue touched my face once one.

I quickly threw something at the bathroom once again but this time, I was able to lock the little canine inside and could see it whaling as it tries to scratch the transparent glass door. "Nice try, little beast but that thing is the gate of the ancient. Only I can open it, bwuhahaha!"

Huge relief and satisfaction came into me as I succeded trapping the beast in the comfort room, but its cry was a pain in my eardrums that I had to increase the volume of the music being played in my headphone as I play an online game.

I was feeling lucky for once as I devour the system and defeat the whole army of player until my phone rang the tone that I thought I could never hear again. The alert tone set only to a friend that I couldn't help but fell inlove into yet got friendzone.

"Where is it!? Come one, where are you!?" I searched everywhere. Under the unmade bed, the piles of clothes on the floor, the messy study table, even under the trash and crampled failed test paper but it wasn't anywhere near those places until it rang again.

But to my surprise, it was somewhere I didn't want it to be. It was inside the bathroom.

And to add to the suspense, the mutt was looking at me with its jaws gripping my phone above the toilet sit. It was like blackmailing me that if I didn't open the door, it will go bye-bye and get bathe in the water of the bowl.

"Oh, so you're challenging me, huh? You know I can get a replacement for that phone" I called out, yet the phone was still ringing and the little beast put its head closer to the water. "Ok, you win! I'll you out!"

Slowly, I openned the door, letting the pup out but it only rushed outside the comfort room, and run all over my bedroom with its mouth still clinging on my phone.

It was a chase that last for I couldn't remember how long until I got too tired, and collapse on the floor with my breath inhaling and exhaling heavy. I could no longer muster enough energy yet the mutt as still as active as a never ending battery.

I did got my phone back but the call had already ended and what's worse was I have been calling out curses towards the pup, never knowing that the call from her was already answered. I was afraid that it might be mistaken by that person I liked yet it already happened and I could no longer do anything about it.

While I suffer in dissapointment towards myself, the pup sat on my stomach, howling its victory sound. "I'll get you next time, beast!"

"Food delivery!" A man called out from outside, and with the remaining strength I had, I went to get my dinner.

It was already dark when it arrived, and the man seemed to back taken aback for an instance as he saw me. Well, who doesn't get surprised with a person only wearing an underwear. It's not my fault when the temperature hot all day.

With the two piece of chicken drumstick, and a cup of rice at hand, I sat down and place it on the study table after shoving aside the unnecessary papers. The little beast showed interest in my meal then a smirked once again drew on my face.

"Only the overlords get to get mortal." I bragged as I laughed at it, but it kept scratching my feet and didn't stopped whaling. It was so annoying I had to shut him up. I threw the bone that was dipped in the gravy at him. "Here, have the grace of your lord, peasant! Bwuhahaha!"

And that was the start of my supremacy over the four legged creature.

Everyday became rather indeffirent with the mutt around. There were days we clashed and sword fight with our rulers, and throw pillow bombs at each other, and days were one of us hails champion of the day. But most of the time, it kept blackmailing me like if I don't feed him, he'll drop my phone on the toilet bowl or bite the wires of my computer. That mutt just never stopped pissing me.

But it became rather thrilling with beast around. My hot Summer became fierce and filled with battle against him. My harsh Autumn that was filled with typhoon where we only stayed at home and drink milk. The long cold winter of where we watch the snow fall from behind the window, making small snowmans. And the competition in Spring whether who grows the seed I ordered online to a flower first. It became rather too convenient with beast around that I barely touch the computer on the desk.

It was worthwhile until the middle of spring arrived, then the moment we've been waiting for arrived. Beast was chewing off the failed tester paper the moment I woke up.

"Nice job, beast! That's right, test and exams are for loser!" I laughed, then my sight caught the window of my appartment. "Beast, look! The flowers are blooming!!"

He howled in joy, skipping and running around while I mesmerized myself to the very first flower I had grown. I looked at the scar in my wrist, at beast, then back at the two pretty flower that bloomed altogether at the same time. It somehow gave me a new meaning, and motivation that I had suddenly called out to beast, and said. "Hey, should I try enrolling once more and start over again?"

Beast just ruffed, wagging his tail as he sit on the carpet on the ground. "I'll take that as yes!"

To hell with what the world and fate throws me. I don't care whether I fail numerous times anymore. 

March 12, 2021 03:47

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