Tusks and Dagger Part Twenty-Seven: A Mark in the Moonlight

Written in response to: End your story with a kiss at midnight.... view prompt


Adventure Fantasy Romance


“I’ll buy him!” My mother’s voice called in the blackness of my mind space, her slender hand reaching for me. “I won’t let you ever get hurt again.” The God of Death towered over me, his shadowy body swaying like the flame of a candle. His red eyes glistened with adventure, his shadowy hand patting my head. Shrinking down to my height, his arm hooked around my elbow. Judging by his wicked expression, something horrible waited for me. Why did I have to make a deal with this idiot?

“I like you kid.” His deep voice thundered, his head cocking to the right. “Now that we made a deal. Does she know the costs? I find that giving me half of your soul was rather generous. Of course you were wise to give me a few rules like killing no one without your permission. So what were you going to do with your new freedom?” Narrowing my eyes in his direction, something was on his mind. Why did he insist on playing such irritating games? Rolling my eyes, a tortured sigh escaped my lips. My lips flattened with fury, his fingers snapping.  

Jerking awake, the dead trees arching menacingly over me only made the situation worse. Sitting up, my tiny hands dusted off my white wool shirt and black pants. Cursing to myself, my parents were probably worried about me. Lottie would find me, right? She was my true mother after all. Picking up a handful of scarlet soil, the toxicity of the carbon in the air would kill anyone else. My scythe rested next to me, his voice only flaring up my temper. Of course he trapped me in another dimension, my eyebrow twitching irritably.

“I need you to find a werewolf named Luna. She is your age and was trapped in the Neverlands a couple of years ago. You know where you are now.” He chuckled darkly, my eyebrow twitching irritably once more. Kiss her by midnight and you both are free. Sounds simple, right? Good luck.” His energy faded away, leaving me to my own devices. Sounds simple, my ass. A black pocket watch dangled from my wrists, the time reading nine o’ clock. Screaming into the sky, the bastard only gave me three hours. Rubbing the bridge of my nose, this must be how Momma felt everyday while she dealt with Dackworth. Where would I go if I was my age? Inky black owls gathered at my feet, blood red eyes watching my every move. Sensing the off energy, my fingers gripped my scythe a bit tighter. Stepping forward, the owls hooted for me to stop. The ground quaked underneath my boots, an unimpressed expression dawning on my face. Tilting my head back, a scream struggled to remain in me at the sight of a twenty foot mother bird owl towering behind me. Leaping over the twelve inch baby owls, a cloud of red dirt obscured me the moment I landed clumsily. Sprinting deeper into the forest, a pale hand pulled me into a hollow tree trunk. My breath hitched, a pair of copper eyes shooting daggers at me. Her wild silver curls bounced around her sharp cheekbones, fangs hanging over her lips. Slipping into a daze, my heart was beating out of my chest.    

“Are you the guy the God of Death sent to rescue me?” She whined bitterly, running her hands through her hair. “I was expecting an adult, not a kid my age.” The corner of my lips twitched, my eyebrow following suit. Who the hell did she think she was? Here I was to help her out, and she completely dismissed me. Biting my lips, the shadow of the owl flying away distracted me from my boiling rage. 

“Fine, you can stay here then. I will find another way out!” I snapped hotly, stepping out from the tree trunk.  “See if I care.” Marching away from here, her attitude was going to be the death of me. Grabbing my wrists, she yanked me back. 

“What the hell is your probl-” I began, a giant black bat swooping down at us. Swinging my scythe towards its neck, the black energy of death formed into ribbons of black flames. Wonder brightened her eyes the moment my scythe sliced through the beefy neck with ease, a wicked grin curling on my lips. Pulling out a silver bow with copper arrows, an arrow whizzed by my head. Loose soil covered my face, another bat creature crashing inches from me. A fit of laughter burst from her lips, her lips brushing against my right cheek. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, her elbow hooking around mine. 

“You are such a hothead.” She mused playfully, her mood shifts confusing me dearly. “We need to go to the peak and kiss by midnight. Don’t think that I like you though! Let’s go.” Sliding my elbow out of hers, I motioned for her to lead the way. Rolling her eyes, the black rags barely covered her tiny body. A cold breeze nipped my cheeks, her body shivering. Taking off my shirt, the white wool material dangled off of my finger. The God of Death residing in me kept me warm, so I would be fine. The true question is would my mental state remain intact.

“Take my shirt.” I offered bluntly, her eyes watering with tears. “I don’t need it. My magic keeps  me warm. Please take it. You are shivering. Once we get you out of here I can get you a dress or something.” Throwing it over her rags, her small fingers struggled with the buttons. Taking a deep breath,  my nimble fingers buttoned every single button. Her face was inches from mine, scarlet burning our cheeks. Staring at the ground, the awkward silence was unpalatable. Scratching the back of my neck, a strange feeling haunting me. What was this fuzzy feeling causing my heart to flutter? Ignore the feeling, her fingers intertwined with mine. Dragging me up the path, the silence of the forest unsettling us both. The inky sky somehow darkened, terror paling my cheeks. Scarlet clouds swirled in the sky, her bones cracking and shifting. Cold sweat dripped off of my brow, my feet stepping back as the wool shredded to nothing. Silver fur burst through her skin, the beauty of the silver wolf stealing my breath away. Wonder mixed with fear, her muzzle at my head. Sliding me over her head, my fingers wrapped around her bow and arrows. Shrill shrieks shattered the stale air, twenty bat creatures flapping towards us. Hugging her neck, the cold air lashed at my cheeks as her paws bounded up the mountain. Struggling to my feet, her bow and arrow bounced off of my back. Raising my scythe, black flames roared to life. Unable to control the flames, my footing became wobbly. A shadowy hand held me up, a deep voice rumbling in my ear. 

“Say this spell, and that should eradicate them.” The God of Death informed me briskly, his hands cupping mine. “I will lend you a bit of my power to complete it. Say Flames of Death, Torch thy enemy. It is that simple.” Narrowing my eyes, a scarlet haze clouded my vision. Several hands held me up, Luna moving twice as fast. Spinning my scythe above my head, the words struggled to come to my lips. 

“Flames of Death, Torch thy enemy!” I chanted confidently, the black flames changing into the shapes of black arrows. Swinging my scythe in their direction, the blood began to pour from my eyes. Intense pain burned my muscles, the arrows whipping towards the creatures. Black flames devoured each body, black ash drifting aimlessly.  Swaying slightly, my vision blurred. A migraine throbbed to life, my scythe fading away. The hands disappeared in a puff of black smoke, my face smashing into the hard part of her skull. The dull crack of my skull alarmed me, blood dying her fur red. Skidding to a stop at the peak, dread bubbled in my gut. Thousands of demonic creatures hovered over us, panic twisting my face. Bucking me off of her, her paw pinned me to the icy black rock. Her snout pressed against my lips, the hour hand at the ruby twelve. Time stopped, my heart beating out of my chest. A humming noise throbbed in my ear, the scenery melting to a destroyed village of mixed piles of stone and wood. Fright rounded our eyes,  her pretty lips kissing mine. Hopping off of me, she hid behind a rock. A rush of energy coursed through me, a deep red coloring my cheeks.

“This doesn’t mean that I like you!” She shouted desperately, her head popping up cautiously. “I need something to wear. Could you find something?” Touching my head, red dyed the tip of my finger.  My head was only bleeding, but sure let me help you out. Sinking down, her curls shimmered in the blue moonlight. Struggling to my feet, my bangs clung to my forehead. Leaning on the nearest wall, a lone yellowed shirt danced in the blustery winds. Barely tugging on it, the stiff wool draped over my arm. A tatter of a sail flapped in the distance, a jug of alcohol hiding underneath the remains of a boat. Soaking the strip in the bottle, the wound stung the moment I wrapped the strip of cloth around my head. A tattered map rested on a worn wooden table, a thick wool blanket resting on the remains of a metal bed frame. Grabbing both, the map would be handy for a spell my mother had taught me if I had ever gotten separated from her. Running over to the rock, her shaking hand snatched the shirt from me.

“That shirt was all I could find.” I admitted sheepishly, waiting until she was dressed. “We have to wait a couple of hours so my magic can return to its full level. I did find a blanket.” Plopping down next to her, her head rested on my shoulder. That strange feeling returned, my mind flashing back to our kiss. Laying the blanket neatly over our shivering bodies, the cold was getting to me. Violent sobs quaked her body, a hopeless look dimming her pretty face. 

“My mother sent me down there to protect me but I don’t think she made it. We were in the middle of a werewolf war with the vampires. They killed everyone but my parents. I begged them not to send me away.” She wept softly, her face buried into my shoulder. “Can you hug me?” Embracing her awkwardly, no one deserved to see this. The loose dirt crunched behind me, Lottie poking her head around. A wide grin danced across my lips, her beautiful blond hair framing her slightly fuller face. Crouching down to our level, two black fur cloaks hung off of her arms. Tears of panic flooded from her eyes, her broken smile shattering my heart.

“I am so glad you are okay!” She sobbed softly, pulling me close to her chest. “We were all so worried about you. Come here, my dear. You look like you need a hug.” Luna crashed into her extended arm, tears flooding from her eyes. Embracing us warmly, a tired smile lit up Luna’s face. Lifting up her chin with her finger, she wiped away her tears. Trembling at her touch, her thumb traced her cheek.  

“You are more than welcome to come home with me, if you want.” Lottie offered sincerely, her lips pressing into a thin line. “I need to ask first. Do you have any parents around?” Shaking her head, no words left her lips. Squirming out of Lottie’s arms, the cloak kept the harsh cold from licking my bare skin.  

“Her name is Luna, and she is a werewolf. I don’t think her mother is alive.” I blurted out awkwardly, Luna’s fist slamming into my shoulder. “Cut it out!  She can find your mother if she is alive.” Her curls bounced as she sprinted away from us, Lottie still crouched down. Smoothing out her black wool dress, her palm pressed against the hard frozen ground. Mouthing a silent spell, Luna skidded to a stop the moment a blue vine curled down her arm. The thick vine snaked over the ruins, Lottie’s boot following each twist and turn. Spinning on her heel, Luna sprinted after her. Rolling my eyes, her stubbornness matching Lottie’s to a fault. A tortured howl mixed with the wild winds, my ears drooping at the knowledge that it was from Luna. The tone matched hers, my feet skidding to a stop. A preserved body of a silver haired woman with copper eyes lay frozen in a block of ice, silver bullets riddling her body. Luna clawed desperately at the ice, tears streaming down her cheeks. Pressing both palms to the ice, blue flames devoured the surface. Water pooled around her boots, the mass shrinking away. Blood poured from her nose, tears welling up in her eyes. Moving Luna behind her, the heel of her boot shattered the thin layer of ice. Shards whizzed by my head, Lottie catching her mother. Teardrops shattered the surface of the puddle as she laid her on the ground gingerly. Looking away, the guilt ate at her. Curse her for having to feel guilt for things she couldn’t control. Luna rested her head on her mother’s chest, her claws digging into the corpse. Broken wail after wail burst from her lips, Lottie attempting to comfort her. Slapping her hand away, a distant look in her eyes frightening me.  The black pocket watch on my wrists read eleven thirty, my boots splashing through the water. Clutching her close to my chest, her claws retracted. The wails never stopped, choosing to bury her face into my shoulder. Her curls tickled my face, Lottie prepping for a soul cleansing spell. 

“You can trust Lottie.” I promised sweetly, pretty sure that I was falling for her. “She is going to send your mother to Heaven now. I can hold your hand the entire time. I won’t ever leave your side. Let me be your moon.” Gazing lovingly up at me, a silver paw mark appeared on my neck. A silver string connected us, Lottie smiling warmly at the sight of it. This was an unbreakable bond, our lives forever to be connected. Helping her to her feet, her elbow hooked into mine. Guiding her to her mother’s body, Lottie pressed her hands to the body. 

“I am sending her to Heaven, so say your final goodbyes.” Lottie wept softly, her mother’s body decaying to blue rose petals. “You can whisper it in her ear if you wish to keep it private.” Nodding silently, Luna leaned into her mother’s ears. Her lips moved, neither of us hearing a single word. The last of the rose petals drifted into the sky, Luna melting into my arms. Snores told me that she was asleep, the silver string still attached to our hearts.  

“I see you became her mate.” Lottie teased playfully, offering me her hand. “You have some responsibilities now. You will be her rock, just like Boran was mine. You will date one day, but not now. You are far too young. Just get to know each other first, ‘kay?” Whistling sharply, the ground quaked as Mina landed in front of us. Helping me up, a rough groan escaped her lips as she hopped on.  

“What are you talking about?” I queried curiously, her eyes twinkling with tears. “I don’t get it. I get this strange feeling every time I see her.” Laughing lightly to herself, her arm wrapped around the two of us. Narrowing my eyes in her direction, my ears flattened. Why was she laughing at me?

“You will see later on.” She chirped cheerfully, Mina launching into the sky. “That feeling you are feeling is love. It won’t go away, so don’t even try to get rid of it.” Looking straight ahead, the hour hand on my black pocket watch rested on the twelve. Surprise rounded my eyes, Luna kissing my lips sweetly. My heart fluttered, Lottie not even noticing. Placing her finger to her kissable lips, our secret was ours to keep. Must we always kiss at midnight?

January 07, 2023 03:29

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