The chance of a lifetime

Submitted into Contest #89 in response to: Write a story that spans a month during which everything changes.... view prompt


Inspirational Adventure Fiction

C/W: substance abuse, homelessness, abuse

At this moment, I knew everything was going to change. I had been on the streets for decades and I was finally given the chance to get a job, get a house, and a puppy. My life has changed greatly in the past month. With every turn, I have become a better man for it, and here is my journey.


I never was on drugs, never had a family, and had a job when I was in high school. But I was a drifter. I had nothing except a lean too and old radio to call to my name. My worldly possessions have been lost through time. I lived in the woods, not the streets. I fed myself with hunting and cooking the wild pigs, berries, mushrooms, and even wild crab apples, spinach, and more than that. I have never stolen or begged but I was given the opportunity and the chance to tell my story and this director person, took me under their wings.

"When you are ready, start speaking, Kyle." The man spoke as he adjusted his camera.

"Thank you. My name is Kyle Reign, I am 45 years old and from this great state of Montana. I have never lived anywhere else but here. I was born in the back countries of Kentucky." I said staring straight ahead.

"How did you get here, your schooling, and how did you get o this point in your life." He asked, popping in a cigarette.

The wind picked up near us.

"I was 16 when I ran away from my parent's farmhouse. They were addicts of various substances, drugs and had a real problem. Back in the early 1980s, I was in high school. I got decent grades but nothing to be proud of. Back then it was different. There was no CPS back in those days. I had no one except me and my siblings were too young to understand their families. I left the day I turned 16 and haven't looked back. My first job was at Wacky charlie's and I was in the suit. It was a small job but paid well enough. After a while I was fired, they didn't want a kid with no degree working there. How I got to this point in my life is hard to say but it started when I was 16. I had various small odd jobs or tax collectors, census debates and even I was set to go on a game show. Once the work dried up I hopped on a train and went towards California." I said as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, it being the first time on camera.

"And what did you do in California." He asked adjusting the lighting.

I must have looked like a bum as I stared at my faded clothes, shabby hair, and unclean, no-cut appearance. I could probably pass as Jesus if you looked at me the right way.

"Well, I got a job at a surf shack. It paid well but I of course looking like a bum got fired for being accused of stealing the funds, which I didn't. I don't steal. So I went and worked at a tax collector place for about a good two years. I felt like I was in a dead-end job and rode the rails again up to Idaho. There I made my way hiking and living in nature. I was a skinny 20-year-old kid that had not secured a job for four years. I decided then to not seak out work, that if it won't, that if I could just It a chance then I would stick with it." I finally said.

"How many jobs have you had since that point in your life?" He asked thoughtfully looking up from his sheet.

"I had dozens of jobs from snow plowing the roads, to cooking at the soup kitchen for my next meal. I worked hard and was dedicated to whatever job I could find. When I had one I would save all of my money. I have more than 50,000 dollars saved in my encampment. I am an honest man but I can tell you, you won't find where it is. But I am ready to start looking for work again." I whispered remembering my past.

My past was hard, harder when I was a wee one. I remember when I was 5 how my parents had OD'ed right in front of me. I remember how my life led to this because I was too scared to speak up.

" And what made you not seek out help or your family?" He asked finally, lighting another cancer stick in his mouth.

"I rather live off of the world. I had a girlfriend one time and they used and abused me. I rather not be a burden to people, that is my morality. And my family is long dead. My brothers and sisters died from overdoses and because of their addictions. My parents died from what I heard on April fools day, of all days." I finally said, watching the sunset in the distance.

"And if you had a chance on getting back on your feet?" He asked joyously.

I stared at him, smiling as I finally spoke to him.

"Of course I would take it at a snatch. But I have no clue where to start. I don't know what greed does but it sounds sickening to those with nothing to lose. I am fulfilled with my life but I do wish I had a puppy. I just love man's best friend, a husky one at that." directed calmly.

"What if I was to tell you that I can get you a home, a car, teach you how to drive as well, and a job, if we were the ones to give you a chance, would you take it." He said, standing up.

"IS this real?" I asked tears beaming in my eyes.

"It is real, we have a position that fits all of your experience at our firm for an entry-level call position, IT stuff. We have a home paid in full by our team if you were to take it for the first two years of your rent, you just have to cover utilities of course and we have a car, a 2021 red Lexus." He said coming into the screen as the color in my face grew a bit red and I stared at him, then the camera and back seeing if it was a joke.

"Thank you, if it is true, I am thankful for the chance and the opportunity," I said to him.

"Well, let's go pack you up and get you settled in your new home." He said as I hugged him, crying tears of joy and yes a man can cry.


It has been a whole month since this exchange since I was given this amazing chance. That man changed my life. A lot has changed in my life. I started the very next day at this IT firm for the filming company. I met and adopted a new puppy that I had named her Chance, after how this man gave me a chance and how I never knew I needed this life. I met this wonderful woman who has come over every day for a home-cooked meal, both of us cooking together. I took out my first savings account and paid off my utilities and gas, electricity for a year. I got a driver's license last week and have learned how to drive pretty quickly. 

I even found out I had a half-brother who had been looking for me for decades. We rekindled over these past few weeks and when I get time off I am taking a vacation to go see him. Everything has changed in my life in this past month. If I was never given a chance, I wouldn't be where I am. What I learned is that you need to give people a chance and to believe in them. My story is unlike others but I have learned that life is but an adventure.

April 15, 2021 17:05

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