Snow in the land of the eternal summer

Submitted into Contest #77 in response to: Write a story set in the summer, when suddenly it starts to snow.... view prompt


Inspirational Latinx Urban Fantasy

Nobody knows how it happened; everybody in the town was shocked. Days used to be quiet in this faraway place. This story that I am going to tell you occurs in a Caribbean land. Where every day is sunny, every day is summertime. 

It was on the days when a famous figure in the music business world was visiting the city. He was there to film a new video that intended to promote the town attracting tourists. Don Ulises, the mayor of the city, knew that this was an especial opportunity to show the world this little town in a Caribbean land. 

The businessmen in the town started to work with an enthusiastic and optimistic mind. Mr Eleonio, the owner of the house where it was going to live the queen of the video, realized that he needed to do many home repairs. The floor was broken, the walls needed a new painting, and the rooms stunk with the humidity because of the sea's closeness.  

Meanwhile, in the central square, some volunteers were doing gardening and cleaning the place. Something very distinctive in this land were the bicitaxis. As they were going to be shown in the video, the bicitaxis owners started a contest to select the best and most special machines. 

Everything was ready when Charlie, the famous artist, arrived at the town. The story of the video was about him going to a ball given by the king. He had to pick up the queen at Mr Eleonio's house. They took a very imponent and classic bicitaxi to go to the central square where people was waiting. Then the artist starts a performance, singing for the queen. 

In the end, it was like a concert for this town, a far, far, far away town. Where any artist used to go. People were happy, dancing and drinking. It became a party. The song of the video was played like a thousand times to take the best shots. Marcela was dancing with her boyfriend Ramiro, Don Ulises and Mr Eleonio were discussing politics while drinking some rum, the young girls in the town were dancing and inventing a choreography for the song, 

The weather was warm, there was a full moon, and the sky was full of stars. It was a beautiful night in the city of eternal summer. Suddenly, Don Paco, famous for being a gipsy in the town and known as the best tarotist in the region, said: please, stop dancing, go home! But anybody did care about what he said.

Don Ulises and Mr Eleonio still spoke and discussed how corruption and violence were killing the region's economy. Marcela y Ramiro, looked for a private place to have some pleasure while all the town was still dancing. The choreography of the girls liked the producer and was being refined to be included in the video. Charlie started to sing his classic songs, and people loved him for a free concert. 

Rosalía, a mature woman looking for love at the party, whose lips were very sensitive to cold weather, started feeling uncomfortable. A cold breeze made her lips purple. She remembered her life in the mountains where she was happy but had to leave because of her sensitiveness and a kind of allergic reaction to cold. 

In the times when everything was possible, even the impossible, a snowstorm started. Don Ulises thought he had drunk too much, so, he rubbed his eyes, but his eyes were still seeing snow. Yes, snow everywhere. Marcela and Ramiro dress up very quickly as they felt so cold. Mr Eleonio ran as fast as he could to close the windows in his house. Rosalia's skin was purple, almost blue, she felt very sick, she needed a doctor urgently. 

Antonio, a guy who had been in love with Rosalia for many years, was taking care of her. She didn't know about his feelings, but he was a good friend of hers, so she fainted confidently in his arms. Very quickly, the central square was full of snow. Almost 5 centimetres the snow in the land of the eternal summer. 

In the beginning, people got scared, and they remembered what Don Paco says. He, Don Paco, went early to home, close every window and took out a heavy blanket and a warm pyjama that he never used in the land of the eternal summer. Also, he looked for a hot-water bottle he knew he had somewhere in the house. He went to sleep early and as warm as it was possible. 

People in the central square thought that it was the end of the world. Yes, they were scared, but being living their last party made them keep dancing and having fun. Charlie understood what people wanted and kept singing. 

Children started to make snowmen and snow battles. They felt fortunate to be living that because, in the land of the eternal summer, the only way to see the snow was in the Christmas movies.  

The old ladies in town brought some buckets to fill them with snow. They thought the snow could be useful for something the next day. Maybe they could sell it as a souvenir for tourists or prepare a mysterious savour drink with the promise that it was made of the miracle snow.

Smartphones were the medium through which the world learned about the snowstorm in the land of the eternal summer. Camila, María, Anastasia and Eulalia started to do a Tik Tok with their choreography in the middle of the storm, with Charlie singing in the background. With the hashtag: #Dancing with Charlie in the land of eternal summer, the video was viral worldwide. 

Thus, Don Ulises' objective of making famous his town through a film was got and the girls in short pants dancing in the snow became popular. Every girl around the world wanted dancing like them. 

In the morning, when the sun came out, the snow disappeared. It went as fast as it came. And Don Paco wake up with with the certainty of the destruction in his mind. But when he went to the central square, after having a fatty and unhealthy breakfast, he found the flowers more beautiful than the day before, and people in the streets smiling when talking about the snowstorm. 

Dancing, happiness and music was the miracle potion formula that saved the land of the eternal summer.  

January 22, 2021 06:18

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