That Saturday

Submitted into Contest #288 in response to: Set your story during — or just before — a storm.... view prompt


Drama Fantasy Funny

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

That Saturday

        A calm, crisp breeze squandered through my window, which, of course, awakened me from my much-needed sleep, FOUR MINUTES before my alarm was set to go off. “Great…” was my first word on Saturday, March 29th. I had been working the night shift at the hospital all week because my delusional colleague was “ spending time” with her “soul stars”. Whatever… Sure, I was tired, but the extra hours didn’t hurt in my financial department. I called for my dog Rifton, knowing he is probably pretty mad at me being gone so much. weird, he always came when I called him. Hopefully he is not out chasing the seagulls again. Oh, I live right near the shore in Quincy, Mass. It is a nice city, the people seem really friendly around here, and it’s a far distance from Boston at least, which is where my Ex-boyfriend Gary lives. Ugh… I still don’t see Rifton outside,  as I'm looking out, I see this strange woman down by the shore. I don't think I've met her yet. Which isn't unusual, I've only lived here a few months, and rarely get around to being all cheery and social. “ What is she doing..?” She is standing oddly still, her hand is raised in the air, and she starts spinning wittingly slowly. What a character, I thought. I'm stuck in a long sleepy stare problem here, and “BEEP, BEEP BEEP BEEP..” I jump so violently, I bump my head on the hutch right next to my window, “ Geeze, stupid thing!.” Well, today is already off to a good start. Finally, Rifton tramples in “ Hey boy, how's my big guy?” He doesn't do the usual happy dance backing his rear end into me like he needs me to just pet his butt so bad he can’t stand it. “What's Wrong Riffy? Did you miss me, ooh I'm sorry you know Mammas gotta work so I can get you those yummy yummy treats you love, come on let's go get some, come on, come on buddy… AAH!... Lady what are you doing?”  “ Range is near, the deer can strange the fear..” “Excuse me, what are you doing in my doorway, ?”  It was that same woman I had seen earlier, she is now halfway inside my back door citing some weird poem or something, “ Get out, now, or I'm gonna call the police!.” She stops and stares deeply at me, with her opal almost translucent eyes. She was making this sound, almost like an ocean liner steam horn, I don’t know what it was but  I couldn't stand it, she had some strong energy about her where I couldn't seem to look away, I’m not certain if she actually said this to me out loud, or if I could hear her in some mind fuck sort of way, but somehow she communicated to me that I need to be careful about the deer, the range, or strange mumbo jumbo.  “ listen I'm calling the cops now, get out!” I shoved her with my door and slammed it shut, leading to her falling backwards in my grass.  Hey, I felt bad, I didn't intend to harm her, she was just so eerily creepy. I turn back and look at Rifton.. “ And what help you were Rifton Phillip Collins!” He knows he is in trouble when I say his whole name, but I realized as all this was going down, Rifton was just sitting back behind me, almost like avoiding being noticed. Something's not right, and now I got a crazy lady lying in my grass probably with a broken hip or something. I call for Rifton to follow me to the door so I can at least be decent and see if she is ok. I slowly peek through the blinds and she's gone! Just nothing, no trace of her, i hurriedly scan the windows along the sides of my house to see if I can see her limping off or running away or hell, maybe even flying off on her broomstick from the sense I got from her. “This is just nuts!” I have to sit and try to process what had just happened, especially before I head back to the hospital for my last double shift. My phone rings, “Oh my gosh, what is it now!?” oh shoot, it's my sister, Campbell, “she better not ruin the finale of our show for me.” I have to answer in a frantic plea before she spills the juice… “Don't say anything, blah blah blah, not a word! I haven't caught up yet!” “Bilson! Are you home?” “Yes, and don't say anything about the finale, I've just been working so much and I….” she cuts me off   “Billson, listen to me, you gotta go, like now!”  “Go? Go where? What? Why? What are you talking about?”  Im trying to understand what she is saying and as she talks again, I can hear that sound again, real faint, but I can hear it. I think she is back “ listen, I'm sorry for cutting you off but trust me, grab Riffy and just basic essentials and go as far west as you can and fast!” “Campbell, you’re freaking me out? What are you talking about? Is Mom okay?.. Cam! Campbell!? Shit!” I run around like a nut job I grab my phone, a ramen noodle packet? What? And my toothbrush, I get Riffy and get in my car. I don't know what I'm doing, but I’m not gonna be here, especially if that woman is creeping around still.  “ Oh crap!” I forgot Riffy’s food,  oh and my BRA hello? Geeze earth to Bilson, “Riffy, I have to run inside real quick just wait here, I'll be right back” This is insane, I run back inside, grab his food and just freeze. I catch a glimpse out my window, and I see the ocean up, like a wall, coming towards me,  growing taller, “ Oh my Gosh, it’s a fucking tsunami!” Forget my bra; I rush back in the car and high tail it out of there, I'm not even paying attention to if any of my neighbors have gotten word and are leaving too or hopefully, they are already out of here. As I'm racing towards the freeway, I notice people are just going about their business, with no idea what is coming towards us, “someone has got to let these people know.” I roll my window down and start yelling as loud as I can “Tsunami! It's coming now! Get to safety, get up high!”

I Turn my eyes back to the road, not wanting to cause any more accidents,

“Bamm!” I hit a fucking Deer! Everything goes dark.

 Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep , beep beep, beep, beep. “ Ugh, stupid alarm. Stupid alarm! Oh yes! Yes! My stupid alarm! It was just a dream! Oh phew! Rifton.. Oh, I'm so glad we’re ok, mommy had a bad dream. Rifton? What is that? Rifton! Give it here!” I reach around and grab something he had in his mouth and I look at it. It’s some silly plastic toy thingy, a toy deer.

The End.

Written by Ashlee Hull

February 03, 2025 00:16

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