The Story Of Sea God

Submitted into Contest #83 in response to: Write a fantasy story about water gods or spirits.... view prompt


Fiction Fantasy

         Magic book of skin

There was a sea. The name of the sea was Amme and it lives a sea god of the sea. Who was a powerful god of sea? And his name was Octarius. He was a god of luck and fate. And he had always a trident in his hand. Also that trident was not a simple trident but that was a magical trident.

              And there was a beautiful palace inside the sea Amme. The palace was full of everything needed in life. Such as a god throne, dining table, a cupboard and library books. 

                         The sea god Octarius had many friend of the sea creature. Such as sea horse, sea mermaid, sea dolphins, shark, sea fish and crab. 

       So out of all friend sea mermaid was a close friend. Who had a magical flute, whose power after listening helps the sea Octarius to remain healthy? And sea god Octarius after saving the time he uses to listen the flute of sea mermaid. And the name of the sea mermaid was Jelu.

              One day an earthquake came inside the sea Amme. The earthquake was a awful earthquake whose intensity was very high? And by mistake, a powerful magical book of skin of Octarius's library came out at the floating sea shore.


    Love story of sea mermaid

Once upon a time there was a man. Who was walking and looking towards the horizon of the sky that ends in to sea? The name of the man was Otus. And he was 20. So he saw a book of skin at the sea shore. It was a blue thick book made of skin. So he took the book and opened the lock of book. Suddenly it flies a black small bird from inside the middle of book of skin. It looked very amazing. Then he closed the book and reopens it. Then it came to know that it is a magical book of skin. The small black bird flies above the sky and sink in to Amme sea. And the bird changes her look in to fish. And reaches at the Crow witch of the Amme sea. Where she was in prison from a long time? Then Crow witch freed from the captive. 

                   Then Otus took the magical book of skin and came at his home. He reads the magical book of skin of God of the Amme sea.

                         It was written various thing. But out of all one main thing was that, Otus was not a married person. So he wants to marry a beautiful girl. So it was written inside the magical book of skin that reach at a stone place inside the sea where you will find a beautiful sea mermaid? And with the help of book magical spell. You can easily convert the sea mermaid feather in to leg and you can then be friend and marry also.

                   So Otus read the book and followed the order of the magical book of skin and he came at the stone place. So he thought how he will call the sea mermaid? Thus he kept an apple at the side of the sea shore at a stone place.

            Then it came a sea mermaid. And she took an apple and began to taste it. Then Otus told to sea mermaid what is her name? She told her name is Jelu sea mermaid. And she lives in the palace of sea god Octarius. Otus told that he knows everything about the sea god, witch and his palace from the magical book of skin.

                        So Otus told the history of Amme sea. Then he proposed the sea mermaid and does the magic and sea mermaid feather converted into leg of human. The sea mermaid converted human leg. So she asked to Outs, what you have done to me? My new leg had come, abolishing feather leg. Then Otus told don't worry? Only he wants to marry with him. So Otus proposed the sea mermaid "I love you" . And then they both came at Otus's home. Now a new love story began with the Jelu and Otus. 

             Otus and Jelu together eat, talk, and sleep. One day they went in to museum and watched every items of museum. They together read also. Otus told to Jelu that do you want to learn the magic? Then Jelu answered yes, then Otus took the magic book of skin and they do many magic by reading it. All magic needs a great time. And that magic got the rarest rule that the sea mermaid converted in to human.


        Defeat of sea god Octarius

The time passed, the sea mermaid told the truth to sea god Octarius that she had married with a human name Otus. So sea god Octarius gets angry. And it passed many days.

               The sea god became to feel ill due to not listing of flute music from the Jelu sea mermaid from a long time. 

   Then watching the condition of sea god Octarius, the Crow witch attacked on the palace of Octarius sea god. And made slave to Octarius. So Octarius before defeating did a telephone call from the sea made up with seashell.

And then sea mermaid told to her husband Otus that she is need with Octarius sea god, her god. So please make her the sea mermaid again. With the help of magic book of skin.

                          His husband Otus was a good man.

                   So he gave the magical book of skin to sea mermaid Jelu. The Jelu took the magical book of skin and came inside the prison place of Octarius sea god. So watching the sea mermaid again Octarius sea god became happy and listing the flute of sea mermaid again to Octarius sea god became healthy.

            And then with the help of his magical trident, he attacks on Crow witch. The Crow witch defeated in to war. And the Octarius became to rule again in to Amme sea.

                    And the husband of Jelu sea mermaid converted in to male sea mermaid with the help of sea god Octarius's magic. Sea god Octarius , sea mermaid Jelu and male sea mermaid Otus began to live in sea Amme.

February 27, 2021 12:56

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19:16 Mar 19, 2021

Love it!


13:54 Mar 21, 2021



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