Best Man

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Funny Teens & Young Adult Romance

-Dude, it's the last warning, I need to close the bar.

Said the bar owner.

-My best friend is getting married.

-That's nice...

-And I am his best man.

-This is even better...

-I was.

-But I need to close.

-You know when you've always been a coward and when you finally take action, it's too late and you miss the chance.

-I think so, but seriously, man...

-That's it. All my life I never fought for anything, I just accepted what was coming and I was satisfied. My friend, who is getting married, is not like me. He always knew how to live life and ran to conquer everything.

-I can imagine where this is going.

-I never felt jealous of that... Until she appeared. I saw her first; we ran into each other on the street, you know like in the movies? I helped with the books she dropped and we smiled at each other as we stood. She is beautiful, I didn't even know her, but she seemed to be the girl I been waiting for my whole life.

-I see.

-And when she said it was her fault when I apologized, wow, that tender voice enchanted me, a little shy with a French accent. Perfect.

-You didn't ask her out and your friend came over and did it, right?

-No, I simply couldn't ask to go out, we didn't know each other.

-That's what dates are for.

-Maybe, but I didn't think about it. I thought she was going to think of me as weird. I felt something for her, but I was sure she didn't feel anything for me. I regretted not doing it. I spent weeks thinking about her, I was in the last semester of college, I was always good at studies, so, just thinking about her all day, didn't change much, but my final grades decreased, while my friend's increased. When we graduated, we went to a party and there he introduced his new girlfriend.

-Your girl.

-My girl. She was even more beautiful than the first time I saw her on the street all sloppy. She was wearing a charming dress and exploding makeup, highlighting her face. I thought it was a dream, but it was a nightmare. Lucy was her name that Bryan, my friend, introduced as his girlfriend.

-You said you already knew her?

-Not. I realized that she remembered me, but since was no longer my girl, I couldn't think of her like that anymore, I preferred to pretend it was the first time I saw her. I shook her hand and felt a spark, what I felt when her hand was on mine was more special than all the girls I had before... Well, after that I always tried to avoid seeing them together. It was not very difficult with the job that Bryan got right after graduation. But he is my best friend and whenever he went out with a group, he would call me and I couldn't always make excuses for not going. It hurt every time I saw them together.

-How long have you been suffering?

-That was a year ago, he proposed two months ago.

-But you said you tried something.

-Yes, in despair when I heard about the engagement. I drank a lot and like a crazy drunk, I went to her house.

-You didn't ...

-I said I loved her. Of course, she looked at me like I was crazy and even though was a prank. But I insisted, I asked if she never felt anything for me. She said as a friend, yes, apart from Bryan, I was the closest person to her in town. I tried again, held her hand, looked her in the eye, and for a moment, a second when I tried to speak as calmly as possible so she could remember if she didn't feel anything for me more than a friend. I thought she understood me, but then she released my hand and slammed the door.

-It was to be expected.

-Yes, I know, I almost died of shame when I came back the other day to apologize, when I got, Bryan was already there and he fought with me saying that I made Lucy afraid. She was afraid, afraid of me... I wanted to die right there, but when I look up and saw her on the stairs. Even though I was wrong and ashamed, I tried again, it was rare for me and I wasn't even drunk. But I said again that I loved her.

-Wipe away those tears.

-Bryan laughed, she was serious and listened to me, she was not afraid. I went on, said of the day we ran into each other, that I remembered her, and since that day I could only think of her, I wanted her to be mine, but I was stupid. I thought it was too late for me.

-Here, take the scarf.

-Thanks... Since I couldn't have her, I couldn't stay in the city where they want to grow up together and create a family. I also said that I loved Bryan too much to let my love for Lucy separate them, but if she ever felt something for me, I would try. That's when Bryan punched me, kicked me out saying not to go to the wedding and that he never wanted to see me again. I didn't see her, I wanted to hear it. But I didn't even need to, this morning, I saw her, a young bride getting in the car to go to the church, it's close by. You know the night I drank too much? I promised I would never do that again, but I saw her today and come back here.

-Yeah, despite being profitable for me, you have to stop drinking, by the way, the bar is closing...

-Not yet.

Said a woman.

-And who are...


-Hi, Chris.

-Ah, you're Lucy? Today the dawn goes far.

-I know you need to close, sorry, but...

-Lucy, what, what are you doing here?

-Chris, I needed to talk to you.

-Where's Bryan? Is the wedding still go on?

-Friend, I don't think she married.

-Really? Lucy you no longer with your dress.

-I could not. Chris, what you said, it touched me, not when you were drunk, that was weird.


-Yeah, I didn't understand anything. We always get along, how many times did you not help me evolve in this American city? When I wasn't with Bryan, it was in you that I could count. I always thought you were doing this because I was your friend's girlfriend, even why, you didn't even remember me of that afternoon that we met.

-I couldn't tell him.

-I know now. When you showed up the other day and said the things most sober, I understood.

-You did?

-Yes, Chris! I also felt something that afternoon. You know I love book stories. It was my first day in the city, I was lost, so I hit you, I bent down to pick up the books and I didn't even see who it was. But when you started helping me, I looked at you, my eyes met yours, I felt something, a spark like you said to him.

-Were you listening?

-Yes, and you were right, I am really sloppy, but about my voice, I always hated it.

-I love her... But tell me, how long have you been here?

-Not much I think, when I came to ask you to leave, she wasn't there.

-Yeah, you...

-You can call me Tom.

-Tom's bar, of course. Tom is right, I arrived almost now and I heard you saying everything. I was looking for you around town after telling Bryan that I couldn't marry him, I dress this sloppy clothes, left and when I saw you sitting...

-Wait, you, what did you say to Bryan?

-That I couldn't marry him.

-But I saw you dressed as a bride this morning.

-Yes, I got dressed, but when I looked in the mirror and found myself alone thinking about you, hey, it was my wedding and I was just thinking about another man, something is not right. That afternoon, you were a stranger, but it was the stranger for whom I felt a connection in a second that never felt in years by anyone.


-Yea, I even went back to that same place several times hoping to find you, but it was Bryan who found me.

-And he didn't miss the chance.

-No. I thought I would never see you again, I was new to the city and he seemed to know everything. I agreed to go out with him, it was cool, we went out again until it was official. I was happy, he was graduating, and I had just graduated, that's why I was in town, you know, looking for opportunities. Everything seemed to be going well... Until you showed up. I didn't want to believe you were his best friend! When you said nothing about that afternoon...

-You thought I had forgotten you.

-Actually, I thought you were hiding from Bryan, I mean, I didn't want to tell my boyfriend, your best friend, what I felt when I saw you, maybe you were feeling something for me too and that's why didn't want to tell him, so, wouldn't have to tell everything or lie for him.

-Yeah, it makes sense.

-Yes, Tom, good you agree and since you already know the whole story, let me ask. It wouldn't have made sense too if Chris came in a day that we were alone, which happened many times, and told me the truth? I was with Bryan for months, but better than telling me after a year, drunk, right?

-Yeah, I agree, did have moments alone after graduation?

-Yes, the first was a week later. But he couldn't look me in the eye, those eyes I melted inside when he looked at me... He just made an excuse and left.

-Oh, my friend...

-Ah, Lucy, didn't you hear the beginning of the conversation? I've always been a coward and just to know, do you melt with my eyes?

-Yeah, Chris, your eyes do that to me; but when you hid them, I didn't know the reason and found it strange, time passed, we just talked about books, movies, series, and nothing else, I was almost forgetting the feeling I felt for you that afternoon... Until you reminded me.

-So, do you feel?

-Yes, I'm more sure now after listening to you ...

-Say you love Me.

-I love, I do, Chris.

-Oh, lucy, I love you.

-What a thing, huh, I can't believe you left your marriage, lady.

-Tom, please.

-No, he is right, I still do not believe I did that, was hours before, but still ...

-Lucy, Please, you are here, I know is wrong and antiquated, but let our hearts guide us. Forget everything and go out with me, I can't see Bryan and neither can you, he must be crazy so let's just run away.

-Well, I know a place ...

-For anywhere, I took too long to live my life right, come, and live with me.

-Yes, let's do it!

-Bravo! But about your friend or ex, didn't you want to stop being a coward? Need start now.

-He is right.

-Yes, I need to talk with Bryan soon. Know, Tom, you're right, and you know what? When I get married, I always thought Bryan would be my best man, but due to the circumstances, you would be a good best man for me and Lucy.

-I would accept, I was never the best man for anyone.

 -Fine, but I don't want to think about marriage anytime soon. 

 -You're right Lucy, and you don't have to as long as you always love me.

 -I will love you.

 -This was even more graceful coming from this tender voice.

 -And your shining eyes became even more radiant.

 -Okay, Tom, You don't have to push me... I'm leaving, going straight to paradise.

January 12, 2021 15:24

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