Location: Our busy minds.

Submitted into Contest #59 in response to: Write a story that feels lonely, despite being set in a packed city.... view prompt


Creative Nonfiction

Loneliness is a word, nothing more. Remove the burden of this word from your shoulders - the burden that has been accumulating since the beginning of the human history. The peculiarity of our brain is to make history from any concept while a language and a word are very imperfect things; we place a heavy load on them, this weight we can feel heavy, dragging and confusing.

Loneliness and solitude are important mind states; there is no need to run from them, there should be a place for both in one’s heart. We are all in some degree lonely people, at different times it is felt more or less. To understand this phenomenon, we must get away from the word, and from the load. Loneliness has become a social problem – shame and fear are present here at all levels, both in the consequences and in the causes.

Loneliness is a communication failure with our nature, with real feelings, with the honest how I-and what I- feel. Communication is broken - there is a disconnection with our present selves. Loneliness is a crying heart, yearning and longing for connection with oneself, with the world outside, with a life that is currently rolling.

From day one, requirements have to be met – your surrounding environment is holding you accountable and your steps are measured. From day one, you are furthering away from your nature, meeting shame and fear - forces that cause the disruption: we no longer feel free nor comfortable to connect with our nature, we cannot allow ourselves to feel what we feel, the most real and most sincere. Communication is broken. We leave our nature, thus we are living somewhere in between of the true self and the weight of “life”. This is separation; this is the cause.

 Understand that everything is Complete. Nothing can be taken, selected, removed - it is all interconnected. You are a complete system created to make and share your story – this is an illusion of importance that is held tight by your ego, which, if strong enough, can lead to a physically noticeable pain in a heart. Befriend the feeling, befriending yourself – raise your awareness. Accept, admit, and open your eyes.

So, why was the connection broken? Shame and fear - we simply do not let ourselves accept life exactly as it is. We do, however, like placing conventions – things we refuse, things we dislike, things we allow and things we accept – there will always be a set of rules and expectations.

Resisting, rejecting, disliking, possessing – a state of ego that wants to control everything, an object, a person, it all. We enjoy this little game, only waking up when the hurt from the ego illusion gets unbearable. As we cannot control everything fully; and the voice of the ego keeps reminding us of that.

Loneliness is a product of refusal and dis-love of oneself and others, of the events and life itself – a result of not accepting life to just ..happen. Do not resist, accept life as it is and feel your feelings, the ones that are deeper than the voice of ego. Ride the wave, in accordance with its rhythm, and move with the flow – not because life is bigger than you but because everything is interconnected; as soon as you feel it – in the most honest way; feel the infinity of everything, of me, you and others - ....as soon as you feel it – you will not be able to feel lonely anymore.

Nevertheless, that pain of loneliness will still be felt sometimes - but the pressure, its strength and its degree will be completely different. When we are in the state of awareness, looking at the feeling with eyes open – that is simple coquetry, that is time for human development. That is the light that pours into a broken – that is enlightenment. The light comes in and insights come along with it. Your ego stories, the whole history of a word is now gazed upon from afar – they lose the power, they lose the force. At this moment, you feel more than usual.

And, accordingly, you approach the foremost –a better knowledge of oneself. Therefore, in any case, you cannot fully escape from loneliness – so, show curiosity, accept the feeling completely and there will be no pressure.

Complete submission, which will be felt in the heart, and if done correctly slash consciously – is the most important process of recognizing yourself and establishing a connection with the external world. How can you not feel alone if you have not learned to accept yourself and others? So, love yourself and love the others. This is not a philosophical or theoretical matter – acceptance and love are the most important conditions that should be taught to an ego, or else you are doomed to constant acute pain of loneliness.

  When I accept myself and others as they are - I love. A connection appears immediately but this must be done with honesty, stripped down from any terms. I ask you to not put any regulation on acceptance or love, even on something that seems insignificant to your mind. I ask you to listen deeper than words or expectations – as only then you will find truth. 

...Husband sitting at the table across, friends are laughing, cars are driving, polluting our peace with the noise and vanity; meanwhile, I have an idea to add to this text you're reading.

It takes ten minutes to form an initial and quite lasting impression of a man; and two seconds - of a woman. And two more, as it will definitely turn out that you got it all wrong. And another two. And another two. Ending in the last two seconds that will surely run into infinity.

The difference between an adult and a child is that the adult lies more. The word has become loose; it broke off from a strong root and weakened. Before, a person would say: “I’ll rip his head for you”- and actually did it. He said: “I will give my life for you” – and gave. Nowadays, a simple: “I love you” can’t guarantee that he will at least take you home.  

It is very difficult to love someone who is close. Please, love someone who is far away. Living with Harry Styles might seem as an attractive idea, his laugh, his walk and the way he throws a wet teaspoon on a counter will drive you mad when under the same roof. That is, until you learn how to tolerate someone who is close – until you do, there is no point in saying that you love them.

Meanwhile, do not seek the truth in words but in the spaces between them, in the complications, and the head tilts. It may only seem that we pay for everything with money, when in fact, for everything really expensive, we pay with pieces of the soul. Why do we say that a person is small? He will be able to fit an entire universe if stacked in the right order.

A catastrophic deficit of love, daily, that people are paying way too much to compensate. We are ready for love. We are ready for love but only if they: do not enrage us, do not make us angry or ask for anything, do not overload, do not step out of lines, leave us alone when told so, give us more than we give or hey, at least the same. So, when all above is met – we love. We love and clench our teeth.

Sometimes, a person sensibly comes to a need to change something because suddenly everything is a dead end. At the moment when he realizes that he is where he is, he rapidly turns and backs away - so does a fish. Swims to the wall of the aquarium and pretends that there is no aquarium. Turns around, floats back - this is more profitable for her. And much calmer. 

Remember, everything will be as it should be. Good or bad, we will understand later. It does not always hurt for a bad reason, and a pleasant feeling is not always for good. We should forsake fear towards ourselves; and let love sail for a while.

September 12, 2020 09:13

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Zea Bowman
17:14 Sep 19, 2020

Wow! I really enjoyed reading this story; it was so full of great descriptions, and I loved the way you ended it! I know that right now I'm going to be one of the annoying people that asks you to read my story (or stories), but it would be a big help. Don't feel like you have to :)


Rita Akatova
18:35 Sep 19, 2020

Dear Zea, Thank you very much! I have just read some of your stories too, they are lovely!


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