Achieving a dream
Once, it mattered most, being independent. Fulfilling a lifelong dream. All it took was education and hard work, the proverbial toss of the dice, and a little luck. Then one day you learn you can’t make it alone, no one ever does. The person who said they did it all by themselves is a liar. To say, “I walked down this road through the rain, sun, the good, and bad, you name it, I always had you by my side.” Those are the words of an achiever.
The house door slid open and closed with the ease of a firm grip. Evening flies hovered around the porch light. The sun was low but had not set.
Michael walked into the kitchen. Opening cabinets and searching everywhere, he came up empty.
“What are you looking for?” asked Alice. She’d slipped into the room without him noticing.
“I’ve had a long day. I wanted to get something to drink.”
“Then get a glass of water.”
“Yeah, I guess so.” He quit looking and sat at the table. Alice knew what he wanted and frustration built inside her.
“Why do you keep doing this to yourself?” she asked.
“What am I doing?”
“Don’t you see it? Three years ago you almost killed yourself. Look at you.”
“I’m fine, I’m just.” Michael couldn’t finish his sentence.
“Michael, you’ve changed. Don’t waste it.”
“Oh sure, I’ve changed. I haven’t changed, I’m just tired.”
“So, that’s it, you’re giving up? Is that what you want?”
“No, I don’t want to give up. I only need a minute.”
“For what?”
“I’m tired, I told you.”
“Everybody’s tired. You don’t succeed without getting tired.”
“OK, so right now I’m tired, I’m not giving up.”
“Here, drink this.” She thrust a glass of water onto the table.
“I don’t want it. I want something else. Something with flavor.” He didn’t make eye contact with her. He kept staring out the window. She stayed silent for a moment. Alice went to the cabinet and grabbed a glass.
“Michael, I’ll give you one glass that is it.”
He looked at her as she scowled at him from across the room. The glass remained empty on the counter. He stared at it.
“Well, go on.” He said. She left the room and didn’t return for some time. He knew she kept some in the house, but she didn’t tell him where. Of all the things to hide from a grown man. I guess I deserve it. He thought.
She stood at the doorway to the kitchen with a half bottle of Bourbon. Her chin held high, asking him to challenge her.
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Michael asked.
“I’m waiting on you to come to your senses. You don’t need it.”
“You’re right, I don’t need it. But today I’m tired and I want a drink.” His mood hadn’t improved. He stared at her defiantly. He wanted a drink.
“Are you going to throw everything away? Can you answer me?”
“Why, why would I throw it all away? I’ve worked hard, I will not throw it all away. It’s just been a long day.” Michael looked back out the window. His defiance began wavering. Could he hold on for one drink?
Alice moved into the room and leaned against the counter. She wasn’t angry anymore. She stood her ground. They had a lot to lose if she didn’t.
“I spoke to the kids today. I told them you were doing better, and you wanted to be successful. You want to know what they said,” she asked.
“I don’t know. They haven’t spoken to me. I can’t remember how long.”
“Alex said he was happy for you and he hoped all the best.”
“He’s a good kid, always had a soft heart.”
“You want to know what else he said,” she continued.
“I don’t know. He’s usually pretty direct.”
“Well, do you or don’t you?”
“Sure, lay it on me.”
“He asked if you could keep it once you started getting better.”
Michael’s head nodded in agreement. That’s a good question.
“So, what did you tell him?” She hesitated before she answered.
“I said, I don’t know. I hope you can. It’s all up to you.” Alice crossed her arms, bottle in hand. Her demeanor stiffened, she never took her eyes off Michael. She wanted him to think through his decision.
“I don’t want it to go this way anymore. You know that, don’t you?” said Michael.
“Then, try harder.”
“I know,” the words came out in a mumble. “I’m just tired.” Michael turned in the chair and crossed his arms over the table and leaned forward.
“We’re all tired, Michael.” She didn’t scream the words this time, not like the last argument. “You know you don’t have to do this alone. I’m here.”
Michael looked up at her and held her gaze. He ran his eyes over her body from top to bottom and back up again. She wasn’t petite anymore. She’d aged well, though. Her blonde hair was longer now. It looked as if she’d only recently started growing it out. It may have been the light, but he thought he saw some gray near the roots. He had to admit; she was still there, and she could have left a long time ago.
“I love you, Alice. You know that, and I’m so glad you are still here.” Michael looked down.
“I love you too, Michael. I want you to know I will always love you, but you can’t keep going on like this. It’s been almost three years.” She set the bottle on the counter behind her and re-crossed her arms.
“What did Melody say?” Asked Michael. There was a pause before she answered.
“She wasn’t as nice. She was afraid you’d throw it all away.”
“I won’t” said Michael
“You sure aren’t acting like it. Why do you need this?” Alice threw a gesture over her shoulder. “Isn’t this what Mel is saying. It takes one time to throw it all away.”
Michael closed his eyes and fought the demons inside. He knew Melody was right. He knew Alice was right. It was too easy to fall back into temptation. Michael stood up and walked over to her. Face to face with Alice. She didn’t cry anymore. Not when he was around, anyway.
“You’re right, you’re all right.” He reached behind her and grabbed the bottle. Opening the top, he poured it down the drain. His hand shook. He wanted a drink. He wanted something his mind remembered. He always wanted a drink when he felt tired.
“Michael, thank you.” said Alice. He set the empty bottle on the counter.
“I couldn’t have done it without you all. It’s part of the cure.” He snaked his arms around her, she put her arms on his shoulders.
“When I’m this close to you, I feel we’re united. Not just physically or sexually, but united in our souls. Have you ever felt like that?”
“Yes, I remember that feeling. I remember that on our wedding day. I remember that every time we dance. I’m feeling it again, right now.”
“Can a man be addicted to a woman?” asked Michael
“I guess there are worse things to be addicted too.” she said.
“I want to be addicted to you like nothing I’ve ever been addicted to before,” said Michael.
“You’ve had me for twenty years, aren’t you hooked yet?”
“I’ll be honest with you, I know I took you for granted.” Alice looked away. She’d known this, and she’d felt this for a long time.
“Please, don’t be angry. There’s a guilt there I’ll never overcome. I took too much for granted these last few years.” Alice looked back into his eyes.
“It takes trust, and we, I, have to learn to trust you. Tonight, you almost lost it.” She ran a hand over his chest. “I feel better and renewed.” she said.
“I will continue to work on earning trust,” Michael said.
“The more trust you earn from me, the more you will forgive yourself. Doesn’t that make sense?”
“I never thought about it that way.”
“Look, what we’ve been through has built so much guilt inside of you. Every time you fail or come close to failing, you feel more guilt. If you earn trust from me by your actions, those feelings of guilt will go away.” Michael’s eyes watered. He wasn’t a man of tears, but this time he felt pretty emotional.
“I hadn’t, I never understood.” A tear ran down his left cheek. He shrugged his shoulder to wipe it off.
“It’s like that with the entire family? I’m one. You have two children you need to build trust with and when you build it, you’ll feel better.”
Michael’s mind raced with the possibilities. There’s a trust to guilt ratio with everyone he’s ever known. Why not work on it with everyone? Tears rolled down his cheek faster and faster.
“I could use a drink, but not water. Do we have something with flavor?” he asked.
“There’s plenty of tea, would you like some?”
“I would, but I don’t want to let go. Can we do this without letting go of one another?” asked Michael.
Alice smiled. “I’m sure we can, but it won’t be graceful.” Michael kissed her on the lips. One kiss led to another, and another.
“OK, slow down.” Alice said. Michael buried his face in her neck and hair. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders to his back. He mumbled something that ended with “have too.”
“Michael, I love you.” Michael stood up straight with a few strands of blond hair stretching from his face.
“I love you.” He smiled his genuine smile. Then slid his hands down to her backside. The sunlight had all but gone and they stood in the kitchen, the light from over the sink was all that lit them now.
“Hold on, we haven’t eaten dinner.” said Alice.
“There’s only one thing I’m craving now.”
“Oh, well, you’ll have to wait.” Alice stood up straighter.
A moan of frustration came from Michael. He took a deep breath.
“I’ll set the table.”
“I’ll start dinner.” Alice looked at Michael a moment longer. You only keep what you fight for. And she was fighting for him. She thought.
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Excellent read!
*-* lol
Thank you!
This is a good strong story, with strong characters. The battle to overcome an addiction is well described. Well done!
Thank you, it seemed like a goal worth achieving. I liked writing in this style of dialogue. I think it helped the story flow quickly.
Hey everyone, I’ve posted another incredible story to Reedsy. Check it out and let me know what you think.
By the way, I can’t thank you enough for following me and commenting on my stories. I’ve started a website. If you’re interested in keeping in contact, please visit me at
This story was beautiful!
I was wary at first, because I don’t like breakup stories, but my sister recommended you so I kept reading.
I love stories where people fight to keep their relationships and I don’t find them very often.
Sincerely, Hallie.
Thank you Hallie, I appreciate you reading my story. I don't think I had a chance to say that yet. Let your sister know I appreciate the recommendation. I can't always remember who's written something lately so please let me know if you have something you'd like me to read.
I did just write two stories actually, thanks for the offer!
A lot of truth to this story. No man is an island.
Great read!
I always love reading long arguments between two characters because each author chooses to write them differently. I like the style you used here, with Alice being more understanding and open rather than frustrated and shut off. The ending sentence was beautiful and including it there really brought deeper meaning to the story.
Only one (very small) error I noticed
"Michaels buried his face in her neck and hair" - should be "Michael buried his face in her neck and hair"
Well thank you, I’m working on a style and I’m glad you liked it. I didn’t notice the mistake and I appreciate your feedback. Stay in Touch I’ll look forward to reading your stories as well.
I loved that this is mostly dialouges. I enjoyed how the tone of the conversation changed and am glad that it was not a sad ending. Though I am not sure if I could call it a happy ending as addiction cannot be overcome overnight. But there is still hope for Michael. So, I guess it was a happy ending after all.
I agree, that's why I believe the idea wraps around the point you don't achieve a dream by giving up because your tired.
Thanks for the read.
My pleasure.
dialogue exchange really puts some interest in it!
Thank you! I’m glad you liked it.
no worries
Very realistic story of struggle. Good job.
This is a story I'm glad I read. It made me feel. I saw someone else said that too in the comments that there was a lot of dialogue in this and usually that is boring to me but you somehow made it work. I really liked it. Looking forward to reading more from you!
I’m glad you liked it. I’ll look for more opportunities to try this again. These compliments are encouraging and I like to see what everyone is interested in reading. I really appreciate your your help and feedback. Thanks for the follow as well. I’ll check out your latest.
Great story, Robert!!!
There's one thing about this that really makes it pop: you told this entire story primarily through dialogue and kept me hooked the entire time. Normally if I'm reading a story and it's all just talking talking talking I get bored, but you caught me immediately from the beginning. Kudos to you, great job!!
-Megan S.
Thank you Megan, I appreciate your compliment. I keep looking for a style of writing I can use and I like this one.
Have you written anything lately? Please let me know.
Yes, I have, thanks for asking!! I will also be submitting another tonight or tomorrow.
Hey everyone, I’ve posted another incredible story to Reedsy. Check it out and let me know what you think.
By the way, I can’t thank you enough for following me and commenting on my stories. I’ve started a website. If you’re interested in keeping in contact, please visit me at
Hii, Robert Sorry to intervene, in this brutal manner, I have a request for you would be kind to give a single glance over the vehicle which my team had been working over months.
Sorry to take your time and If possible like the post.Because this would help team to win
I checked it out and commented. Hey, good luck! This is cool stuff. I don't know how to build anything like this and you all have talent.
Hii, Robert Sorry to intervene, in this brutal manner, I have a request for you would be kind to give a single glance over the vehicle which my team had been working over months.
Sorry to take your time and If possible like the post.Because this would help team to win
I think the first sentence would stand out more if you italicized/made it bold. I thought it was a part of the story at first, but then I checked the title again and realized I truly am a genius for discovering that you put the title in the story too! Also I might steal that, heads up delivered.
BUT YOUR WRITING STYLE. Right from the first paragraph, you've already established a sense of discomfort between Alice and Michael and where everything is happening. I found just a few grammar mistakes-
“I spoke to the kids today. I told them you were doing better, and you wanted to be successful. You want to know what they said,” she asked.
I think that last sentence should be a question-
“I spoke to the kids today. I told them you were doing better, and you wanted to be successful. You want to know what they said?” she asked.
There was another smol mistake here-
“What did Melody say?” Asked Michael. There was a pause before she answered.
'asked' shouldn't be capitalized-
“What did Melody say?”, asked Michael. There was a pause before she answered.
I really loved this story! I felt a current of intensity that I haven't read in a long time. GREAT JOB!!
Thank you so much, I’m always trying something different. This is a chance to see if anyone liked it. I appreciate your sharing this with others, and their thoughts are appreciated too. I’ll keep working on my style. Keep up the good work with your stories. I’m looking forward to reading more.
Tbh, you're a sweetheart who deserves nice words :D
You're welcome, anytime! ^-^