Superpowers, Good or bad?

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



I had always thought I wanted to have superpowers, now I feel I could do without them… 

One day in July I was working in my lab very close to accomplishing my life long dream of being a superhero, the machine I made would re code my DNA so that as my cells multiply and grow my body is tricked into giving me superpowers. In our final stages of testing we turned pig’s skin blue, and gave a cow invulnerability, The only drawback so far is that you have to be in the re code chamber for six months or you would never know what you might turn into.

The day had come for me and my three closest friends to enter the re code chamber. I decided I would give myself telekinesis. My friend John was going to be able to fly and Max would get super-speed. Emma had wanted to turn invisible but she was too pretty to never see again, so we went with regeneration abilities. When we entered the chamber I watched everyone fall asleep, I woke up six months later. We exited the chamber and got ready to test our powers, the powers of the first real super team. 

As I walked out of the chamber I noticed the first problem. With every step I took my legs got weaker and weaker. Before I had walked six feet I fell on the floor, I woke in a hospital room with doctors running frantically back and forth. A doctor saw me when I sat up.

“You’re awake,” he said matter-of-factly, “we didn’t know if you would.”

“What happened?” I ask, getting frightened not knowing how long I was out,

“You passed out after losing control over your legs.”

“How soon will I be able to use my legs again?”

“That's the weird part,” the doctor said, showing emotion for the first time, “your arms and legs seem to be perfectly fine, nothing wrong, but your body refuses to operate them. Almost as if your brain thinks you have other limbs to control than the ones attached to your body.”

“Is there any way to fix it?”

“I have one idea that may work,”

“Let’s try it!”

“We’re going to see if you can override your subconscious brain, try to pick up this cup of water.” As the doctor talked he set down a small glass of water. I tried to pick it up, and for a second it seemed as though it worked, but then I realized that my arms were still at my sides, I quickly turned my focus to my escape and hopped out of bed. Then using all my strength I pushed against the floor and shakily levitated out of the hospital. I bumped into people left and right trying to find my way to somewhere I know.

When I was finally able to get myself home I found a phone and called my friends. John hadn’t flown yet and Emma hadn't needed regeneration. But, Max had been using his speed to run faster than he ever could, without any bad side effects, yet. I told them to all come over. I filled them in on my telekinesis and lost use of my legs, we decided to test all our powers even though mine had side effects. But first they went and bought me a wheelchair.

Max wanted to go first because he already used his speed, and no one objected. Max showed us his speed and he ran a mile in a minute. He wanted to push his speed as hard as he could so he would get the fastest possible.

“I don’t think we can measure your full speed here.” I tell Max

“Then let me on the highway” Max replies “I wanna really run.” and run he does in fact he runs about 9,000 miles in a two minutes, a run that would take Usain Bolt two weeks. Max looks over at me grinning. His face, which was clean shaven three minutes ago, looks as though it hasn’t been shaved in weeks. I tell him to look in a mirror and he gasps, it seems as though when Max uses his powers to go super fast his body passes through time at super speed.

“Max, I think you should take a break.” John suggested

“And go wash your face.” Emma said, giggling because a fly tried to crawl out of Max’s nose.

After a night's rest John gets ready to fly. He takes off floating, flying, swooping and soaring. But then John screamed and fell. Max ran and caught John who was crying. 

“John, what's wrong?” Max asked

“I, I think,” John whimpered as he tried to get a hold of himself, “I lost my vision.”  I tried to think of why these bad things happened to us when we used our powers. And then it hits me, our bodies have the ability to walk and use telekinesis, fly and see, or run super sonic and stay in the right time the problems us who live in the bodies don’t have the power to access our abilities so we usually have a normal set of skills but when we got superhuman skills we lost some of our human skills. 

“Emma,” I exclaimed “don’t…” but then I was interrupted by Emma screaming.

“Ouch, I wanted to try my powers.” Emma  said 

“I tried warning you that your regeneration would hurt like hell” I reply 

“How did you know that”

“I pieced together the negative effects of our powers and realized it’s like Newton’s third law, you know,  ‘Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.’ just phrased like ‘Every ability has an equal opposite disability.’”

“Huh that’s interesting.” Emma said, “I think it should be called Newton’s three point fifth law.” 

“I think we shouldn’t use our powers again until we find a way to combat our disabilities.” I told everyone. My friends were disappointed by this Idea but thought it was for the best. So I went to my lab to figure it out.

I made something for each person so that we can use our powers properly. For Max I gave him a two dimensional bracelet that keeps him from speeding through the fourth dimension and aging quickly, John got a seeing eye falcon, I got an electric wheelchair, and Emma got a course on extreme pain management. 

At the end of the day superpowers aren’t good or bad, they’re both… 

July 01, 2020 21:16

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