Teens & Young Adult Fantasy Adventure

This isn’t a safe space for me anymore. I feel overdramatic every time I enter my room now because a high school relationship shouldn’t mean this much. My high school friends shouldn’t mean this much. Yet every time I walk in here I’m reminded about how my beautiful girlfriend broke up with me before college and all my friends chose her. Why do I feel overdramatic for caring about having a girlfriend and friends that don’t even want me? It’s time to get out of this town, to get out of this room. My head hurts from how loud my Greta Van Fleet has been blasting for the last 3 hours. Led Zeppelin is sprinkled in there. Some say it’s the same thing – I say any fans notice a big difference. Either way I’m turning it down. Being home alone really exaggerate my thoughts. But it also allows me to enjoy music half naked with the door open so there are bonuses…..It’s weird how I’ve only used that window once. In the entire 18 years I’ve lived here I’m almost positive I’ve opened it once. The one time I did it was when I had to get out of it so I could sneak to my old girlfriends house. That was the turning point in our relationship. My life really flipped a switch at that moment. It’s just amazing how completely happy I became all because a window allowed me to sneak to a girls house. That night I asked her out and she said yes. Now I need a new reason to go through that window. Apparently it’s magic. So I have to find a reason to go through it is all. My brain really does wander. Since I’m bored, what are the reasons to go through a magical window other than to sneak to a girl’s house and win her over? I guess there’s really no real use of going through it. Just seeing what it’s like on the other side. Doors are made to not see what’s in front of you but to enter anyway and windows are made to see exactly what you want and never go through it. Maybe my window is magic and every time I go through it whatever it is I’m looking for outside the window comes true. Wouldn’t that be fun? In reality I live on the second story and getting out of that window is quite the hassle. Unless I picture a world where I jump out and land right on my feet like a cat. Or that I land on the softest snow possible and get picked out of the ground by my friendly magical birds ready to obey my command. It’s easy for me to picture this as I inch closer to the window. I’ve always had a vivid imagination. You know what I really want? I want a story to come to life. I want excitement in fantasy, with dragons and wizards and impossible combinations of stories unless given an unregulated world. As I stumble towards the window I can almost see it. The last thing I remember before I lost my footing and fell out-I want to never feel alone again…..The mythical creature known as Captain finally fell out of his window. Well technically this one would be Captain Jr. Not a long line of their species but if he’s anything like his father he’s born to be a captain, hence the name. There’s nothing special about him really he’s just, well, a leader. Legend has it after his father brought an end to the wizard’s reign he went into hiding in this house in the woods. The strange part of the house was that there are no doors. Only a window. The idea behind it was that captain never wanted to interact with the world again. He was a captain from the day he was born, and wanted to be alone. He did however want to see the world he built grow. Therefor he built his home so high that he could see everything across the 8 most important nations. His son however would be the opposite. He would grow tired of the loneliness and have to learn to be a captain once arriving. Once his son was ready and tired of being alone he will exit through the window and appear as if out of thin air. I’m in charge of being ready for when he does. The use of magic is still permitted, but learned by almost everyone. I of course used this to soften his blow. The snow around here isn’t very soft. I was also told by the captain before him that he would be terrified the moment I spoke to him or introduced this new world to him. As a yeti, I can understand this. However what is the point of being this terrifying of a creature if not to mess with the species you’re sworn to protect. We also have good sense of humors. I let him wander a bit first, get used to the terrain. I can tell by the way he walks he just has an unknown knowledge over everything. Captain Sr. called it common sense. It meant that people of his species could imply things based on past knowledge or even knowledge that is gained through understanding the universe. Everyone could do this, but his was the strongest. He just spotted me. I try to make myself seem friendly but that’s near impossible for me. I have a resting yeti face. I get up and walk over and he runs off. As he should. But before I could properly introduce myself and give him the run down something terrible happened. Turns out I wasn’t the only one waiting for him to finally leave his chamber in the sky. A winger pokes his ugly head around the corner of a tree stopping captain in his tracks. He comes running back towards me and I scream, “Don’t worry I’m here to protect you!” Not the introduction I was hoping for but I don’t mind killing a winger. 

June 09, 2021 20:10

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