Adventure Fantasy LGBTQ+

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

I sat in a chair hearing Kimmie getting yelled at by the man goblin. His heads yelling loudly. The first head was named Gobos. No one really paid any attention to Marsh. So, everyone just called the goblin body Gobos. A unique name.

“Kimmie, YOU’RE NOT LISTENING TO ME!” Gobos yelled.

“Why are you such a bully towards the new kids?” 

“I’m not!” Kimmie protests.

“She’s Kiinn’s daughter! She is the ‘chosen one.’ She’s the one who’s going to-'' Kimmie didn’t finish her sentence. 

“You’re jealous? Wow. Kimmie, that’s…just wow.” Gobos rubbed his head. The head named Gobos. It’s confusing. 

“I’m sorry. I didn’t ask to be born!” I was almost crying but I held it together.

“And you. Miss Sadie. Attacking other campers? That’s low.”

“I don’t tolerate bullies, Gobos!”

“Well, neither do I! But violence isn’t always the answer. When it comes to other campers at least.”

“Okay. My bad.”

“Say sorry!” Gobos growled.

“Oh heck no!” Sadie and Kimmie said in unison. 

“Well then you both are on clean up duty and mentor duty. You will be until you apologize to each other. You don’t have to accept it. Just do it!”

“Nope. I’m good with clean up duty and mentor duty.” Sadie crossed her arms. 

“Well I’m not! I’m NOT going to clean this camp. I can’t get dirty!”

“Well…too bad.” Gobos laughed. 

Another few minutes of arguing until an alarm rang. Gobos got up and looked through the window. He was confused,

“I didn’t order a drill!”

But that’s when he said, 

“Why the heck are they here!?”

“Who?” I asked.

“The shadow demons!”

“Can they come into the camp!?” I asked worriedly. 

“No, the forcefield keeps ‘em out. But we still need to get rid of them.” Marsh said.

“But…my mom said they can’t die! They can only die by white magic.”

“They cannot die by our weapons, but they can turn into dust and head back into the underworld.”

“Can they kill us!?”

“Yes. They can tear us apart, limb by limb. They can do many horrible things. They are more dangerous than every other creature put together.”

“We need to fight!” Gobos yelled anxiously. 

“How do we get out there, without letting them in!?”

“Stop asking so many questions!” Kimmie complained.

Sadie gave her a look. 

“We let them in and then trap them. There’s only one horde. Then we take them out.”

The rock in my pocket pulsed. I took it out and it transformed. Almost hurting Kimmie, 

“Oops! Sorry!”

I watched from the sidelines as Gobos and Marsh let the Shadow Demon horde come in. My sword pulled me towards them. I tried to control it, but I ended up beheading one of them. I screamed and dropped my sword. While I ran, suddenly the rock appeared in my pocket again. I felt bad for letting them do all of the fighting. 

The sun continued to go down until it hit nighttime. The Shadow Demons slowly disintegrated into dust. 

But once they were gone, everyone was exhausted or limp. Not dead, just limp. They headed the exhausted campers to the infirmary. I broke down and cried. 

“Why am I in this nightmare!?”

“It’s not a nightmare, Z.J. It’s reality.”

“I don’t want to be in this reality.”

That was the last thing I remembered saying before I fell asleep. 


The next morning we ate breakfast and started my training. A freckled red haired boy walked up to me and said,

“I’m your trainer, Sile.”

“Okay.” That’s all I said. 

He helped me with Archery and climbing. And during the whole time, I was very uncomfortable with him touching me. He wasn’t weird about it, it was just uncomfy. 

During late afternoon, everyone got to take a swimming or snack break. Then came lunch. During lunch I sat with Sadie and Tyler, when a very tall red haired boy walked up to us and sat down.

“Oh hi Xeus!” Said Sadie.

“Hello Sadie. Tyler. And what’s your name?”

“Z.J. Or Zayla. Only my mom can call me Zayla though.”

“Well, I’m Xeus. Sile’s transgender older brother.”

“You look like you were born a boy…wait. Is that what you’re going for?”

He laughed, “Yes.”

“Cool.” I smiled. 


The day felt long. 

Before dinner came around we had to do a sacrificial offering to the Gods. It was a dead cow. It looked sad and very much dead. But I was reassured by Gobos and Marsh that it was an old cow.

The fire turned blue and pulsed with life when a face appeared. My dad’s face. He thanked us and told us an old tale of the Shadow Lord. A scary man with a child that can morph and shape shift into other humans and monsters. We had to be careful. Aware.

The day blended together and quickly faded into a memory. 


Later, Everyone got dressed in fancy suits and dresses. I got a suit of my own. Even though I was a girl, I HATED dresses!

We had a celebration party. A black tie event. It was actually very nice until there was a fist fight between two boys who were fighting over a girl. I turned a corner and saw many pictures on a wall. Pictures of the campers and Gobos and some other adult creatures I had not met. When I was about to turn another corner I heard whispering. It was Sadie, looking beautiful in her dress and heels.

“We need to get rid of her!”

“Yes, we do.” A deep voice growled. 

She was talking to a bracelet on her wrist.

“Good job infiltrating the camp, Kija. Nobody knows that the real Sadie is missing.”

“I know.” The girl laughed.

“We’re gonna kill her and snatch her stupid rock!”

“Good. Good.”

I gasped and ran. 

“WHO WAS THAT!?” The deep voice whispered-yelled. 

“I don’t know, father. I’ll find them. I have to go back to the party.”

“Okay. Sounds good. BE CAREFUL, KIJA!”

“You got it, Master.”

Sadie? No, Kija, hung up on the deep voiced man. And disappeared. 

When I got to the party, everything was still normal. But now, I had to bear a great deal of darkness.

May 13, 2024 01:41

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21:34 May 14, 2024

hi maine! i love this seriessss it’s giving percy jackson!!


Idk Lol
15:16 May 15, 2024

yup that's the point lol


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