Coming of Age Drama Romance

Kim Lockwood lived in a world where the supernatural creatures of legend and myth, pretty much ran the show. Humans were given rights, along with all the other species, but not always treated fairly. Slave trading was a legal and very profitable business.

Kim’s family, poor and in fear of their lives, sold her to a vampire coven who owned the city. She was ten years old. She worked in the Royal House and quickly learned how to keep out of trouble. Her Masters mostly had visitors of the werewolf and witch variety.

Other creatures came by as well, but they never stayed as long. Kim was called upon to watch over any young ones, who tagged along with their parents. The shiny gold bands around her neck and wrists, told everyone that she was off limits. Lower ranked servants did not have this protection. Kim lost count of how many times she had to summon the guards, in order to protect someone from becoming a snack.

She was allowed to keep a portion of her earnings. The rest she sent home. Sometimes, Kim hated her family for giving her up. As time went by, her anger towards them cooled. Sort of. She sent letters every now and then. Her mother usually responded.

Yet none of the Lockwoods ever visited the palace. But they were still alive and no longer living in poverty. That had to count for something. Kim accepted her circumstances and sought to make the best of what she had. It was a way to get by, she shouldn’t really complain.


Kim stood in one of several gardens, looking at her canvas. A few more brush strokes and another masterpiece was finished. When she could find the time, she really enjoyed drawing and painting. Word soon spread throughout the palace.

People were intrigued to see her bring a landscape or portrait to life. This gave her bit of extra income, as guests were now asking her to create some original artwork for them. No two were exactly alike, which added to the appeal. The Queen herself, insisted some of Kim’s canvases be hung upon the walls in certain rooms.

In all her years within the Royal House, Kim had not once laid eyes on Prince Dimitri. The King divorced the Queen a while ago, and their son had been living with his father. So, it was going to be a busy two months after the announcement came: the prince was returning in November, this time for good.

Dimitri had reached an age, where finding a suitable bride would ensure his claim to the throne. An unmarried firstborn could not become a king. That was the law. Preparations for a grand ball to welcome him home were already being arranged.

Kim’s birthday would be as always, a solitary event. Most of the staff knew and were sympathetic. They gave her their best wishes. The head cook also made sure that she at least had a tiny cake and a candle to blow out. She’d changed from awkward and thin, to someone who was almost graceful, with a figure that was at last developing curves. Her blonde hair had turned completely white when she was a teenager.

It would fall in a soft curtain down to her waist, but she often kept it tied back and out of the way. She had fair skin and emerald green eyes. Truth be told, she was an incredibly attractive girl, which hadn’t gone totally unnoticed. Young males of different species, who barely gave Kim a second glance before, now seemed to be watching her every move. She stole a knife from the kitchen and hid it in her belt just in case.


The ball was a triumph, just not in a way anyone expected. Dimitri fell in love with Kim Lockwood. Chasing after a wayward fairy child, she accidentally bumped into the prince, spilling his drink. As an old saying goes, the rest was history. His parents knew he’d made the right choice.

They didn’t care that she was human or a servant. The two of them only had to look at their son, to see the changes in him over the following months and it was all good. He had truly grown up. As for Kim, discovering that her carefully hidden feelings were not one sided, changed her forever. She often replayed her memory of the proposal in her head…

Early that morning, Dimitri asked her if she would join him for a horse ride. This wasn’t such an odd suggestion. Since they had started seeing each other, it was an off day when they weren’t galloping off somewhere. He taught her the basics of riding and she picked it up with ease.

She found she enjoyed it very much. She recalled that Dimitri wasn’t his normal self. He seemed a bit preoccupied. Usually, she had his full attention. “Are you alright?” “Couldn’t be better. Let’s stop here by the river for a moment.”

They held hands and kissed while the horses grazed behind them. Witnessing the sunrise was always breathtaking. Light spilled through the trees, glistening on the clear blue waters. Because he was a pureblood vampire, Dimitri could withstand the sun for quite some time.

Eventually he would have to cover up. The light wouldn’t burn his skin or anything, it was just uncomfortable for him. He watched Kim spin around in circles, with a smile on his face. How did he deserve this lovely woman?

There were a few panicked seconds, as he searched his pockets for the ring. He knew he should have put it in a box. Aha, success! Her eyes widened in amazement when he got down on one knee. “Kim Lockwood. There is something important I want to ask. You know I love you, but I’ve come to realize that I also wish for us to spend our whole lives together. I choose you as my bride. Will you marry me?”

She smiled at put the ring on her finger. “I love you too and yes I will marry you.” The King and Queen were not surprised and welcomed Kim into the family with open arms.


One day, a werewolf not much older than Dimitri, decided to cross the line. His name was Adam, the third eldest son of a well-respected werewolf clan. He had caught glimpses of the white-haired girl on previous visits. He saw the interest his acquaintances held for her. But as far as he knew, nobody had done anything.

True, Kim Lockwood belonged to the vampires and was therefore supposed to be untouchable. However, in his mind, this just served to make her a more enticing target. While his father and brothers had their meeting, Adam took the chance to sneak off.

Damn the consequences, he thought. If he were careful, he might just have a new play toy. She could even be agreeable to his advances. He was not without his charms. Waiting was no hardship for a hunter like him.

Finally, he found her alone, lost in her own little world and painting up a storm. The lightning in the grey clouds leapt off the canvas. Work of art indeed. She was good, no doubt about that. Time for him to find out if talent lay elsewhere…


Kim felt eyes on her as she moved the paintbrush back and forth. She turned slowly. Adam was lounging on a nearby stone bench, smirking. She sensed immediate danger, but somehow managed to keep calm. “Good afternoon Miss Lockwood.” “Hello. I don’t think I know you.” “Adam Knight.”

The surname rang a bell. “Werewolf?” “Correct. You’re one of the vampires’ pets?” “Something like that.” His eyes were intense and unnerving as they took in her painting, then focused back on her. “I like this stormy weather art; it has a real natural beauty about it.” “Thanks.”

“You’re quite beautiful yourself. I am surprised that my old friend Dimitri hasn’t ‘taken you under his wing’, so to speak.” Few besides their most trusted people, were aware of her true relationship with the prince. The engagement ring was safely locked away in a drawer in her room. They had agreed to keep quiet about their upcoming union, but only for a short time.

"I believe it is his intention to make the palace his permanent residence.” “My father told me the same thing the other day.” Adam continued talking, and acted like he really wanted to hear her responses. Kim wasn't fooled. The flirtatiousness in his tone was obvious, which no doubt would have given any other girl butterflies. But everything about him, just made her skin crawl.

She knew she had to leave. The painting could be completed tomorrow instead. "Please excuse me, I have something I must take care of." The human girl wasn't reacting like he hoped. In fact, she was rather defensive and was even daring to walk away from him.

Faster than Kim could have believed was possible, he grabbed her, placed a hand over her mouth and dragged her into a more secluded area of the garden. "Don't make a sound, or I will really start to hurt you." She went limp. He took this as a sign to try and remove her clothes. In a split second, she understood something; it wouldn't have mattered what she did or said, this was his plan all along.

She reached down, grasping the knife handle tightly. When he leaned back to undo his pants, she shoved it into his stomach. He cursed and rolled away from her. His eyes had become black as night and his claws were out. He growled. "Let's see anyone look at you now!" He swiped across her face. She screamed loudly, which led to rapid footsteps approaching. Her vision was getting kind of blurry. She slipped into unconsciousness.

Prince Dimitri saw his intended bride on the ground and Adam looming above her. Quick as a flash, he pinned the werewolf up against the wall. "Don't you ever set foot in this house again! Take him to a cell, I shall inform his father of what has happened. Meanwhile, make sure that Kim is well looked after." "Yes, Your Highness."


The Queen was horrified when she heard of the attack. Although it could have been much worse, the scars left on Kim, were a harsh reminded of her failure to keep the humans from harm. She ordered her guards to watch her servants more closely, especially her soon to be daughter in law.

One of these men was called Alistair. His devotion to the throne and the Royal Family was never in question. Alistair felt a genuine sense of responsibility towards the mortals who lived in the Royal House alongside their Masters. He swore with his own blood, that something like this would never happen again. And to his and the other guards' credit, it didn't.

Kim and Dimitri were married a year after they first began dating. The wounds had faded to no more than pale jagged lines. With her partner's unwavering love and support, Kim was never insecure about her face. She was once offered vampire blood to heal up completely, but she said no. People pointed and stared at first. But they never made her feel ashamed of what she had been through.

She'd survived an awful experience and the one responsible was caught and punished for it. Kim soon learned that others, who had been in similar situations, weren't so lucky. Not all of them were human. It inspired her to cherish every single moment that she was alive on this earth.


December 13, 2020 01:06

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Nina Hahn
00:04 Dec 21, 2020

I love the supernatural element! I think it would be a great idea to expand this story and add more immediate scenes to slow the pace and explain some information about the world created in more depth. Try using more scenes with dialogue to build exposition rather than paragraphs of narrated exposition. Also remember to start a new paragraph every time a different person speaks! I love the imagination in this story, not to mention supernatural characters. I wrote a story for this prompt, too, if you want to read it!


Kylie Wallis
01:02 Dec 21, 2020

Thanks for the input and the compliments. Maybe I will add a few more paragraphs to the story draft I have kept. We'll see. Sure, I can read your story.


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Radhika Diksha
17:07 Dec 14, 2020

Twilight saga fever, I loved it but I have a few suggestions here. I found the pace of the story fast, the dialogue needed some work and I found the attack on Kim by the werewolf a bit violent. The plot was good, keep writing. Even I would love your feedback on some of my stories.


Kylie Wallis
23:55 Dec 14, 2020

Thanks for the feedback. I haven't done too many violent scenes in my stories, this isn't something I feel entirely comfortable with. But when I started writing Adam's character, he just seemed like the kind of guy/werewolf, who wouldn't think twice about assaulting a human. I will have a look at some of your work, but I may just click the like button. I don't always know what to say, when commenting on someone else' s stories.


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15:01 Dec 14, 2020

What a beautiful story, Kylie! I'm so glad I stumbled upon your work, because it is great! The plot is amazing, and the monster-human world really represents discrimination and love happening at the same time. Maybe everyone can become a Kim or a Dimitri someday, and we'll all work together in harmony. Great work!


Kylie Wallis
23:52 Dec 14, 2020

Thanks! Supernatural stories are a favorite of mine to read and since these are my first attempts at writing my own, I think I have done okay.


11:36 Dec 15, 2020

It's really good!


Kylie Wallis
01:31 May 28, 2021

Thank you.


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