Secrets lies between walls

Submitted into Contest #38 in response to: Write a story about someone who finds a magical portal in their home. ... view prompt



Ever dreamt of having secret pathway though your door in unusual places. Well, here is a story which will taken you to a world of magic.. 

Tina was the only girl in the magic dimension who would not know what was Magic to her. She would use the wrong spell every time. Sometimes she would do things right but most of the Time she would do things wrong. She always felt bad that couldn’t do the right spell at the right time. It was like that she would always do the opposite. 

She had different interests like painting, playing music using the body parts, singing and dancing. In the Magic world these type of activities were not encouraged at all. Instead of singing they would have music and they would make the music play with magic from the musical instruments. There was no singing encouraged in the Magic world since no one was capable of doing it and it was considered as useless work. But Tina had a lot of interest in these type of work. She couldn’t perform magic spells properly but could sing, dance play music with her body and paint. 

One day she was kept grounded in the house because she had messed up in school. By mistake, She had performed a spell which was not meant for her class. She had never learnt that spell either. She had just mixed the words of the spell creating a dangerous magic. This magic when touched by one person can make that person unconscious for days. So, when Tina has done this spell, the girl who sat next to her got in contact with the Magic and thus fell unconscious leaving Tina in the head of heads office of magic primary school. Tune was till in primary school since she couldn’t pass her test due to what she would do when she would perform any spell, everything goes wrong and opposite. 

Alone at home, Tina was bored and started just walking around all the rooms doing nothing. Finally she got bored and went to sleep in her room. She was so angry by that time that she started banging everything she got her eyes on. Her tables, bed, cupboard etc. When she hit her cupboard with all the force she had, she noticed that some magic dust was coming from underneath her cupboard. With fear in her mind that she broke the cupboard, she took a chance and went to take a look underneath the cupboard. To her surprise she saw some light coming out from the floor and opened the flooring which was made of wooden sheets. While she opened she saw light coming out of a mysterious hole. She was confused at first about what was there inside the hole. She reached out to feel what could be inside the hole and when Tried to feel something her hand was going deep and deep inside the hole. At that time, she was afraid on what could happen if she goes even more deeper. 

Clearing all the fear in her mind, she went a little more deeper into the hole but pushing her cupboard a little at the side. Suddenly, she lost all the control over herself and fell into the huge hole. This made her terrified and she felt this was the end of her existence. Little did she know that she was alive but in another world where she never came into. For a moment, she thought that she was in heaven but when she felt herself again, she knew she was in a another world way beyond the world where magic exists. 

The little curious Tina, went around walking through the forest which looked similar in some of her fairy tale story books. In the magic world, there are forest but not many since people exploit the forest and do work with magic. Grow trees with magic and clear it soon. So, something like the real world forest only existed in fairy tales. As Tina was walking by she came across a girl in the forest doing something. Tina was scared and hid behind the trees and careful looked at the other girl. They way she would try to wave her hands and legs in the air. Tina also noticed that there isn’t any magic in this world. The girl was without any magic was doing her own thing without any fear of anyone of stopping her in the open environment.

 When Tina was behind the tree, something fell on head. She rushed out of her hiding place and came in front of the girl who was doing her own thing. Tina was afraid of the thing which fell on her head and was screaming very loudly. The girl who was doing her own thing, came near Tina and looked at Tina with surprise. Tina was very afraid and didn’t know what to do and just fainted near the girl feet. 

When Tina woke up, she was. Confused on where she was sleeping on. But it fell soft and comfortable. Tina woke up and sat on the soft thing. The girl who was doing her own thing had come to Tina and asked Tina about how she was doing and not to afraid about anything anymore since she would take care of her. Tina was quite and didn’t say anything but just nodded her head. After a while, a lady had come into that room where Tina was sleeping. And asked Tina how was she doing and whether she needed anything. Tina didn’t know what to say and just kept quiet. 

Later that night, Tina was called to have dinner with everyone in the dining room. As Tina was going around the house, she noticed that everything in house worked differently. There was no magic used and it felt quite amazing for Tina. Tina started talking to everyone from that very moment. Tina saw that the food was done by hand. And everything was done by different parts of the body. There no magic used to doing anything. Tina was amazed and felt this place is meant for her, instead of the world of magic. 

Tina told the family about the world of magic and told them how she ended up in the world they are living in. She told the difference between the two worlds and what can be achieved here in this world cannot be achieved In the magic world. The family was surprised on hearing what Tina had said. 

From this moment on, Tina took a decision to live with the no magic world instead of the magic world. And achieve all the dreams she had and became one of the famous people of all times. 

April 24, 2020 13:42

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