Just Breathe

Submitted into Contest #66 in response to: Write about a contest with life or death stakes.... view prompt

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Inspirational Kids Fantasy

“Wait here until you are called. You can do this; it is what you have been trained for. Go well young warrior.” With those words Master K9 closed the door to the room his apprentice was in to join the elders in the arena. He was not allowed to project any positive thoughts or do anything that could put young David at an advantage. He must succeed or fail of his own accord. More than one life hung in the balance of this upcoming battle though - if his protege David won the battle, peace would reign, if not, darkness. David was not told the whole story; no youngster could withstand the knowledge. In David’s eyes it was a final challenge before graduation from apprentice to Master - one on one with a pupil from the Opposites (unknown ones), only one would survive. Young David had trained for this moment, he had studied the ancient texts and practiced the techniques. What he hadn’t counted on was this sudden doubt in his abilities that had crept into his mind. Breathe, or the enemy has already won. He recalled one of the early lessons - never doubt your abilities or you will be defeated. Breathe and center yourself. Easy, he thought at the time, but not so easy now the day had arrived when he needed that wisdom. Breathe!  

David was seven years old and had trained as a Galaxian for five years. No pizza, no ice cream, not even a bicycle ride down a hill. He had friends but not buddies. Each was in the Galaxian program because the elders had chosen them, each had started training at two years old. The night before, his “friends” had found a projector and they all watched E.T., MIB, and were about to start on Star Wars but they got too sleepy. The elders had sent an exquisite dark brown square for each boy which they called chocolate. It left them with a taste for more; their taste buds tingled with each bite. David made a pact with his friends that if he survived the challenge, he would bring more chocolate to them and on a regular basis. Each friend wished him well and they touched foreheads in a farewell gesture, but they added their secret “you got this” sign - the fist in the palm. Hugs were not allowed - that was only for the girl students who studied in another area. They were all studying the same ancient texts, but they were kept apart so they could concentrate on the texts, and not on impressing young Susie or Jane. They could do that after graduation.

“Thank you all” David said, hoping that he would see them all again. His heart was filled with happiness as he climbed into the hammock that he had slept in for the past five years. All of them had hammocks in the trees - his trees were large Japanese Evergreen oaks, magnificent things. The trees provided extra oxygen while the boys slept, and they provided the carbon dioxide that the trees needed. It was a win/win situation for trees and boys. Just breathe!

         Then he was awakened at Dawn and taken to the cleansing arena - hot tubs and cool waterfalls and steam baths in that order. His master could greet him from a distance but could not offer any instruction - the time had come for David to prove himself. A breakfast was provided, consisting of spinach omelet, fresh strawberries, and ginger tea which would set him up for success as well as be tasty. That day there was a little cream to go with the strawberries and fresh baked bread with butter. As he savored every morsel David vowed to himself that he would do everything in his power to succeed. Afterward, he was dressed in the colors of honor, turquoise and gold, and led to the site of the battle. As they walked his master whispered, “remember to breathe”!

         Now here he was, alone with his thoughts and ready to take on the final challenge. Time seemed to stand still. On the one hand, he wanted the battle to begin, on the other, he wanted to retreat, leave the Order, and be a “normal” boy. He could go fishing, ride a bicycle, play marbles, make roads for Matchbox cars in the soil, anything he wanted to without restrictions. Doubt was trying to set in. Noooo! Breathe!

         Finally, after several minutes had passed, a door opened, and David stepped through it to meet his fate. The room was pitch black, but he got a sense that there were several gathered to witness this battle, it was an eerie feeling not being able to see anyone. Directly in front of him appeared a figure that looked like him in size and stature, but it had a mask and was wearing bright red accented with copper. He moved to the left; the figure moved to the left. It copied every gesture he made. On and on the two circled - which one would strike first? Fifteen minutes into the battle David calmed and centered his thoughts then mentally asked forgiveness from his opponent as he directed the blade of his weapon to the figure’s heart. All he heard was a loud crack and the figure vanished. Cheers went up and all the lights came on. He heard the voice of his Master K9

“David, you have successfully battled the dark side of yourself. The fighting arena was a mirror and through your courage you have defeated the enemy (your doubting self). Here on out, you will be known as 2B. Welcome to the force young warrior. Take a victory breath!”

He looked over at his mentor. Master K9 was right next to him.

“I was here the whole time young one but could not interfere. It is time for me to retire and you to take over as instructor of new Galaxian candidates. You have battled the Opposites and won. They set up the mirror and light challenge but most warriors who attempted allowed doubt to enter and they perished; you were strong. I congratulate you. I just have one final piece of advice - whenever you are faced with danger, fear, unknown, or any presence that makes you uncomfortable - all you have to do is become centered and breathe.”

         Years later a contented 2B looked on his apprentice. Many changes had taken place in the order from the days when he first studied. Now all studied together and learned from each other. They had chocolate once a week and were allowed two visits a year outside of the training ground - one to the ocean to swim with dolphins, and one to a theme park where they could ride on colorful pony replicas and feel the wind in their faces.  Spun sugar on a stick (cotton candy) was the surprise treat for the day along with hot dogs for lunch.

“You are ready to face the final challenge young one” he said. “You have assimilated the knowledge of the ancient ones and are strong. The task ahead is not an easy one but survive it and you will be forever known as YYUR (too wise you are).” 

 The young girl looked up into the eyes of her master and said “Master 2B, how did you survive the challenge?”

“I remembered the words and wisdom my master K9 had given me which I now share with you - go in peace young one with my blessing. The words are these:

Just breathe”.

October 31, 2020 12:34

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1 comment

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21:09 Nov 11, 2020

This was a great story and I saw on your bio that you love the Queen of Mystery! ME TOOOOOO!!!! I loved this story, but felt that it wasn't so much a contest as an evaluation, and where are the life and death stakes? I really liked the essence of the characters, and I was wondering if you could read my submission to this prompt and my other story "My anthem"?


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