Fiction Fantasy Thriller

 The screams and shouts of agony have faded away. The wind whips across the body-laden grasses, carrying with it the scent of death and decay. The cries of the dying cut through the wind only to be buried in its cold, empty silence. The grasses are patches of crimson red glistening towards the sun, a haunting reminder of the blood spilled this day.

A lone man steps cautiously through the blood-stained bodies. His name is Marcus, a seasoned warrior with a face weathered by countless battles. He's shirtless, covered in mud, blood, and sweat from the long battle beneath the scorching sun. The weight of his sword hangs heavily in his hand, its blade reflecting the horrors of the day. With each step, he feels the ground tremble beneath his worn-out boots, a grim reminder of the lives lost and the devastation that surrounds him.

"Damn this war," Marcus mutters to himself, his voice heavy with sorrow and fatigue. "When will it end? When will we find peace?" His words are swallowed by the wind, lost among the echoes of the dead and dying. His eyes scan the horizon, searching for an answer that never comes. He wonders if the gods are watching, if they care about the suffering below. He questions his faith and ponders the indifference of unseen deities. “Damn the Gods!” He mutters to himself stepping through red mud squashing beneath his boots.

As Marcus moves further into the field, the stench of death fills his nostrils, threatening to overpower his senses. But he pushes through, his burning eyes scanning the fallen bodies, searching for any signs of life. He is driven by a flicker of hope, hoping to find a comrade or even a wounded enemy in need of mercy.

"This can't be all there is," he thinks, despair gnawing at the edges of his resolve. "We must be fighting for something more than this endless cycle of death and bloodshed."

Among the chaos, Marcus's gaze lands upon a young soldier, barely older than a boy. His face is pale, and his eyes, once filled with the light of youth, now reflect the emptiness of the world he leaves behind. Marcus kneels beside him, gently cradling the boy's head in his bloodied hands.

"Stay with me, lad," Marcus whispers, his voice a fragile thread in the desolation. "Help is coming. Hold on."

The boy's lips tremble, a weak breath escaping him. "Mama... I want... to go home," he mumbles, his voice barely audible.

A lump forms in Marcus's throat as he fights back tears. "You'll see her again, I promise. Just hold on a little longer."

But the boy's life slips away, his last breath a soft sigh. Marcus feels the weight of another loss press down on him, his heart heavy with grief. He closes the boy's eyes and places a hand on his chest, saying a silent prayer for the fallen soul. “Rest now son, rest easy.” Rising to his feet, Marcus vows to honour his memory by fighting for a future where such sacrifices are not in vain.

A soft groan nearby pulls Marcus from his thoughts. He turns to see a wounded enemy soldier struggling to crawl away from the carnage. Instinctively, Marcus's hand tightens around the hilt of his sword, his mind wrestling with conflicting emotions.

"Should I end his suffering? Or spare him, and risk him fighting again?" Marcus thinks, his internal conflict raging. "But what difference does it make? Haven't we all lost enough?"

Marcus moved closer to the soldier cautiously drawing his sword.

The soldier looks up at Marcus, fear and pain etched on his face. "Please... have mercy," he pleads in a trembling voice. The soldier painfully reaches for a knife but fails in his attempt to grip its hilt.

Marcus hesitates, the echoes of battle still ringing in his ears. But as he looks into the eyes of his fallen enemy, something inside him stirs—a spark of compassion amidst the desolation of war.

With a heavy sigh, he lowers his weapon and extends a hand to the wounded soldier. "I won't take your life today," Marcus says, his voice carrying a glimmer of mercy. "May this act of kindness be a reminder that there is still humanity in the midst of this dark madness."

The wounded soldier, bewildered by this unexpected act of mercy, takes Marcus's hand. "Why?" he asks, his voice raw with pain and confusion. "Why spare me?"

Marcus helps him to his feet, their eyes locking in a moment of shared understanding. "Because we are both human," Marcus replies, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "And we both deserve a chance at redemption." He explains. “And I’m sick of death and senseless killing.”

With the wounded soldier leaning on his shoulder, Marcus guides him towards the rear lines, where medics await to tend to the wounded. As they walk, Marcus's mind drifts to thoughts of peace, of a world where bloodshed is replaced by understanding, and where swords are sheathed in favour of open hands.

"The battle has taken so much from all of us," Marcus finally speaks, his voice tinged with both exhaustion and hope. "But perhaps one day, we can find a way to end this cycle of violence."

The wounded soldier nods weakly, his eyes never leaving Marcus's face. "Thank you," he whispers, gratitude mingled with pain in his voice. "You have given me a second chance."

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry," Marcus replies, his steps steady as they reach the rear lines. "War has a way of making us forget that our enemies are human too."

The sun begins its descent, casting an orange hue over the battlefield. As Marcus and the wounded soldier disappear into the horizon, their small act of compassion amidst the chaos echoes through the wind, whispering of hope and the indomitable spirit of humanity. For in a world consumed by violence, it is the smallest gestures that remind us of our shared humanity and the possibility of a brighter tomorrow.

June 11, 2024 01:46

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05:23 Jun 23, 2024

Great descriptions, puts the reader in the picture.


Rob Taylor
17:38 Jun 23, 2024

Thank you so much 🙏


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Daniel Uhrlass
19:38 Jun 20, 2024

Good story, Rob. I like how the setting could be ancient, medieval, or futuristic. That question left me wondering throughout. And a timeless truth you bring forward about war and its combatants.


Rob Taylor
01:41 Jun 21, 2024

Thank you so much 🙏


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