The ancient future

Submitted into Contest #285 in response to: Write a story in the form of a landline phone conversation.... view prompt

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Fantasy Fiction Mystery

- Hello, did I reach the help hotline? 

- Yes, I am listening. 

- Please help me. I don't know what happened. I don't even know how to explain it. I have a feeling when I say this, you will conclude that I am crazy.

- If I don't find out what it's about, I don't know if I'll be able to determine it.

- Well. It goes like this. I woke up in some house and I have no idea how it happened. Yesterday, everything was normal, and today I wake up in a new place, in a new environment, I looked around through the window and I don't recognize the area at all, Is this normal? 

- Well. Where are you located? Please describe the room. 

- Well. It looks a little strange. The room is in gray and white colors. There is a large bed, over which are hung nice curtains. On the opposite wall is a large desk with a bunch of computers and strange equipment. Something is hanging in the air, displaying some strange images. I have no idea what it could be. I've never seen anything like this before! What happened? 

- Good. Have you taken any drugs? 

- Drugs? And what's that?

- Right. This is different. Any intoxicants?

- I will say this. I know that such a thing exists. You can be poisoned by wolfberries and other herbs unless you know about their power. 

- Have you taken any of these things? 

- They didn't. 

- So what happened? How come you don't recognize your place of residence? 

- A place to live? But this is not my house! 

- If so, please describe your home. 

- It is like this. It is quite old, made of clay and pieces of wood. The roof was covered with bamboo, and here I have something completely different, and when I look out the window, I feel like I'm falling. I think it's really high. 

- I think, however, that the lady was taking some drugs. Well. What is the last thing you remember? 

- Yesterday I was picking berries for breakfast and preparing a campfire to keep out the cold at night. 

- A campfire? And where did you live? 

- Amazon jungle. There are literally a dozen people living in our village. Anyway, what does it matter? What happened? 

- What is your name? 

- Efazsia Litutrd. 

- Please wait a moment and do not hang up. 

- Hello, are you there? 

- Yes. Second. It seems that you are a living experiment.

- Excuse me, what does that mean? 

- That is, you were randomly selected for the test. This test is how people from uncivilized cities will cope with difficult conditions, what technology is. For us it's the norm, but for you it's something new and shocking.

- What does this have to do with anything? 

- The fact that a certain businessman wants to invest in poor countries and deserted villages. He wants to provide them with technology, access to the rest of the world and not to leave their country. There are a lot of people who choose the end of the world just because they are used to living in the area, or their family stops them. This businessman wants to break that. He says everyone has a chance to see what the world is really like. No one can be excluded. According to him. 

- And what are your plans? 

- For a while, you will live in our new oasis called Continental. We will be testing you on how technology affects behavior and whether you are capable of learning quickly. We want to compare whether people from the end of the world, learn as fast as civilized citizens. 

- Will it hurt? 

- No, but it may come as a shock to you because you have never used it in your life. I suspect that you will be the leader of the team, because somehow you reached out to me. 

- Well. There was an object lying around, through which we talk, and there was a circle drawn. In our culture, this is a good sign. When we draw a circle on the ground, it means a free, safe entry, for example, into a rival's territory or in the jungle when we are just exploring the area. I pressed and heard a voice and started a conversation. 

- I am glad, I see the first progress. Over time, we'll give you a smartphone, laptop, navigation to test, and in later periods, you can even use graphics programs and various editors. You may not understand the wording, but rest assured, we will explain everything. 

- Will I return home? I don't know if I will live well here. 

- I assure you that you will get used to comfort and luxury. Anyway, the last sentence belongs to you. Our people, often miss nature, fresh air and just the sound of nature. Here we have skyscrapers and concrete alone. Through this test, we want to combine these two worlds. 

- At the moment I would prefer to return. Will it take a long time? 

- About six months. The average person learns technology quickly. It is somehow hypnotic about addiction, so he will beg to be given more himself. 

- What now? 

- Do you agree? 

- And do I have another option? 

- I don't.

- So I agree. 

- Well, he puts you on the waiting list. In a few minutes a man dressed in a white suit will come to you. He will be wearing black glasses. Please do not be frightened. For us, it's an everyday outfit. They will take you to a guest room, where they will prepare you for tests. They will examine you with various machines. This includes a lung X-ray, a full-body X-ray, a urinalysis and other basic tests. We need to get to know your body and compare it to the rest of our people's bodies. I suspect it is healthier than ours. The tests will not hurt. They will last for five hours. After the examination, you will return to this room and lead a normal life. You will be able to go out on the town, of course, under supervision, so as not to get lost. 

- Well. 

- We wish you a pleasant stay at Continental. 

January 16, 2025 20:58

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1 comment

Tommy Goround
23:21 Jan 26, 2025

Good idea. Cell phones in the interior of Africa = men who become addicted to porn, though tribal. Clapping


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