Adventure Fiction Sad

What do I have to do to live a normal life like ordinary people, people seem to think that being a princess is perfect but in reality it's not. I am princess Nora, my mother is the queen and my father is missing. No one knows what happened, the night I was born he went missing there was no trace of him what so ever. My mother says I need to be grim and proper, and I have to follow the rules like I am not allowed to leave the castle at all and I can't talk to people outside of the castle walls. My mother is always busy and never has time for me unless we are eating, and let me tell you all she does is criticise me on how i'm not a proper young lady I am only 20 and I want to live a life outside of the palace walls, I wish I could just get up and run away. But I can't i'm stuck here with no one but my mother and the guards, however I am allowed to be in the royal garden by myself that is the only place I am allowed to be by my self besides my room. Today, as luck would have it was the day mother and I had a really bad argument which caused me to run outside and hide and just cry. Tonight is the night I am running away, the wall is not that high I could most likely climb and jump over. I could hear guards coming and knew I had to run and fast I look over and see some boxes I could stand on to help go over the wall and that is exactly what I did. As soon as my feet had hit the ground I made a run for it. I didn't know what way I was going I just kept going straight the sun was setting and it was getting dark soon. I could feel my legs give away and fell I could hear the guards close behind me there yells ringing in my ear. All I wanted to do was live like any other ordinary person. I got up and started to limp to the nearest house I slowly jogged into a barn near by where I sat and fall asleep. I stayed there all night and woke up at dawn, I decided to make sure it was safe and made a sprint towards the woods as soon as I got there I charged in and went really deep. I started to get hungry, so I looked for berry's but instead came up with nothing, as I wonder deeper into the woodland I saw a small yet elegant cottage it looked empty and welcoming and had a warm bed with food and water. I didn't see anyone so I went inside and ate the food and drank the water, than fell asleep on the bed. Shortly after I had fallen asleep I was awaken by a cruel laughter, than there was a guys voice booming asking who dared to enter his cottage. I started to stutter and said I was sorry and that I was lost and hungry. The voice laughed as if I made the most funniest joke ever. I asked the voice to show it's self and soon regretted it. There stood a tall human shape creature with horns and long hair, he had deep brown eyes and had massive wings. He looked hideous, and as if he read my mind he started walking towards me, as I got a good look of him I soon realised that I was face to face with the devil himself I was so shaken up that I did not notice he was right in front of me. He looked me up and down and started to laugh again as if this was a joke as if I was a joke. He looked at me and said that I am the princess from the castle not to far away. He said he would not let me go and said that he would have to harm me. I did not want that and pleaded with him not to, he said there was only one way he wouldn't. He said I would have to live with him and marry him. I would have to bare his children and in return he would protect me from the dangers of the world and would make sure I had plenty of food and water, and would let me live like an ordinary person. I really wanted to live like a ordinary person but I didn't want to marry such a hideous creature and have to bear it's children but if that was the way to live my dream than I had to. I just simply nodded and said yes. Even though marriage was the most valuable thing in my life, I still had to do it. A few days had passed and we were married he let me stay in a village where they where a bunch of people and that is where I would be staying for the rest of my life. As time proceeded to pass by, I came very close to the devil he would often come and visit, I had soon learned to cook and bake. I would most often do chores around the house and make clothes. After about three months of marriage with the devil I found out I was pregnant with a little boy. I started to live the way people outside of the palace, I would often miss my mother but I was happy with my life, even if I had to sacrificed the most valuable thing to me. Time passed and soon I had the little boy we named him Blue and soon I had a family and lived like a ordinary human. I was happy even though I sometimes wish I listened to my mother and not run away but I can't go back now.

April 03, 2021 20:01

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