A Mysterious Man!!

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



One fine morning when I was on my daily walk in my favourite park named "Ranger" I met a strange person who I never seen before! Who came to me and started conversation as if he knows me from years before. I was literally confused and shocked and lots of questions are surrounded in my brain. The time when I came out from my shock he said all his story which I haven't listened in our total work out! But he is very friendly and strange too. His friendly nature dragged me towards him naturally but I felt awkward! I can smell a mysterious power which I can't see with my naked eyes, I thought "maybe he looks strange so all these stuff is coming into my mind." Later we dispatched to our homes. On the same evening when I'm returning from my office a small boy who is maybe 3yrs old has crossing the road while playing with his sister a huge truck was lost it's way and coming too fastly towards that 3yrs old boy everyone around me were shouting and some are trying to help him out of that danger "in a fraction of seconds a man mysteriously came and saved that boy and left that place as we blinked our eyes!" I was shocked not only me everyone around me were shocked as if they saw reel spiderman before them!

Next day when I started to my walk, I came out from I flat and locking my door, I heard someone saying me "hai Rosie" I was wonder because I am new to that flat no one knows me (I shifted to this new flat because it is too near to my favourite Ranger park it's sounds silly right! I knew it.) I turned back to see who is wishing me ah! That same guy whom I met yesterday very soon I covered my face with my hands and rushed from there. While I'm rushing to park in order to skip Goutham I was slipped from the stairs he came and protected me from falling down I was shocked because I already came to 4th floor and he was in 8th floor how can he do that in seconds! He said "are you okay now?" I said "yes, I'm fine thank you." Then we both went for walk and slowly I started enjoying his company, literally friendship is blooming between us. Daily droppings and pickups were started! My lonely boring life became suddenly blissfull!

One day when we are in restaurant and in our casual talk an old woman was entered into the restaurant while she was crossing us she was slipped and Goutham rescued her this incident was shocking because no one noticed that the old woman was slipping even me and Goutham too "but how can he see that?" Finally I asked him how did you do that? He said "what Rosie?" I said "don't act like you don't understand what I am asking about?" He said "you silly girl I'm very near to that old woman infact she was crossing our table so I noticed that." Then I asked "how did you saved me when I was slipped from stairs? And I think at that time I was in 4th floor and you were in 8th floor!" He becomes flurry and says "it just happened in your love." And I asked him about the incident when 3yrs old boy was rescued "Goutham is that you who rescued a 3yrs old boy from accident are you that Mysterious Man! Whom I always wanted to meet?" Tell me the truth Goutham please "I begged him". He went out of the restaurant silently. And we went back to our flats. And I never saw Goutham after. I became so curious about that "Mysterious Man" and this Goutham who rescues people from very dangerous incidents.

Days are going too fast, months in calendars are changing! In an Autumn morning when I was in my way to office a man came to me with a wind speed! I was stuck like a statuette later I blushed because that man is non other than Goutham instantly I became angry and said "who are you man and what you want, do you need some help?" He was shocked and said "oye Rosie, what happened have you forgot me? It's me I'm Goutham!" Then I said "I'm sorry I don't know any Goutham voutham! Give me my way I am getting late to my office!" He understood that I'm angry on him and started to please me! Finally he made me to laugh. Then he said " challo finally you laughed." I showered many questions on him finally! he answered each and every question of mine. He said that his name is not Goutham and he is not from Mangolore. His actual name is Mohit and he is from a small village which locates near Himalayas. Actually he was a lost baby of a man who has Mysterious powers which came genetically to me(he says). And also he said I'm not that person who rescued 3yrs old boy. when you said about that person I was literally shocked and I spent all these days in his search. I asked Goutham oh! sorry Mohit very curiously "have you find him?" He said "yes." Where is he then? And where you find him? He answered "In Los Angeles I met an old man whose name is Mr Francis. Is he your grandpa? he said "no" I asked "then who is he?" My father's uncle and guardian too! He said one day a letter came to them by saying that "your son is in a small village near Himalayas in an Ashram named "Amma" if you want your son come to this Ashram you will find him." Oh then he went to that Ashram right! "I said." Yes I'm leaving now to India to meet my father "he said."

we started our journey to India. There we met his father. A happy ending.

July 03, 2020 09:12

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