✨ 👹 Mirrored Souls 😇 ✨

Submitted into Contest #120 in response to: Write about a character who yearns for something they lost, or never had.... view prompt


Thriller Romance

(Content Warning: Blood, Gore, Violence, Mild Language, and an overabundance of Emojis.)

Authors note: The legendary Deidra Lovegren challenged me to write a tale with emojis, and this is what I came up with, so a huge shout out to her!! I also wanted to give special thanks to my dear friend Kelly, who enlightened me on the “Twin Flames” concept from which this story was born. Thanks for reading!!

For the emoji free version, see (Bonus content) in the comments section below. 

In the depths of 🌋 Hell 🌋, the great slanderer, Diabolos 👹, was working hard on a super-set of preacher curls 💪 and skull crushers ☠️. His dark, sweaty skin glistened in the flickering light 🕯️ like the morning dew. Standing twelve feet seven inches, Diabolos 👹 was a mountain of terror. His long horns extended Heavenward ☁👼☁ and then retreated, knowing better not to venture to such a place. There was no hair on his body, nor light in his dead eyes 👀, and even Satan 😈 himself was envious of his elongated fangs 🧛🏽‍♀️.  

Never one to miss a workout 🏋️, Diabolos 👹, was a stickler for perfection and his focus 🧠 was next to none. His evil presence in the Dark Kingdom 🕍 was like a festering virus ☣️ that plagued the undead 🧟. No one had the balls 🍒 to interrupt the mighty accuser 👹 while he was training 🏆, except for his loyal minion Baal 👺, who was nothing more than a slithering snake🐍.

Baal 👺 was a hunched-back goblin with a taste for dead rodents 🐭. His breath smelled like toasted rats 🐀, and his skin was layered with putrid boils. He had difficulty seeing through his yellow eyes 👀, so he often stumbled about like a clumsy fool 🤡.

Health insurance ⚕️, you say? Well… it is 🌋 Hell 🌋, after all, where suffering plays on an endless loop. Besides, nothing could help Baal 👺 at this point anyway, and his only purpose was to serve and be tormented by his master.

When Diabolos 👹 noticed Baal 👺 staring at him like a nervous buffoon, he slammed the five-thousand-pound barbell to the floor with a thunderous CLANG.

In a deep husky voice, Diabolos 👹 snarled, “What do you want!”

😲 Baal’s 👺 heart ❤️ ceased beating, and he stuttered, “M-master… there has been a disturbance.”

😡 “YOU are the only disturbance I see!”

“…” 😨 😞

“Speak, for you waste my time!” 😠

The sulfuric oxygen returned to Baal’s 👺 lungs, and he gasped 😤. “A woman has breached our unholy kingdom 🕍, my master.” 

“This does not concern me!” Diabolos 👹 shouted. “Many women 👩 have passed through this realm on their journey to damnation… ✡️”

He paused as his thoughts 🤔 drifted to a dark place that one might call happiness. How he yearned for a love 🖤 so true, something that he had never tasted 😋 before. She was out there, but where… where? 🤷‍♂️

Cutting in 🔪, Baal 👺 snarled and muttered, “This is NO ordinary woman! She comes from the holy place 🕍 and has been resurrecting lost souls! 👻”

😡 “Don’t ever interrupt me agai-” Diabolos 👹 stumbled on his threat. “The holy place? 🕍”

Baal 👺 nodded in affirmation and grimaced 😬. He opened his mouth to say something, but Diabolos 👹 threw a five-hundred-pound dumbbell toward Baal’s 👺 head. The impact knocked Baal 👺 against the tempered wall stopping any words from being spoken 🤬.

With a mighty CRUNCH, Baal’s 👺 head was cracked open like a walnut 🌰, and his brain 🧠 flowed freely like a slimy slug 🐌 would ooze through the soil. Green ichor splattered everywhere and filled the weight room with a putrid smell 🤢. Baal 👺 was dead ⚰️. Diabolos 👹 closed his eyes 👀, breathed in the foul stench 🤮, and shivered in orgasmic ecstasy. 

“Why must you be so cruel?” whispered a soft voice. 🤫 

Diabolos 👹 opened his dark pupils 👁️ and saw a majestic woman 🧚🏻 standing before him 😍. She was wearing a white hooded gown that betrayed her elegance. A few strands of golden hair 👱🏻‍♀️ could be seen dangling around her pale, angular face revealing a splendor 💎 that words could not describe 😕. The woman was bathed 🛁 in a divine energy of light 💫 that engulfed her body, shielding her grace 🌟 from the darkness. She was beautiful. ✨

As the woman in white 😇 stared at the demon in black 👹, their eyes 👀 became locked in a fiery 🔥 dance. The trance was a magical burst 💥 of elation, revealing their deepest insecurities and fears 😱. There was no need to run 🏃🏼‍♀️. In fact, they were drawn to each other through a sense of longing and recognition 💗. The magnetic energy ⚡ was a gift from the cosmos 🌌, and with a simple glance, their senses betrayed them. They belonged together. 👩🏼‍🤝‍👨🏿

“What… who… are you?” gushed Diabolos 👹.

The woman’s voice was soft yet powerful. “My name is Avyanna 😇.”

Snapping back to his senses 😣, Diabolos 👹 growled, “What are you doing here!?”

Avyanna 😇 lifted her chin in defiance. “I cannot explain my reasons, but I was compelled to come here through a strong emotional calling. 🙏🏻” 

Diabolos 👹 laughed 🤣. “You jest, for there is nothing here but torment and misery. 🤕”

“But there is also love… 💕” Avyanna 😇 noted. “I can feel its presence.” 

“Foolish woman! 😠 Leave here before I snap your spine! 😡”

Just then, a familiar voice cut through the sexual tension 🤦🏼. “M-master…” It was Baal 👺 reborn anew. 😲

“Baal 👺? I thought I killed you!” sneered Diabolos 👹.

The goblin stood up, good as new. Baal 👺 grabbed his woozy head 😵 and blurted, “Why does my head hurt, master❓”

“Because I smashed it with a dumbbell 💪, you bumbling worm! 🐛”

Avyanna 😇 cut ✂️ in, “Please do not be so hard on this tiny creature. He lives for your purpose.”

“Yes…” 👍🏿 Diabolos 👹 grabbed a straight bar and stomped 👣 towards Baal 👺. “And he will die ☠ for my purpose as well!” 

The great slanderer grabbed Baal’s 👺 neck in one swift motion and rammed the bar down his gullet. Baal 👺 puked 🤮 upon penetration, and his insides spilled out 🎊 as the black pole pierced through his groin. A warm liquid 💦 painted the floor and bubbled like a fried egg 🍳. 

“Stay dead!! ⚰️” fired Diabolos 👹. 

Avyanna 😇 waved her hand 👋, and unseen magic 🔮 filled the room. Baal’s 👺 speared body began twitching as electricity ⚡ shocked his lifeless corpse 🧟.

“Try as you may, I will not allow you to kill this creature.” 😠

Diabolos 👹 smiled 😀. He respected her courage and strength 🏋🏼‍♀️, something that he never gave anyone. Was there room for growth in his overstuffed existence❓ 🤷🏿

Avyanna 😇 returned the gesture 🙂 and secretly adored 😍 his masculine dominance. It complimented her innocence 🙏 and expanded her development. She had plenty of room to grow 🌳.

“It doesn’t matter how many times you kill this monster. I will bring him back to defy your evil ways,” she exclaimed. 😉

Diabolos 👹 frowned ☹️. “And I will continue to slaughter this imbecile 🤡 to see you work your wondrous sorcery 🔮.”

He wrenched the barbell spear from Baal’s 👺 mouth, then grabbed his throat and lifted him to eye 👀 level with one arm. Diabolos 👹 glanced at Avyanna 😇 and noticed goosebumps on her delicate untouched skin. She liked what she saw 😊.

Baal’s 👺 eyes 👀 popped open, and he struggled to breathe in his master's grasp. “M-master… P-please… 😭”


The great slanderer snapped Baal’s 👺 neck and ripped his head off, spine and all. Thick ichor erupted from Baal’s 👺 body as it collapsed to the ground ⚰️. Diabolos 👹 laughed hysterically 😂 🤣 and threw the decapitated skull 💀 against the wall. It shattered like a broken egg 🥚.

A wry smile 😏 snuck its way on Avyanna’s 😇 face, and she quickly wiped it away, so Diabolos 👹 wouldn’t notice. He did, and he liked it 😁. Ever persistent, Avyanna 😇 waved her hand again to restore life to Baal 👺, but this time the great slanderer reached out and grabbed her wrist 🚫. 

Their eyes 👀 locked again, and the 🔥 flames 🔥 danced like long-lost lovers 👩‍❤️‍👨 reuniting. Diabolos 👹 brushed his thick fingers down Avyanna’s 😇 arm, and he could see her body tremble like a delicate flower 🌷 getting ready to be plucked. She, in turn, placed her hand on his chiseled chest and caressed his massive pectoral muscles 😍.

Senses exploded 💣 💥, and they could no longer keep their hands off each other. The temptation of forbidden fruit 🍇 was too intense to control. The instant physical attraction was there, and so was the emotional connection 🔗. It wasn’t something that either one of them could explain 🤷. It just was, and it was good, and it was right. 👍

Sparks exploded 💥 as the stars ignited 🌠 in the galaxy above. Nothing else existed but their unspoken chemistry 👩‍🔬. Well… almost nothing. 🤔 

The soft murmurs of Baal’s 👺 voice echoed throughout the gym. He was alive… again… 🤷🏽‍♀️

“What the 🤬 is going on here, my master! 🙅🏻‍♀️ This woman is the intruder, right?” 🤦

Avyanna 😇 pulled herself away from her lover’s grasp and snarled at Baal 👺. He stepped back, expecting his master to kill him again ☠, but death would not come from his hands this time but from hers 😁. Avyanna 😇 scowled at Baal 👺 and snapped her fingers. Baal 👺 instantly exploded 💥 into a million pieces leaving nothing behind but a bloody mist that lingered in the air. ⚰️   

😡 “I’m not bringing you back this time, you little turd 💩!” Avyanna 😇 shouted. 

“Ha, ha, ha, ho, ha!!” laughed Diabolos 👹 😂 🤣.

Could it be that his yearning for a lover had finally come to fruition? 🤷 Yes. Indeed, it has, and like a twin 🔥 flame 🔥, Avyanna 😇 also longed for a soulmate 🤗. She knew her true love 💝 was out there somewhere, and a mystical calling led her to 🌋 Hell 🌋 , of all places, to find him. 🤦

Diabolos 👹 snarled, exposing his razor-sharp fangs 🧛🏽‍♀️, and pulled Avyanna 😇 in closer. Impulsively, she stuck out her tongue 👅 and licked his elongated teeth with a devilish grin 😄. He retreated for a moment, but only for a moment, and gently placed his black lips 💋 on her forehead, kissing her ever so tenderly. A sweet 🍨 gesture that shocked Avyanna 😇. She was expecting him to take her savagely like a wild beast 🐺 and not a peaceful Angel 👼. 

“I never expected you to have a bad side,” he gushed. 🤯

Avyanna 😇 pulled Diabolos 👹 closer and whispered in his ear; her breath was like winter fire. “Well, I never expected you to have a good side.” 😌

Suddenly, a burst of applause 👏 came from a party of one. It was Satan 😈 himself. His flesh was soaked in crimson fury, and his black horns were charred from too many years of impaling helpless victims and roasting them over the fire pits 🔥. He didn’t have feet 👣 like you would expect but hooves like an ungulate mammal 🐐. His dark eyes 👀 were filled with hatred and burned with devious intent. 👿

His voice echoed as he spoke. “Isn’t this sweet 🍰?” Twirling his trident spear 🔱, he added, “The light and the dark together as one. Two complete polar opposites find love in my realm!” 🤦 👎

Diabolos 👹 and Avyanna 😇 didn’t say a word as Satan 😈 approached them. They didn’t know what to say because neither could explain the balance that held them together like kindred spirits 🤷🏽‍♀️ 🤷. They were the exact opposites but completed each other in a way that was both magical ✨ and elusive 🕵.

Satan 😈 pointed at the trespasser and yelled, “You don’t belong here, little girl! And you gotta pay for releasing those lost souls from my grasp!” 😡

Diabolos 👹 stepped in front of Avyanna 😇 and fired, “You will not harm her!” 🛑

“NO! I will do whatever the 🤬 I want because this is MY Kingdom 🕍, not yours!”

Avyanna 😇 grabbed Diabolos’ 👹 giant shoulders ⛰️ and pleaded, “Please, don’t do anything foolish. We can leave.” 😥 🙏

Satan 😈 cackled and howled 🐺. “No, no, my dear. The only way you’re leaving this place is from the sweet release of death, and Heaven be callin’ you home, ha, ha!” 😂 🤣

🙅🏽‍♀️ “You will not touch her!” cried Diabolos 👹.

“Don’t defy me,” Satan 😈 threatened. “You were once one of most fearsome soldiers. Show me the respect I deserve, you fucking trader!” 🤦

Balling his fists 🤜, Diabolos 👹 ducked his head and charged towards Satan 😈. Avyanna 😇 screamed and tripped on her robes, trying to stop him. The momentum of his inertia was so unrelenting that Satan 😈 casually dodged out of the way in slow motion. Diabolos 👹 crashed into the nearby weight racks 🏋🏾 causing the steel plates to crush his massive body. He was out cold. ❄️ 

Satan 😈 was now standing above Avyanna 😇, ready to strike with his trident 🔱. “You poor thing. You came all this way to find love 💗, but in the end, the only thing you found was death! 💀 It’s funny, you can save lost souls 👻 and bring the dead back to life, but you can’t save yourself!” 🤣

“Agh!!” Satan 😈 lunged the spear 🔱 at Avyanna 😇, and she held her arms up for protection. 🛡️

At that moment, Diabolos 👹 threw himself in front of the trident 🔱 allowing the spear to pierce his heart ❤️. The weapon did not stop there, however. It stabbed through Diabolos 👹 and Avyanna 😇, pinning them both to the floor like a heart ❤️ with an arrow through it. 💘 They were dead ⚰️, and all that remained was Satan’s 😈 hideous laughter. 😅 😂 🤣

Darkness does not exist without light, and light does not exist without darkness. An all-consuming paradox of the universe. 🌌

In the void 💫 where time does not exist, two lost spirits 👻 converge as one. A mish-mash of light and darkness, love and hate. Diabolos 👹 and Avyanna 😇 became mirrored souls. This was their destiny all along and where their lives could finally begin anew. A yearning fulfilled. 💞

A balance restored, with room to grow. 💓

🔥 Twin flames 🔥 destined to dance 💃🏻 🕺🏿 together forever where their love 💕 can never be extinguished. 🚒

🙌 The End 🙌

🌟 Daniel R. Hayes 🌟    

November 18, 2021 03:43

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Keya J.
05:46 Nov 18, 2021

I have to admit, emojis take the story to whole 'nother level, adding the fun element and the wish to keep on reading. This was a unique written romance, though in the end falling into the 'sad ending' category. That Lucifer! 😠 Though, there were a few emoji moments that I couldn't help but smirk. #No one had the balls 🍒 to interrupt (😂😂) #Two complete polar opposites find love in my realm!” 🤦 👎 (I liked the emojis chosen lol) # I will do whatever the 🤬 I want My favourite line: Darkness does not exist without light, and light does not...


Daniel R. Hayes
06:35 Nov 18, 2021

Thank you so much, Keya! This was a super-fun challenge from Deidra, who used emojis in her fantastic story and tasked me to do the same. So, I had to keep the prompt in mind while writing the story and then allow those little emoji critters to find a home in there somewhere. I'm glad you liked the humor and placement of those little guys :) :)


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05:11 Nov 18, 2021

👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 A+ Perfection! Emojis and a love story to boot (in hell, of course.) The cherries 🍒 made me 🤣🤣🤣 You win this round. I yield ❤️


Daniel R. Hayes
06:30 Nov 18, 2021

Thank you Deidra, this was really fun, but those little emoji's kicked my butt, hahaha! I included the emoji-free version here in the comments just in case someone doesn't like those little rascals in the story 😊 I'm so glad you liked it!!


11:06 Nov 18, 2021

Who doesn’t like emojis?? I feel you on the butt kickery—ain’t as easy as it looks 👀


17:21 Nov 18, 2021

Daniel -- my husband and I are officially moving back to Virginia next summer. We just put a contract on a home in Charlottesville YAY. We'll have to plan a double date and bore our spouses with short story writing. haha


Daniel R. Hayes
17:38 Nov 18, 2021

That's fantastic news!! I've been to Charlottesville a few times, I'm so happy for you guys!! Boring our spouses with short story ideas.... hahahaha, sounds fun, but I imagine people will run for the doors if they overhear my ideas... lol. Congrats on moving back to VA, that's awesome! :)


17:44 Nov 18, 2021

I've successfully avoided Florida Man for 23 years. It's time to leave before my luck runs out :)


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Daniel R. Hayes
03:57 Nov 18, 2021

(BONUS CONTENT) Mirrored Souls (Emoji-Free Version) (Content Warning: Blood, Gore, Violence, Mild Language) In the depths of Hell, the great slanderer, Diabolos, was working hard on a super-set of preacher curls and skull crushers. His dark, sweaty skin glistened in the flickering light like the morning dew. Standing twelve feet seven inches, Diabolos was a mountain of terror. His long horns extended Heavenward a...


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Nicole Of 2022
18:46 May 15, 2022

LOL THE CHERRIES!! XD Great story was very funny and interesting.


Daniel R. Hayes
06:16 May 16, 2022

Thank you, Shaylynn. I was challenged to write this story with emojis and I had fun with it. Believe it or not, it was a little hard to find all these emojis and I tried my best to make it fun :) Thanks again!!


Nicole Of 2022
06:28 May 16, 2022

My old acc. was only emoji stories LOL I loved how you made the emojis work though! Deidra gave me the link to this though lol she said, "The three of us made a new genre!" XDXD


Daniel R. Hayes
06:35 May 16, 2022

Ha, ha, ha!! Deidra is the one who challenged me to write that story and I'm so glad that you liked it. And I would agree that maybe we all made a new genre, for that alone we should give ourselves a pat on the back :)


Nicole Of 2022
16:19 May 16, 2022

Ahaha I know right! I don't see many people use them for some reason it's possible they just don't know how to get to them though lmaoo


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Taylor McHone
14:04 Feb 23, 2022

I have to admit that this was one of my favorite stories that I've read so far! You've done an outstanding job and I can't wait to read more!


Daniel R. Hayes
16:36 Feb 23, 2022

Thank you so much!! This story was a challenge from my friend, and it was hard adding in all those emojis... lol. I'm so glad you liked it!! :)


Taylor McHone
19:43 Feb 23, 2022

Of course! I haven't tried it yet but I hope to do it one day! ☺️


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Howard Seeley
04:51 Nov 27, 2021

Great effort. Keep up the good work!


Daniel R. Hayes
06:33 Nov 27, 2021

Thank you very much! :)


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Graham Kinross
12:18 Nov 23, 2021

I liked the story but I found the emojis a bit distracting.


Daniel R. Hayes
17:08 Nov 23, 2021

I'm glad you liked the story. I did add an emoji free version in the comments sections for people who don't like them. This was a fun challenge to do for fun, and I enjoyed it. Thanks again.


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Suma Jayachandar
13:03 Nov 22, 2021

That's a pretty 💥 challenge you have nailed perfectly 😅


Daniel R. Hayes
17:02 Nov 22, 2021

Thank you Suma, this was a fun challenge to do, but those emojis were tough!! :)


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16:17 Nov 18, 2021

Hahaha! Fantastic! I love how subtle, yet consistent you were with the whole theme of balance here! The words you used to describe the characters, situations and the emotions were intentional and very clever. And oh man...the emojis! Brilliantly done! I think this is my favorite line... 🔥 Twin flames 🔥 destined to dance 💃🏻 🕺🏿 together forever where their love 💕 can never be extinguished. 🚒 It's so lovely but the fire truck has me laughing! LOLOL!!!! EXCELLENT WORK, as always!!! :)


Daniel R. Hayes
16:39 Nov 18, 2021

Thank you so much Kelly! I'm so glad you liked this one, the emojis really allowed me to convey some humor in a new way, and it was super-fun. The light/dark elements were also a fun back and forth dynamic for the characters. Poor Baal, getting killed over and over again... hahaha. Well... they say Hell is repetition. Thanks again, made my day!! :) :)


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