Fiction Sad Thriller

This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. It was supposed to be the day that Mac picks up her dream car, and takes her best friend Roland for drive to show off her hard work. But that couldn't happen now - well, it could, but Mac knew it wouldn't be the same.

They weren't speeding. They weren't being reckless. They were just driving. She had her right foot resting slightly on the break and her left on the clutch. She didn't like using cruise control as it made her feel less behind the wheel. But when the dark figure suddenly appeared out of the fog hitting the front of the car with a BANG! That's when Mac knew her life would never be the same again.

She ran out from the car, letting it stall as she rushed to open the drivers side door. She leaped over to the body, her bright headlights shining directly over it. She didn't touch it at first, she was frightened. Frightened of what she would see when she turned the body over. It wasn't moving, Oh God! Oh God! Panicked Mac, What have I done? What do I do? Where do I go? She turned her attention to the front of her car, the hardly bulbar was covered in blood that splattered up her bonnet and onto the window. God, it's everywhere! It's horrible! She turned back to the body, knowing she had to do something even if she wasn't sure what. She braved herself, taking in several long breaths before tugging on the edge of the body's shirt; the body limply flipped over, it was a man, a white man, with thinning grey hair and eyes that stare horrifyingly back into Macs. Mac started to panic like hell now, she screamed at the sight of the man. He was limp, covered in blood and most certainly dead. There was no recovering him.

Mac ran back to her car, she fumbled her way back into the drivers side and searched hysterically for the UHF. As bad as this looks, I still need help, now! Wait! She stopped for a moment, pondering her options. If this gets out, I become a murderer, I will loose my family, and my friends, and my career. And most importantly, I will loose Roland. Mac put down the UHF but remained in the car for a moment. She had made her decision but she wasn't sure whether it was a good one. She looked into the distance, she would faintly see the lights of the nearest town flickering in the wind of the trees. It had to be a good 20kms away or so. There was no way anyone would be coming down this road at this time of night. Mac was hopeful.

She got out of the front seat and dove into the tub of her car, rummaging through her rubbish, she eventually found what she was looking for. She pulled out a 4 foot long spade that she had used for manure digging. It would have to do. She gathered her strength and begun to drag the limp, lifeless body towards the bush hitting multiple rocks along the way. Mac started to pray, she had never prayed a day in her life but this time she did. She needed some sense of humanity from all that had been stripped from her through recent events. She dragged him about one hundred yards from where the incident took place. This is surely far enough, she thought. And with that, she started digging.

What felt like hours passed before Mac had dug a deep enough trench to hide her sins from. She stood back for a moment and contemplated it, but then she ignored every thought in her head telling her to go back to the truck and kept digging. Eventually, she was confident enough to push the body into the trench. It fell with a thud! that made Mac dry reach. Again she ignored all the painful senses flying threw her body and begun to swung the dirt back into the pit. She did so as quickly as possible as the stench of her rotting sin had become a major problem.

For what felt like even more hours passing, the body was covered. Out of sight, for ever to be hidden. Mac breathed a long and hard breath. She was exhausted, she wanted nothing but to go home and wake up again tomorrow knowing that nothing had happened the night before. But she knew that wasn't an option anymore. She picked up her shovel and made her journey back to the car.

She climbed over the mount of dirt on the side of the road and leant against her car, panting from exhaustion. She dropped the shovel and lay her head on the vehicle.

"Hands on your head!" A voice yelled from beside her. Mac froze, unsure on what to do. Had she dreamed that? Was anything even real? "I said get your hands on your head! And turn around!"

Mac obeyed. She raised her hands in the air and rest them on the back of her head while turning towards the strange voice. It was a man in a blue uniform. He was young, not as young as Mac, but young enough. He had handsome dark skin and short trimmed hair, Mac was rather fond of him for a moment. But then he yelled again.

"What are you doing with that shovel?" He said. Mac didn't want to respond. "Answer me!" Mac still didn't respond. But at that point the man told her to stay where she was while he examine the damage taken on Mac's car.

"I hit a roo!" Mac spat out.

"What?!" He replied.

"I hit a roo, here, in my car, and...and it was dead. So I took it over yonder and buried it."

The man didn't believe her. Why would he?

"Get in the car." He said after handcuffing her.

"I hit a roo!" Mac started screaming this over and over again. Trying to make it seem real, that that was all that she had hit and that she hadn't just buried a bloody corpse. But by then it was too late.

November 17, 2020 23:20

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