To Love The Superhero or Not

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



The sun was setting over the valley, and the sky was filled with colors of orange and red, along with blue and purple. Belle was mesmerized by the beauty of the sunset. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it, and Elliot couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The beautiful woman sitting before him had ocean blue eyes and very pale and fair skin. He had fallen for her the moment he laid eyes on her. He continues to fall more and more in love with her every day. Today, she was wearing a blue and black Hawaiian flower mini dress. It showed off her long legs and highlighted all the right places. They had been together two years now and she always seemed to out dress him, except on a few occasions, tonight not being one of them. He looked okay. He was in nice black jeans and a navy blue button-up shirt. He felt like he dressed nice enough for the occasion. 

He was checking himself out when Belle said, 

“You always look nice. Thank you for taking me out today, and for this picnic. I really enjoyed it. The sunset is beautiful, and the food was lovely.” 

The young man smiled while laying down on the picnic blanket and said, 

“You’re welcome babydoll.” He then got up and gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Let’s get up and walk around one more time and then get going. It’s getting late. I’ve got stuff to do tomorrow.” She nodded and said, 

“Me too.” The lovers packed up the picnic food and blanket and then began to walk around the park. 

Hand in hand they strolled around the park for about another hour. They talked about everything from the political crisis of the day to the birds chirping in the trees to what cars they both wanted to buy to what it would be like to live in outer space.

“I think if humans could develop the technology to live in space… it would be awesome. I would definitely move.” said Belle.

“I one thousand percent agree!” said Elliot, “ The USA is actually developing the technology to do that right now, with the help of other countries of course. It will be in no time at all.”

“I really wish that were true.” She replied in a somber tone while looking starry-eyed up at the sky. 

“Hey, you know what? Have I told you I loved you today?” He said, trying to make her laugh. 

Belle turned her head to Elliot and replied, “No,” but she said it with a grin. He grinned back and said, 

“Well, it's true.” They both looked at each and just smiled. They had probably walked around the park about three times at this point, so Belle decided it was time to say something. 

“Hey, let’s stop and maybe get going. It's late and we’ve got stuff to do tomorrow.” Elliot agreed this time and they turned towards the parking lot where their cars were and started heading home. Then something came over Elliot, he felt like telling this girl he was in love with one more time something special. 

“Stop.” Elliot said, and then he grabbed her hand, “I love you, and I am going to marry you someday.” He then picked her up from the waist and began spinning her around, “I am going to marry you on the moon! I am going to build my dream house there too! And we’re going to have little moon babies!”

“Elliot, stop! Put me down and just kiss me, you fool!”

The two of them stood there kissing in the dark for a while after that when a bright light started blinking in the sky above them. She hugged her soon to be fiance and stopped kissing him, pointing towards the light. He turned around and blinked his eyes a few times so they could adjust.

“What’s that?” He said. 

The strange light suddenly stopped blinking and started moving across the night sky. It left behind a beautiful trail of rainbow colors all mixed with baby blue. 

“Wow! It’s so beautiful!” Belle exclaimed.

“Huh, guess it wasn’t anything serious, just something marvelous,” Elliot said.

“Hurry! Make a wish!” said Belle. She then closed her eyes and folded her hands in prayer position and made her wish. The young man smiled as he watched his soon to be wife. Then he turned up to the sky and shooting star, and thought what the heck he could use some magic in life, and maybe some direction, and he closed his eyes and made a wish for himself.

They both opened their eyes and continued to watch the beautiful shooting star as it shot across the sky. It suddenly stopped and started to shake. Then it burst into seven separate pieces. Each one of the pieces going in different directions. Mesmerized by the sight Belle didn’t register the fact that one of the giant pieces of rock was flying straight towards her! Elliot was quick to react. He grabbed Belle by the hand and took off in the other direction. 

“We need to find some shade or cover! Now!” He yelled. With only seconds before the impact, the only cover Elliot could find was a park bench under a tree about thirty feet away. He dove for it and dragged Belle close behind him. Just as the two hit the dirt and covered their heads, the giant rainbow rock rushed behind them. There was a loud explosion as the rock hit the ground and the earth shook like an earthquake had hit. 

Elliot held Belle as everything shook. Once it all stopped he decided to go out and look to see what happened and what had fallen from the sky.

Belle motioned for him not to go and stay a moment longer, but he felt like he had to go and he felt like it was safe. He waited an extra minute to make her feel better and safe. Then he crawled out from under the park bench. He got up onto his feet and slowly started walking to the crash landing site. He stopped for a brief second as he got closer and thought to himself am I really going to do this? What if this thing kills me? I guess I am going to find out he thought to himself with a laugh.

He was about thirty or so feet away from the shooting star when he started being able to smell gas and hear the crackling obliviously coming from the star. The thing was huge. It had to be the size of at least a two-story house. It was all black, yet very sparkly. It had rainbow sparkles all over it that matched the tail it emitted earlier. 

Elliot could hear the crackling getting louder when a giant crack appeared; splitting the rock in two. As it split, a white light appeared from the center of the rock. It shot out and shined on the couple like a broadway spotlight. They both shielded their eyes, however, they were blinded for more than ten seconds. Belle couldn’t help but scream. Elliot tried to reach out in front of him and grab something, but couldn’t see and was grasping at thin air. The light then vanished. It was dark again. Elliot lost his balance and fell over. The two of them then tried to adjust their eyes to their new surroundings when they were both struck in the back of the head. Knocking them both unconscious till the next morning.

Elliot woke up under a bright spotlight in a small room. The white walls and bright lights made the two men in black suits in the middle of the room stand out. They were standing shoulder to shoulder, and neither of them had smiles on their faces. Once Elliot could think straight he started yelling, 

“Who are you? Why are we here? Let me out of these things!” He was shaking and jerking around in his restraints as much as he could. He had both of his arms and leg tied to an old school desk chair

“I mean it! Let me out of these things before I get mad!” The men in black just stared at Elliot. The expressions on their faces said they weren’t listening to a thing he said, but they did express a hint of patience like they were waiting for someone or something to happen. Elliot couldn’t stand the way they looked. He was getting more frustrated by the second. He looked beside him to see if Belle was awake or still asleep. He was shocked to see her still asleep.

“Belle?” He said. She didn’t answer him. 

“Belle!” He yelled. She still didn’t answer him. Elliot then turned to the men in black who were still standing in the center of the room and glared at them for a moment. His eyes were low and sharp like an animal going in for the kill or an animal stalking their prey. These two were his prey and he just had to figure out how he was going to destroy them. 

Then something started to happen to the handsome man. The change first started with his vision. He started being able to see little black dots floating in the air. Elliot suddenly felt like the room was closing in on him, yet he also felt like he had a million arms.

“What did you guys do to me?” he cried, as he blinked back tears and tried to see straight. The man on the right then walked out of the only door in the room located behind them.

“Coward!” Elliot shouted at him as he left. The man who stayed didn’t move a muscle and continued to stare at Elliot with cold black eyes. 

“Just wait,” Elliot said, “I’ll give you something to stare at...” Before another moment could pass, the man who left the room reentered. He had reappeared with a table and some supplies. He brought with him some rubber gloves, a syringe, masks, and towels. As the scary scientist prepared the stuff Elliot knew right then and there he needed to figure out how he was going to get him and Belle out of this situation. He tried to decipher what these black dots were that he kept seeing. He wished he could touch them. And then, at that moment he got his wish. He couldn’t really touch them, but he was able to figure out that he could control them with his mind. All he had to do was concentrate and imagine moving them and they would. As soon as he realized he could do this he started forming them into the shape of a ball. He had successfully made an oversized soccer ball before one of the men in black noticed. They both immediately jumped towards Elliot to try and stop him, but it was too late. Elliot sent the ball flying towards them at lightning speed. It struck the man with the supplies in the back of the neck and sent him crashing into the wall and knocking him unconscious. Then Elliot sent the black ball straight at the other man’s face, breaking his nose and knocking him out as well. 

“Gottcha!” Elliot screamed in excitement. He was feeling the adrenaline rush at this point. 

“I told you not to mess with Champ! I told you I was going to get you!”

Elliot was smiling ear to ear even though he was bound to a chair. He was a hero in this moment. Never in his wildest dreams did he think he was going to get to play the part of the real-life hero. But, he wasn’t out of danger yet. He still needed to get himself and Belle out of this place. Belle had slept through the whole superhero moment. Elliot was actually a little worried and wondered if she was okay. 

“Belle!” Elliot yelled a couple of times. At first, he didn’t get a reaction out of her. He didn’t know what he was going to do if she didn’t wake up, but then he saw one beautiful eye open. He actually had to fight back tears at that moment, some leaked. 

“Baby! You’re alive! I’m so happy! But, baby, you missed it! I beat those guys up! With powers from my mind!” Elliot said.

He looked so adorable to Belle. She had no idea what he was talking about. The last thing she remembered was being terrified by the bright white light and making a wish on a beautiful shooting star only moments before. She was not expecting to wake up tied up like this so she was confused.

Elliot then shook the tears off of his face and looked Belle directly in the eyes and very seriously said,

“I am going to get us out of these chains now. That light, I think, gave me some sort of powers, or those men in black did, I don’t know, but stand back while I do this.” Belle nodded. Elliot blinked a few times and then closed his eyes to concentrate. He could see and feel the black dots in his mind like he did before and imagined them stretching out and turning into a long black sword. 

“Elliot! Oh my gosh!” Belle exclaimed, “You’re making magic!” When Elliot opened his eyes he was filled with hope. The black dots had come together over his head just like before; however this time they had formed an elegant knight’s sword. After that, he continued to use his powers and guided the sword over to himself to cut the restraints. Once he freed himself, he took the sword in his hand and began to cut the restraints off of Belle.

“Belle, I don’t know what is going to happen once we leave here and go outside of that door, but I want you to stay close behind me, okay?” Elliot’s eyes were filled with concern as he spoke and Belle just nodded. She knew this was no time for jokes. It was serious. He finished cutting the ropes that held her to the plastic chair and then they both headed for the door stepping over the men in black. Elliot prepared his sword to fight an epic battle and Belle secured her running feet close behind him.

“On the count of three,” he said, “One… two… three…!” Elliot quickly opened the door and rushed out in full charge with Belle following close behind him.

July 04, 2020 03:40

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Batool Hussain
08:05 Jul 04, 2020

Wow... This is wonderfulll


Deidra Glaser
01:51 Jul 09, 2020

Thank you! I appreciate your comment!


Batool Hussain
04:53 Jul 09, 2020

You're welcome!


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