The Town of Life

Submitted into Contest #90 in response to: Write about a community that worships Mother Nature.... view prompt


Adventure Friendship Happy

Clara Wilk has been the town weirdo ever since she jumped into the well during a hurricane to save a puppy and long story short she got struck by lightning and somehow survived. Her family lives in a small village called Apple Adams town. Though the village is small it is very full of life and happiness. The kids in the town go to Adams Middle school. Clara and her brothers Joe and Billy live with just their mom. Clara's dad passed away a few years ago and the town has tried to keep and hold his legacy of caring for the town ever since.

"Hey, Clara!" her friend Caddie exclaimed "I'm at table 7!" why is she yelling like she has never done before, or at least as long as I have known her. "Yeah yeah, I see you. but why are you being so loud today?"......... panic ran through her head.." Did I do something? are you ok? did you have to sit in the..... in the..... dentist chair!!!????" as she blabbered on and on and on Caddie finally had time to say "Hey down girl, I'm totally fine! I'm just in a good mood."

"That's nice!" Clara said. " I am in a good mood because I ma...." Caddie was interrupted as the intercom came through the class and said " Can we please have Clara Wilk to the front doors? she gets to go home for the day."

When she gets home she goes to her house and kneels and says thank you to mother nature and what she does for the town. It is religion in her family to come home and give thanks to The great Mother Nature. In school, they have a lesson at the beginning of the day telling them more and more about mother nature and her history.

Once a year there is an Earth Day and that day you get to spend appreciating the life that you have around you. In Apple Adams town Earth Day is the most highly celebrated holiday besides Christmas of course. Clara goes up to Joe and asks "What are you doing for earth day"..."I'm getting a group of friends together and we are going to visit some of the nearby parks and pick up all of the litter." Joe said happily. "That's cool!" Clara exclaimed. She went over to Billy and asked the same question. He said, "I am going to plant some trees where I think that they should be, to fill up the place and make our town look happier."

Clara had a hard time trying to figure out what to do for earth day. She went and asked her mom and she said "Just do what feels right." It was hard for her to put that into account also because she wanted to be like her dad and live up to his high standards. She thought about it for a long time but then it finally came to her........”I will make a giving basket! Every Earth Day you will dedicate something to mother nature and put it in the giving basket.” She went straight to work and her whole family pitched in and about an hour or two later, the basket was finished and ready to put at the gazebo in the town square. They went around the parks and forests and helped out with what her brothers were doing. They planted trees and met lots of new people that had come to our town to celebrate earth day. Then finally, it was time to go to the annual... Earth day fest at the town square.

Clara saw Caddie "Hey Cad's (that's what I call her) sorry I left the other day. Our family plans Earth day fest every year and I could not miss it." "It's fine, But how do you want to know what I have been so excited about?" Caddie said eagerly. Clara replied "meh I have better things to do" "oh," Caddie said sadly. "IM KIDDING, OF COURSE, I WANT TO HEAR!" Caddie put a smile on her face and said "Well, You know how I have been looking at beach vacations for the summer. Well..... I found us a house On the beach and it's a great spot because while we can tan we can also pick up all of the litter and make the earth "healthier" I guess you could say." Clara had a huge happy reaction "No way... That sounds.... that sounds... AMAZING. Thank you!" Caddie was happy that Clara was happy. "AHHHH I'm so happy that you're excited. I can't wait to spend the summer with you" "Me too!!" Clara exclaimed. Clara had forgotten that she is the host for the Earth Day Fest! "Oh no, I'm late!" I hope no one noticed. 

Clara's parents walked over and said "Where have you been young lady? how are we going to smooth this out with the people?" "I will give my big speech about mother nature!" Clara exclaimed. Clara told her parents that it would work, so she went up on stage.

"Good Afternoon, I know that I am very late and I'm sorry. I just had some very important and breathtaking news delivered to me about being able to save the environment when I forgot that I can help it right here. The news that was delivered to me was coming from my friend Caddie. She said that she found us a beach house by trash island and there is a summer program that you get to go to and you get to meet new people and help save the environment. I like to start my Speech off with a quote said by Radhanath Swami "Mother Nature is always speaking. She speaks in a language understood within the peaceful mind of the sincere observer." This quote means that there is still hope for our environment and if you listen mother nature will thank you for what you have done to keep this town so healthy. All I want to say is dont give up on the earth unless the earth starts to give up on you. BTW it never will." The town clapped for Clara as she stepped off the stage. "Wait I almost forgot!" Clara said with relief in her voice."My family and I made a giving basket. Every Earth day you will go to the box and tell Mother nature how thankful you are and you will dedicate a possession of yours to her and put it inside the box. We can all start right now.

-The End

April 23, 2021 13:56

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