Adventure Drama Mystery

I didn’t do it. 

A story written and submitted by: Muhammad Shahir

The bright, blue, tropical lights blinded my fake face. I was wearing the same fake smile for about half an hour. All I could see was happy, upbeat faces looking towards me with all their hope. It felt really weird. I was sitting on my chair, with a bunch of hosts stuffing their big plump microphones in my face. They kept on telling me to speak. “SPEAK! SPEAK!” They all yelled in union. “Alright, alright!” I scream, giving the gesture with my hands that they should leave now. I grab my mic with my sweaty hands, shaking. “Okay. I want you all to listen closely here.” I say, trying to get them anticipated. Before I could speak, My phone rang. It was a little embarrassing. I gave an embarrassed chuckle and lifted my index finger pointing off as “I’ll be right back.” 

I walk backstage. I sit down and answer the phone. “Hello? Jake Candle speaking.” I say cluelessly into the phone. All I could hear on the other end was heavy breathing. Like they just ran a block or 2 and came back panting. “Um.. Hello..? Jake-”


I was so startled that I almost dropped my phone. I catched it in the nick of time. That was weird… and a little creepy. “Um.. okay.. Uh.. how can I help you…?” I say. Again, I just hear heavy breathing. I didn’t want to repeat myself in fear of him yelling again. The person on the other end finally started speaking. “YOUR JAKE CANDLE HUH,” I was going to respond but he cut me off. “I’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU… AND I FINALLY HAVE MY CHANCE. OH, HOW LONG I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT. SO TELL ME JAKE. DID YOU REALLY SAVE HIM? DID YOU?!” He yells at me. “U- Uh- Sir.. I- I..” I stamper and mumble and start to panic. “SPILL IT-” I end the call and turn off notifications. My heart was beating really hard, My nose was runny, my palms were sweaty and my forehead looked like it had been dunked in water. My whole body kinda looked like that. I get back on stage. The crowd goes wild when I get back on. “Sorry about that.” I say, trying to cover up my emotions. I say my speech and after about another 2 hours, it’s finally over. I get out of my chair and wave goodbye to everyone. I got out of that stinking’ place; the air outside smelled so much better. RIIIIIIIIIIIING!! My phone rang. My heart drops when I answer it and hear the same person. I end the call. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!! It goes again. I end the call again. I look at my phone. 

Everyday. I was getting calls. Every. Single. Day. I didn’t know when to pick them up or not. I was insane. My whole house was messy. I haven’t gone outside for 2 weeks. You like it more like this, My mind kept on saying. nobody can harm you now. You have all you need in this house. Don’t go outside. Stay in here. I know you will like it here more than there. I was going insane. I needed to do something, but my mind held me back. It was like chains holding my arms and every time I tried to break through or run away, they held me back and made the chains even harder. I curled up in a ball, plump tears rolling down my bright red, apple-looking cheeks. RIIIIIIING!!! My phone goes. I wipe away my tears and look at my phone. Random numbers. I don’t know why, but I had a sudden urge to answer it. I answered it. “I know where you are.” My eyes go wide. That was the last straw. I was going to tell everyone that I didn’t save him. I didn’t. I grab my dull black hat, and grab my jacket. I slipped on my boots and clutched my car keys. “Here we go.” I whisper. I get in my green Lamborghini and start it. VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

The engine roars. I reverse and hit the speed. I live in a city, and there were lots of tall buildings. My plan was that I would go to the highest one. The Canadian National Tower. Also known as The CN Tower. I pick up the pace. My engine was making so much noise, I thought it was going to explode! I zoom past people with immense speed. People looked at my car with awe. I keep on driving, having an iron grip on the steering wheel. That's when I realized that I had gone far more than the speed limit. I was on 270, and the speed limit was 90! I soon hear sirens. They were creeping up on me. I was not going to fail now though. I step EVEN HARDER on the pedal and go to 290. The sires were getting close, and I was losing hope. But I didn’t give up. Not me. I drift to a stop near CN Tower. I jump out of my car, sprinting with all my might. The police were about 20 feet away from me. I jump on the elevator. The Tickets. I forgot the tickets. “No!” I scream. If I wanted to go up I needed tickets. But the man there was sleeping, and all I needed to do was push the button that made it go up. I sprint towards him and push the button. He woke up startled and I punched him off his chair so he didn’t get in the way. The elevator was going up! I sprinted towards it and gave my greatest leap. My right hand just makes it on. The door was closing. I haul myself unjust in time. I look down. We were now 5 feet above the ground. I look down, and the police arrive. The elevator goes up just in time before one of them could jump in. I look down towards them.

BANG! I look to my left and see a broken glass. A small, tiny hole. And a bullet. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! 4 more go. I keep my hands over my head and keep on moving. Finally, I make it to the top. I get out and look around. It was casual, people talking, some eating and others just… standing. There was this one guy who was singing a song in the restaurant. I ran in there and pushed him off his chair. I grab his microphone and run into the kitchen. I shove one of the cooks and grab a bat. It was there for batting the dough. I run to one of the windows and bang it. I bang it again. And again. CRASH! The window breaks. I get out and use the microphone. “EVERYONE!” I yell into the microphone. I see heads going up. “I DIDN’T SAVE HIM. I DIDN’T SAVE MARK PULSATION. THE MILLIONAIRE. IT WASN’T ME. IT WAS SOMEONE ELSE. I ONLY DID IT BECAUSE I NEEDED THAT MONEY… I DIDN’T DO IT.” I say. “AND NOW. I WILL GIVE MYSELF MY PUNISHMENT.” I drop the microphone and look down. I lean, and drop.


September 01, 2020 20:52

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