Fantasy Fiction Romance

The stars scattered along the realm of the evening sky seemed so wonderful to me, and I watched them each night with an ever-lasting gaze which managed to render me speechless. The beauty of the dazzling sunset captured me little-by-little as I ran my damp fingers through my faded brown hair. I steadily picked up the book I kept safely on the mantelpiece and flipped through the pages to where I ended last. The haze shifted strongly, and the wind ran forcibly along my body, sending quirky shivers all around my back. I managed to take a peek over the narrow bridge that escalates through my backyard. I eyed a young couple making its way across the bridge with water dripping down from the strands of their hair. They both looked so extraordinarily beautiful, and I almost instantly felt so enraptured by the way they glanced at each other. I presumed that they swam in the lake moments before, and they shared an encounter together that enchanted them endlessly. I ached to wonder when my time would come to experience a thing of that sort. I shook my head strongly in agony and decided to look back at the book I was reading earlier. The couple suddenly disappeared from in front of me, and I impetuously decided to look out for them. I wasn’t entirely sure as to why I so hastily felt a need to seek them out, but the urge was almost unstoppable. I, slowly but surely, began to wonder whether what I saw was merely a figment of my ever-growing imagination. There was something so eerie about the way they loved, and how they seemed to be incomplete without one-another. I ran out for a few minutes and reached a large street-lamp across the neighbours’ pond, and there they were. The woman looked at her lover with such dreamy eyes, as if her frustrations had been eased overnight. Her lover looked back at her, and I felt a tang of discomfort, as this was all so new to me. I was so perplexed by how they held long glances at each other. It was almost as if they never needed more than themselves, just together is all. I ran home rather tersely and picked up my book another time. I felt so captured by the idea of love, but never seemed to understand it the way some others did. I feel that only those that have experienced love can say much about it, but it’s otherwise a touchy topic that cannot be comprehended in ways I would like. Love is such an enchanting emotion, and it can keep you so uplifted. The happiness that embraces you, once you have it, is surreal in every way. But I don’t believe that it could remain forever. I shook my hands slowly and tried to immerse my head into what I had just seen. Was it true? Was love a temporary flash that reminds you of the harsh reality that is what this world encompasses? Is love just a large amalgamation of every emotion one could possibly feel in one simple tick? Is love just a fallacy that people want you to believe, or does it have truth to back it up? My worries seemed to come to a hasty end once I saw the young couple. I could tell from the couple of glances they made at each other that love is so much more than what you read in a trivial novel. No words could so perfectly match the feel of it. This intangible, yet ever-present, emotion has captured oh-so-many hearts along this mysterious world, but ones that haven’t encountered it haven’t the slightest clue as to what it must be like. I’m one of the unfortunate ones that can’t seem to fathom the depths of this intriguing and captivating vehemence, as I simply haven’t been lucky enough to have a lover ready at my disposal. I would very assuredly provide what may need-be to them, if they did the same for me. Alas, one like me can only imagine the treacherous waters you drop down into once you’re there. It’s no secret that only beauty lies in its depths. This trance you know you cannot manage to escape once you’ve been around your lover for far too long, it’s only a matter of time till I myself shall wander lost within its shallow pits. What I find so much more riveting is that love has connotations that appear differently to each person to whom it has encountered. To some, it might appear to be sensual pleasure at its best, but to others it might simply be the knowledge, the laughs, the conversations, and just about everything about their lover that’s enchanting. I, myself, am so young. I can’t view myself feeling so lost, captivated, and spellbound by someone, or their mundane activities. But I have only recently understood that love isn't calculated the way I previously assumed. The young couple disappeared into the faces of my dilemma, but I no longer urged myself to follow them. I had seen all that I had to. I never would have thought an entranced couple such as they could remind me of so much. It was all so telling, without them having said a word. I’ve read so often about love in books, but I still can’t know. While thinking so fondly about love, it was only a couple of moments later that I began to think about the downsides. How does one fall out of love? Must it hurt so much to know that the one you so carefully relied on might belong to someone else someday, and that your chances are out the door? I suppose that the pleasure you experience evens out once the pain sets in, as it ends. How could love last forever, after all? The unexpectations are what manage to make it so entrancing. Why wonder about the downsides if you can simply think of the charm of it all in the moment? The happiness that sets into your mind, that captures your body altogether, and the constant pleasure you feel, must that account for the most lovely experience? I couldn’t know what love is in the slightest just yet, but oh how I would love to love one day!

June 18, 2021 16:51

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