When She's Had Enough

Submitted into Contest #95 in response to: Write about someone finally making their own choices.... view prompt

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Drama Gay Lesbian

"You don't have to write a whole paragraph to this person; just a simple hello would work." Sierra, my other friend, chimed in while trying to sound reassuring. It wasn't helpful. But it was better than what Bennie was spitting out at her. With an irritated sigh and low groan, I reluctantly snatched the paper out of Bennie's hand and pulled out my phone. I began to type in the number written on the piece of paper into my phone's contacts after I had unlocked my phone. I swear, I'm killing my friends if I end up messaging some creepy old guy or hacker like that Blue Whale guy who went around the internet then died down after people made memes about it. Dumb stuff that I don't have time to deal with at the moment. 

After I finished putting in the numbers toward my soon-to-be death sentence, I stuffed the paper into my back pocket and looked at the two idiots I call friends standing in front of me. Their staring at me read, "Well, on with it!" only a cringy grin crept onto my lips as I looked at their looks. I reluctantly began to type in a message on my phone with a groan and glare towards them to the random number. Nothing too long, or something to come off as "Hey! I'm really excited to talk to you, let's be friends!" So, I went with a simple; 

(Tee) Hello


"Alright, it's done. If I come up missing on the news headlines in the next few days, I'll be haunting the two of you for the rest of your lives." Looking at the two girls who were currently trying to hold back their laughter, I could only flash a small smile at them while walking over to them, hugging them tightly. We parted ways after saying our goodbyes. Sierra said she headed over to the library to get some service hours and finish her summer assignments, even though summer just started. Bennie headed home to help her mom with the cooking, and I was heading home to relax. 

"Wonder if Ma is home," I asked myself as I pulled my phone out and began to scroll through the feed.

Once home, to my prediction, Ma was nowhere to be found. Not that I was complaining, it gives me more of a reason to blast my music without having to hear an old lady's nagging voice telling me to turn it down. In a quick movement, I was up the flight of stairs and already throwing myself onto the bed as I entered my room. The comfort of the comforter tempted me to fall asleep right then and there. My eyes felt heavy, my body relaxing, my mind blank, and bam, out like a light.

It's been a few days since I’ve messaged that random number, not that I actually remembered, to be honest. It's been a week since that text has been sent, and neither I nor, Sierra, or Bennie said anything more about it. I didn't bother to check the number to see if I had happened to get a reply from that number. The entire thing just slipped my mind.

I was currently sitting at my desk in my room while "Cigarette Ahegao" by Penelope Scott blasted through my phone beside me. I was trying to think of a new design for a shirt. My hands running through my messy pompadour. I should really get a new color for it. Maybe the pride flag? It could be cool; it would be an easier way to tell me, "Hey, yeah, I'm gay, so what?" I laughed at the thought, mom would probably kill me, but it would be worth the death.

While I was focused on my thoughts, the sound of a bell notification paused my music. It was from my messages. I was ready to swipe it away, thinking it was probably Bennie or Sierra asking if I wanted to hang out or tell me some recent tea, or mom telling me she wouldn't be home again tonight. I briefly paused what I was doing and looked at the message's name to be sure. 'Unknown,' I looked at the number and name, confused. I don't have anybody in my contacts with the name 'Unknown.' I know it could probably be some kind of spammer or someone who texted the wrong number, if that's even possible, and happened to text me by mistake. But, I still wanted to check and see if it's someone I happen to know but don't have saved in my phone.

Opening my messages, 'Unknown' was at the top of my conversations. When I clicked on the message, I noticed another text message from me.

(Tee) Hello

sent July 23, 2:48 p.m.

(Unknown) Hi


It took me a while to fully understand when this message was sent to this unknown rando. Then, it hit me. Like someone just slapped me with sudden realization. 

"That person that Sierra and Bennie made me a text," I mumbled to myself enchantingly.

I wasn't excited or anything, but I was shocked a little. To think I would really get some kind of reply from this person, not to mention it was an actual text and not somebody's pic or whatever.

"Okay, Tee, just go about this like you should texting any other person." Sitting up straight on my bed, I typed in a small message:

(Tee) How are you


Okay, here me out. I wasn't planning on talking to this person before. But, I mean, let's just see how this plays out. Who knows, it could be a friend of Sierra's or Bennie's. 

While I was trying to figure out a logical and reasonable answer to who could be the person I'm texting, the sound of a bell notification played. Turning my attention back to the device, I quickly opened my messages and shocked myself. 

(Unknown) I'm fine, but who r u?


The way they typed. Definitely a teen then. I've never had my mom or teacher send us a message or something looking like this. That made me a little better. I wasted no time typing my reply.

(Tee) Sorry to bother you, my friends just gave me this # to text


(Unknown) Oh, same with me


(Tee) oh, cool? Some friends we have


(Unknown) lol, yeah


We messaged all day from dusk to dawn. We talked about our day, our interests, hobbies, and so much more. It felt nice. I learned that they were high schoolers as well and attended the same school as me. I felt even happier after hearing that. I learned their name is Izzy. 

I also learned that they are, in fact, a 'she.' Or at least that's what they say.

(Tee) Proof or its not real


(Izzy) Lol, what do you want me to do? Send you a birth certificate or smth?


(Tee) how about a pic? of ur face of course 


(Izzy) only if you send one back


(Tee) fine


I waited for a bit to see if they'd really do it. I was expecting Izzy to send me some kind of random girl's pic that could be found on the web, so no high hopes. When I say 'Izzy has sent an image,' what I saw was quite skeptical. She was too beautiful. She had dark skin, like me, but seemed semi lighter. Hazel brown eyes and long black hair. Overall, my type.

(Tee) Cute, now how about a real one


(Izzy) wdym?


(Tee) this really you?


(Izzy) yes, lol, I trust you enough to show you a pic.


(Tee) righttt, well I guess it's my turn


Holding up my phone, I took a quick selfie: no filter or edits, just me. After sending it to Izzy, I did get sorta nervous about her response. What if she'll think it's weird for a girl to have a guy's hairstyle? Did I smile well? Did I have something in my teeth-

(Izzy) Cute <3


It's been officially three months since I've texted my new love interest, Izzy. We learned more about each other over time, and I just keep falling deeper. She actually listens to my problems when we're on the phone together, and I happily listen to hers. Not to mention she tells the best joke; I couldn't stop laughing from this one conversation we had at night. She has the cutest laugh that I'm sure anyone wouldn't mind hearing. Oh, and that photo that she sent me, yeah, turns out it was real, which is even better. I love everything about her. She makes me feel safe, and whenever we talk, I get so sad when it ends, but happy knowing I could call or text her whenever.

I was coming back home after I made a quick run to the corner store. Ma wasn't home at the time, and there was no food, so I went out to get some snacks. Stupidly leaving my phone in my room since I was in such a hurry. When I left, I think it was around '4:09 p.m,' the time Izzy and I had our new daily afternoon face call. I couldn't wait to see her cute face again. 

As I made my way down the sidewalk, I saw a car in the driveway. It was Ma's. A disappointed sigh left my lips as I made my way to the front door. I didn't want her here, but she pays the bills, so I can't do much but suffer. 

I made my way into the house, yelling out a quick 'I'm home!' so ma would know I didn't get kidnapped or something. Nothing. Maybe she didn't hear me? I repeated it, and this time I heard her call me upstairs. 

"What does this woman want with me now," I sighed, "it better be important." Honestly, she only ever talks to me if she:

  1. Has something to complain about to me or to complain about me.
  2. Showing me off to her office friends.
  3. Tell me she can't find time to be in her daughter's life.

It is usually two out of those three that happens ninety-nine percent of the time. When I made it upstairs, I called out to Ma, asking where she was. Her bedroom door was still closed last time I left so...

"In your room Tina." I stood at the foot of the staircase, shocked and confused. Tina. Alright, it must be important if she's using that name again. 

I made my way to my bedroom and stood in the doorway. I looked at my mom. She was sitting at the foot of my bed, with my phone. And it seems to be on. What the hell is she doing on my phone?

Stomping towards my mom, I snatched my phone from her hand, but not too hard or quick to hurt her. But that's not the issue. What could she possibly need on my phone-

"Who is Izzy?" Ma said as she looked at me

"What?" I asked confused

"I asked, who is Izzy? Why are you texting her? I don't recall meeting this ‘Izzy’ person." Her voice sounded more serious than it ever is. I was honestly kind of surprised she could sound like that. 

"A friend. But that's beside the point; what does she have to do with you, and why were you on my phone, Ma?" My questions began to come out, but my ma's expression didn't seem like she was done talking. 

"Tina-" she started.

"It's Tee, Ma." I stopped her mid-sentence.

"Tina...do we need to talk?" Ma's voice turned from serious to soft. 

"What's there to talk about? You don't usually want to talk, at least not like this." I scoffed as I crossed my arms, my body leaned against the frame of the door as my mother glared at me. What is her problem? If she had some kind of crappy day at work, I'm in no mood to have her take it out on me right now. 

"Look, Ma, if you don't mind. I want to talk to my friend, so if you don't mind leaving-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because she started hers.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me the truth, Tina!" Ma shouted as her body shot up from the bed. I was shocked. Ma, after so long, had raised her voice for once.

"What exactly am I supposed to be telling you the truth about? What do you think I'm here wasting my life away like "those kids" as you like to put it? Smoking, drinking, all that fancy stuff? Is that what you want to accuse me of?" my voice coming off as more hurt than mocking. Ma looked hurt herself, but she knows I'm not wrong about what I've said.

"You know what I'm talking about, young lady! What is this about you telling her that you'll marry her or whatever with this ‘Izzy’ person? It's not just them either, there's also Sierra and Bennie, and you tell them you like girls-" I panicked, my pulse quickened, and my breath hitched.

"Well, it's true! I like girls, Ma, I love them to the point I would want to marry one! Hell, I'd even have a kid with one if I could!" I shouted throughout the room. I watched as my mom walked closer to me, raising her hand.

Pain, but not so much. Just like a sting from a bee, but on the side of my face.

My mom slapped me. 

"I did not raise you to shout such nonsense, Tina. I didn't raise a homosexual!" My Ma's voice sounded cold and stern when she said that. I was more hurt by her words than her slap. 'Homosexual' and 'nonsense.' I could only laugh a little. I didn't deserve this. I wanted my mother to accept me as I am, I didn't need much from her, but her acceptance would be enough.

"Then you don't have to anymore, Ma." A single tear rolling down my cheek as I pushed past her and dug under my bed, pulling out a backpack.

I ignored my name being called by Ma as I began to stuff whatever I could in my bag. Few clothes, my necessities, and other stuff. Everything I needed so I wouldn't have to come back for more. I took whatever allowance I had with me and anything other things as I threw a random pair of tennis shoes on and stormed out of my room. Ma yelled behind me, asking where I was going and to answer her. I couldn't face her at the moment. I needed someone. Anyone other than her.

The first person I could think of was Izzy. After I stormed out the front door, I immediately called her. Waiting for her to answer as I ran down the sidewalk. I didn't care where I was heading. I just needed someone to talk to that wasn't my mom. 

I heard the phone stop ringing and a girl's voice on the other side. I stopped in my tracks and began to break down where I was. I didn't care if others could see me. I didn't care if they stopped or not to see if I was okay. I wanted Izzy. 

"Iz..could you send me your address?"

I was currently standing in front of Izzy's house. Or at least what I hope is her house. I eventually stopped crying, at least for now, I think. It's not a lot about what Ma said, hell I didn't really expect her to understand, but I didn't need her to be so extra about it.

I was caught up in my thought, I didn't notice the door's handle began to move. I froze in my tracks and waited for anticipation for it to open. I didn't even ask if she was there or if there was someone else home besides her. What if she has her parents over, or she's not even here? Or maybe her fiance-

"Tee?" a girl called out with confusion but low-key excitement.

I looked up to see her—my Izzy. When I saw her warm smile, I broke down yet again. The tears didn't stop. I felt her arms warm around me, she was so small and skinny, but the embrace was warm. I needed this, and I needed her. I don't wanna let her go. 

I won't. She's the sun to my day. The light to this confused soul. My other half. 

“Do you mind if I stay with you for a while…” I mumbled as I bent down a little and buried my face into the side of her neck. I felt her small hands run my back, making small circles as I could feel her small breaths hit my ear.

“Oh uh, sure? I’ll have to see with my mom about it though. Did something happen?” I heard the concern and worry in her voice.

I could only bury my face further into her neck, a sigh leaving her lips as she patted my back.

“Alright, come in and we’ll talk about it when you're ready.” I sat up and wiped my face of tears. So uncool of me. I felt Izzy’s small hand take into my slightly larger one and lead me into her house.

May 21, 2021 16:12

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1 comment

Kodi Gehrig
03:56 Jun 13, 2021

This was a great story I can relate to it my mom slapped my first time I came out to her


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