Horror Suspense Fantasy

“Good morning John, welcome to the public library, anything I can help you with?” Julia Manson asked softly. 

“No, just browsing, thank you,” replied John Walker. 

John proceeds to roam the aisles of literature not knowing what he seeks. He enters the section labeled, “spirits.” As he is walking he feels something. It felt as if one of the books reached out and touched his shoulder. To his surprise, he turns around and sees a glowing book. No title, no words, nothing, just the hard leather cover. John opens the book and has a vision. In his vision, he is greeted by an Angel. The Angel explains to him that there is a war going on right now and that the end of the world is near. 

“A war?” John questioned

“A war between good and evil, Angels and Demons. I need your help. I will come to you again and give you a list of things you need to gather.” the Angel replied and vanished. 

John was now confused. He was scared, lost, and paranoid. Everything he saw looked different. Everything he touched felt different. Everything he imagined was real was now all a lie. 

A couple of days passed and John was walking into his house shining down onto his porch chair. He remembered what the angel said and went and sat in the chair. This time he didn’t have a vision, instead, the angel appeared right before his eyes.

“You are going to need to find three things nearby to help you with this task, and at the third object, you will find a list of names,” said the angel

“How do I know what to find.” Asked John

“I will guide you,” replied the angel as she began to fade away

At this point John was in, he thought if he would just do what the angel said then it would all go away. 

As he was driving home from work he saw a light beaming on a vacant barn. He knew what he had to do, so John drove towards it. He opened the barn door to find the light on an ax. Bringing the ax back to his car, John was ready for his next item. The next day at work there was a light shining in the back of the tool shed. He opened the doors and found a metal bar. On the third day, John was at the garden store and as he was walking down the aisle a pair of gloves fell in front of him. He looked and they had no price tag, he shoved them in his sweatshirt and walked out. A piece of paper was under his windshield wiper and on that piece of paper were seven names. John had never met these people he had never heard of them. 

When he picked up the paper, the angel appeared in his passenger seat. 

“These are the first seven demons,” said the angel 

“But these are people, I do not want to murder anyone,” John cried

“You are not murdering John, you are saving the world from evil. You are to go in order from one to seven. As you approach your demon, put your gloves on and knock it out with the metal bar. Bring the demon back to your house and wait till it awakens. Take off the gloves and touch the demon with your bare hands, you will then see the evil. With the ax you are to kill the demon and bury it.” explained the angel 

The angle disappeared, and John began to cry. 

“I can’t do this,” he said

He came to realize that he has to do what he is told otherwise something bad is going to happen.  

It is now two in the morning on Monday and John prepares for the first demon on his list. He gets in his car and starts driving. Again, John had never heard of these people before but somehow he knew where to find them. He pulls up to a small white house. All the lights were off and there was nothing but the sound of the car running. 

John's hands are shaking as he tries to put on his gloves, his face is sweating and his heart is pounding. He knocks on the door and a lady opens the door. 

“Are you Mrs. Brown,” asked John 

“Um Yes, How do you know my name?” she replied with confusion

Without letting it go any further, John hit her over the head with the metal bar and stuffed her in his trunk. Following exactly what the angel told him to do, he set the demon on the ground and waited till it woke. He then took off the gloves and touched her. He instantly saw it. He saw the evil that this demon has done on Earth. As he took his hand off of her, his eyes peeled open, he stared in disbelief. He finished the Demon and buried her in his backyard. 

Time went on and John began to take out the demons one by one, repeating the steps ecstasy how the angel told him to. He was now on his seventh demon. The last one. John spent weeks trying to find this lady, he had a vision in his head like he has seen her before but he couldn’t seem to find her. He kept looking and soon enough he drove up to the library. He started having flashes of walking through the aisle. It was like he was just there but he remembered. He was just about to walk in when he started hearing a voice in his voice.

“Sir, Sir, are you alright?” said the lady. 

The library book dropped out of the air and there he was. John was right back in the library and he looked down at his feet at the book. 

“It wasn’t real,” John whispered 

“Sir is everything alright,” said the librarian

“Yes, just had a bad daydream,” replied John

As he was walking past the librarian, he touched her shoulder to say thank you. But before he could get any words out, he saw it. The same thing he saw when he touched every other demon. 

“But it couldn’t be,” John thought 

He looked down at her name tag. Mrs. Jones. The last name on John's list. 

April 29, 2021 20:24

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