Horror Thriller

The alarm went off.

– Tink-tink, the little hysterical machine rattled in my ears.

I sat up in bed without opening my eyes. My neck was itching as hell so I started kneading it heavily. The boss said to be on time today. What a jerk. Some sort of an important meeting, you see. His face immediately sets a bad tone for the whole day.

- Damn it. I just didn't want to think about him and all this routine from the beginning of a day. Anyway, fuck him. I wish it was already evening, and I'd go back. It's so nice to know that in the evening you will be back on your soft bed. Close your eyes again and you'll be out of this world for a good few hours. Even though my insomnia started a few years ago, just at the time when I was recruited by this shithead, some silent and comfortable place would be nice. Having opened the blanket, I felt extreme cold. The slippers at the bottom smelled damp as if they had been brought from a dank basement and put under the guise of a cozy attribute.

– Another disgusting day, I rubbed my eyes and stuck.

The room looked different. A dim cement instead of parquet got to my feet even through the slippers. There was a wooden door opposite the bed. I pricked up my ears and heard a faint splash of water and the rare squeak of birds outside. Then, a note on the table caught my attention. But my fingers were sweating, and I could barely pull the pages apart. "Don't leave the room", was written in fresh ink.

– What? Don’t leave the room as Brodsky said? I must have got too tired yesterday. Glitches are already appearing before my eyes. Feeling dizzy, I blinked. I saw something glistening on the table in the corner of my eyes. Before I could grab it, something rattled. The walls began to shrink. I came closer and saw my reflection. The walls were made of some shiny material.

– What the hell. The repulsive face was looking at me. His eyes were fathomless black, and the figure was intimidating by its shape. The lean and long limbs were tensed, ready for a fight. I felt a sharp pain in my legs, as happens when a strong fear comes up.

– Who are you? I shouted. The obnoxious figure repeated my actions in response. I stepped closer in disbelief. I recognized myself in the reflection. But I couldn't look like that. I looked down at my hands, the veins were sticking out from the tips of the fingers and up to the elbows, just like the figure had. Suddenly I realized that I was the only visible in these mirror-like walls. I grabbed a pillow from the bed, but its reflection disappeared into the wall. This is not happening. I’m stuck wondering where the hell am I? There was no response, as expected.

I could only hope that it was a stupid joke, made by someone small-minded.

– Was I kidnapped? The walls shrank rapidly a few more centimeters. Maybe it's someone's mistake? I sat on the bed and stared at the door. It was the usual flimsy door that everyone has in their home. The walls shrank even further. Soon, there would be nothing left of me. Why am I listening to this fucking note? I don't even know who wrote it. I took the key firmly and went there eagerly. The key was already visible in the lock when a shiver ran through my entire body.

– Anyone can stand outside the door. I must sit quietly before somebody helps me out. I threw the key away. Better off staying inside, at least no one could bother me here. I may have been kidnapped, but I'd rather be safe. No doubt they will realize they made a mistake. They will let me out for sure. I remembered the note. For some reason, the handwriting seemed very familiar. I've seen it somewhere before, the letter «t» with this squiggle reminds me something. I also write this way, it's strange. I looked around and found that the room was already so small that I could barely stretch out my arms.

– Holy shit!

There was an entire room here a few seconds ago! Where did it all go? There was a bed, a table, after all. I bet anyone would have opened the door long ago. But I know there is an ambush waiting for me. My pig-faced boss is standing outside, lighting a cigarette, ready to pull the trigger. I know him, he's always been like that. This dog could have arranged such a gift for me. The walls pressed against my ribs so I could hear my heavy breathing. I felt like a small fish in a tin that could once swim with the pack, but now it is alone and can’t get out. I don't even know who wrote this note, I don't understand what's going on at all, why can't I just leave this room? The feeling of fear squeezed my ribs until they almost cracked.

– I have to find the key and get out of here!

The realization came too late. I sat down to pick up the key at the bottom. I tried to get down and reach my hand to the floor, but I could only touch my knees. The wall across didn't let me even look at my feet. I couldn’t see the floor. Only blackness. There was not enough air. I opened my mouth. "Am I underwater?»

– Time is over, I said between gritted teeth. It's too late. My body went limp. “Don’t leave your room, don’t commit that fateful mistake”.

There is a long slow creak of the door. It's a clear day outside. Birds are flying by, hunting for insects. The warm, humid air is wrapping everything in its path. The hot rays of the sun warm the sleeping insects in the grass. A small but swift river flows calmly, carrying life further along the road. Relief.

May 21, 2021 16:02

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